Let's Improve our English !!

Event description

  • Күні: Apr 30, 2014
  • Time: 23:40
  • Мекен-жайы: Address visible for attendees
  • Телефон нөмері: 0798665686

I would like to organize a group meeting to practice English. Could you please suggest a place to meet, a date and a time convenient for everybody

Олар біз туралы пікір айтады!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


bezzaf profile picture bezzafMay 2014

I guess it was a great event , or may be at least some Algerian polyglots met with each other during that city ballad.why you did not make it more popular so we could be there ?

  • Gilledz profile picture GilledzMay 2014
    Yes it was a big event in Oran,we wanted to take the chance of this day and meet,it wasn't a big meeting as you see,no one reply to confimre their comming,but in chae Allah in futur there will be a real meeting.(P.S for the members,if you are not even sure of your attending just tell us which dates you are free or the place that suits to you)
Gilledz profile picture GilledzApril 2014
Who is going to join this meeting on Thursday at 10 am in "Place 1er Novembre"? , comment below just if you are sure,Thank you
evuj31 profile picture evuj31April 2014

hello , this in facebook the page about this walk programmed for the 1 st may :


if it doesn't appear just type as aresearch in facebook "

Le 1er mai, un rendez -vous attendu par les oranais, cette année et comme l'édition précédente on vous propose de découvrir autrement le centre ville. donc une balade urbaine sera organisé pour l’événement.
Des artistes d'Alger,d'Oran, d'Autriche ,d'Allemagne et de France animeront cette journée.

Point de rencontre place 1er novembre à 10h.

Itinéraire :Place 1er novembre (place d'arme)-Jardin ibn Badis (promenade de Létang)-Front de mer-Squart Port Saîd (placette des 2 crémeries)
thanks and have a nice day
evuj31 profile picture evuj31April 2014

hello, why not to organize this the  1 may during the annualy ballad that took place in Oran and called "la promenade de l'etang", we will meet each other and in the same time participate to this walk , thanks and have a nice day.
