100% GOOD (1 votes)回答语言问题
What's the difference between 'Nachbar' and 'Nachbarn'?

I have a vocabulary worksheet that says: Nachbarn, der, -n

but my dictionary says 'Nachbar(in)'

I read that 'Nachbarn' is the plural, but in that case, the article would be 'die' and not 'der' so I'm a little confused

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Jaegerjoe77 profile picture Jaegerjoe77June 2017
Der Nachbar (Singular) and Die Nachbarn (plural)
Die Nachbarin is the Female singular which means Female Neighbor. you can differentiate by looking at the word "in" for female. Example: Der Automatiker (Male) and Die Automatikerin (Female)
Bennoni profile picture BennoniApril 2017
Nachbarn is third grammatical case, example: ich habe den Nachbarn gesehen (i've seen the neighbor).
But it's true, its also the plural!
  • Duc_ profile picture Duc_March 2024
    ”Nachbarn” is also Dativ. I would prefer those terms instead of numbering, because the sequence in some grammar books isn’t always clear.
sonnent profile picture sonnentNovember 2019

(der) Nachbar is the singular and (die) Nachbarn is the plural and includes men and women. The female form is (die) Nachbarin (singular) and (die) Nachbarinnen (plural)

MissMisef profile picture MissMisefJuly 2017
"Ich war gerade (beim) Nachbarn."
"(Der) Nachbar war gerade bei mir."