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What is the difference between a smile and a grin?

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ej14 profile picture ej14April 2016
They're basically the same thing, but the tone is slightly different.

Smile is kind of the more general term, basically what you do when the corners of your mouth turn upwards (can range from to ). You can have a happy smile, or a polite smile (not really happy but smiling because you're supposed to), can be open or closed mouthed.

A 'grin' is a type of smile and usually only when you're really happy. Usually it's bigger (), almost always showing teeth. In fiction, people sometimes describe people having "evil grins". Basically that's kind of a manic, slightly insane grin (if you are familiar, the joker in Batman has an evil grin). Basically means "doing something very bad and really enjoying it".

I recommend doing a google image search for 'grin' and another one for 'smile'. It really drives the difference home.
amalmorrill profile picture amalmorrillMarch 2022

Grin: A smile in which the lips are parted to reveal the teeth.

Smile: A facial expression comprised by flexing the muscles of both ends of one's mouth, often showing the front teeth, without vocalisation, and in humans is a common involuntary or voluntary expression of happiness, pleasure, amusement or anxiety.

‘She's got a perfect smile.’; Wordle ‘He has a sinister smile.’; ‘She had a smile on her face.’; ‘He always puts a smile on my face.’; 

vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2023
A smile and a grin are two different facial expressions that differ in their intensity and meaning.

A smile is a relatively subtle facial expression that involves turning up the corners of the mouth, sometimes showing the teeth, and often conveys happiness, satisfaction or friendliness. A smile can be a natural response to positive emotions or a conscious display of politeness or courtesy.

A grin, however, is a more intense and obvious expression that involves a wide and almost forced stretching of the mouth and may involve baring the teeth. Grinning is often associated with mischief, teasing or conceit. It can also be a sign of aggression or negative emotions such as mockery or sarcasm.

In summary, while both a smile and a grin involves adjusting the muscles in the face around the mouth area, a smile is usually subtle and has a positive connotation, while a grin is often more obvious and can be interpreted as having a negative or mischievous undertone.
Zuperzallinne profile picture ZuperzallinneApril 2016
Please help
Zara412 profile picture Zara412August 2022
Simply- A smile can be sweet with lips closed😊
A grin cheesy normally showing teeth😁