
Text from byna_dark - English

    • Advantages and Disavantages of shopping online

    • The technology advances change the business format of the world, once several companies included the online format of sales, provinding to the customers the option of shopping from their houses, or any places.
    • The biggest advantage of shopping online is the praticality of choose the product and pay for it minutes or in second depending of the service.
    • This mode of shopping take off the necessity of spending hours driving to the stores, facing queues, and wating for atendiment.
    • Although, there is some negative points of buy things online.
    • The mainly problem is the security.
    • The hakers can clone the sites, and when the customer is looking for the product or searching prices can enter the wrong link which can send the client to the unofficial website.
    • Then, if the person buy the product the harkers will robber their dates, the money spend in the false product and cloned their card.
    • This happend often, and there is alot of people victm of this.
    • Other problem of security of the companies sites is the risck of make a purchase and the item don’t be delivered, lost in the way or the intem delivered be the wrong one.
    • Sometimes, the stores accept the exchamge but sometimes not.
    • Exist many ways of to be prejudice in the act of shopping online.
    • But, this just happened with the ones who don’t be carrfully.
    • When you verify all the signs of a trust site, which is easy, will just have advantages of shopping virtually.