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Tatar Alphabet & Pronunciation

Tatar is spoken by Tatars mainly located in modern Tatarstan (European Russia), as well as Siberia. In today's lesson, you will learn how to write the different letters of the Tatar alphabet, how to pronounce these letters whether it is through the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), or through a video with the pronunciation of the letters by a native speaker. You will also find at the end of this lesson a virtual keyboard to be able to type each special character of this language. After mastering the Tatar alphabet and pronunciation, you can further enhance your Tatar language skills by exploring Tatar Vocabulary → Numbers and Time → Numbers 1-20, Crimean-tatar Pronunciation, and Tatar Grammar → Adjectives and Adverbs → Adjective Agreement. Enjoy your journey into the fascinating world of the Tatar language! 📚🌍

Tatar Alphabet and IPA Pronunciation[edit | edit source]

Three scripts are currently used for the Tatar language:

  1. Arabic
  2. Cyrillic
  3. Latin

1. Arabic script (crimean)[edit | edit source]

From the 16th century until 1928, Crimean Tatars employed the Arabic script for writing. However, in 1928, they transitioned to using the Latin alphabet, which was influenced by Yañalif. The Arabic script used by Crimean Tatars featured a few altered Arabic letters.

Isolated Final Medial Initial Name Modern


elif (елиф) a, â
hemze (хемзе) -
be (бе) b, p (word-finally)
pe (пе) p
te (те) t
se (се) s
cim (джим) c
çim (чим) ç
ha (ха) -
hı (хы) h
dal (дал) d
zel (зел) z
re (ре) r
ze (зе) z
je (же) j
sin (син) s
şin (шин) ş
sad (сад) s
ﺿ dad (дад) d, z
tı (ты) t
zı (зы) z
ayn (айн) -
ğayn (гъайн) ğ
fe (фе) f
qaf (къаф) q

(kef-i arabiy) (кеф) (кеф-и арабий)

k (g, ñ)1

(kef-i farsiy) (геф) (кеф-и фарсий)


(kef-i nuniy, sağır kef) (неф) (кеф-и нуний, сагъыр кеф)

lâm (лям) l
mim (мим) m
nun (нун) n
vav (вав) v, o, ö, u, ü
he (хе) -, e, a
lâm-elif (лям-елиф) la, lâ
ye (йе) y, ı, i

1 — The letter (kef) was often used in place of and .

2. Cyrillic script[edit | edit source]

The official Cyrillic version of the Tatar alphabet used in Tatarstan contains 39 letters:

А Ә Б В Г Д Е (Ё) Ж Җ З И Й К Л М Н Ң О Ө П Р С Т У Ү Ф Х Һ Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я

Cyrillic letter Name IPA
А а а /a/ /a/
Ә ә ә /æ/ /æ/
Б б бэ /be/ /b/
В в вэ /we/ /w/; /v/
Г г гэ /ɡe/ /ɡ/; /ɣ/
Д д дэ /de/ /d/
Е е йе /je/, йы /jɤ/ /je/; /jɤ/; /e/
Ё ё йо /jo/ /jo/
Ж ж жэ /ʒe/ /ʒ/
Җ җ җэ /ʑe/ /ʑ/
З з зэ /ze/ /z/
И и и /i/ /i/
Й й кыска и /qɤsˈqɑ ˈi/ /j/
К к ка /qɑ/ /k/; /q/
Л л эль /el/ /l/
М м эм /em/ /m/
Н н эн /en/ /n/
Ң ң эң /eŋ/ /ŋ/
О о о /o/ /o/
Ө ө ө /ø/ /ø/
П п пэ /pe/ /p/
Р р эр /er/ /r/
С с vэс /es/ /s/
Т т тэ /te/ /t/
У у У /u/ /u/; /w/
Ү ү Ү /y/ /y/; /w/
Ф ф эф /ef/ /f/
Х х ха /xa/ /x/
Һ һ һэ /he/ /h/
Ц ц цэ /tse/ /t͡s/
Ч ч чэ /ɕe/ /ɕ/
Ш ш ша /ʃa/ /ʃ/
Щ щ ща /ʃɕa/ /ʃɕ/
Ъ ъ калынлык билгесе /qɑlɤnˈlɤq bilɡeˈse/ /ʔ/
Ы ы ы /ɤ/ /ɤ/
Ь ь нечкәлек билгесе /neɕkæˈlek bilɡeˈse/ /ʔ/
Э э э /e/ /e/; /ʔ/
Ю ю йу /ju/ /ju/; /jy/
Я я йа /ja/ /ja/; /jæ/

3. Latin script[edit | edit source]

The Zamanälif, meaning "modern alphabet" in Tatar, consists of 34 letters, including 10 vowels and 25 consonants. It is based on the ISO basic Latin alphabet, with the addition of 9 special letters: Çç, Ğğ, Şş, Ññ, Ää, Öö, Üü, Iı, and İi.

The full alphabet is as follows: A, Ä, B, C, Ç, D, E, F, G, Ğ, H, I, İ, J, K, L, M, N, Ñ, O, Ö, P, Q, R, S, Ş, T, U, Ü, V, W, X, Y, Z.

The Tatar vowels include: a/ä, o/ö, u/ü, ıy/i, and ı/e. The glottal stop (hämzä in Tatar) is represented by the symbol ⟨'⟩.

Tatar writing is predominantly phonetic, allowing the pronunciation of words to be inferred from their spelling, with the exception of recent loanwords and names.


in alphabet

Latin character Name IPA


1 A a A ɑ, ʌ
2 Ä ä Ä, noqtalı A æ, ə
3 B b b
4 C c ʑ
5 Ç ç Çé ɕ, t͡ʃ
6 D d d
7 E e E e
8 F f Éf f
9 G g ɡ
10 Ğ ğ Ğé ɣ
11 H h h
12 İ i I i
13 I ı I ɨ
14 J j ʒ, d͡ʒ
15 K k k
16 L l El l
17 M m Ém m
18 N n Én n
19 Ñ ñ Éñ ŋ
20 O o O o, oː
21 Ö ö Ö, noqtalı O œ
22 P p p
23 Q q Qu q
24 R r Ér r
25 S s És s
26 Ş ş Şa ʃ
27 T t t
28 U u U u
29 Ü ü Ü, noqtalı U ʏ
30 V v v
31 W w w
32 X x Éx x
33 Y y j, ɪ
34 Z z Zet z
' Hämzä ʔ

Video - Tatar Alphabet Pronunciation by a Native Speaker[edit | edit source]

Tatar Online Virtual Keyboard[edit | edit source]


Vincent and Maintenance script

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