Going to the doctor when visiting Morocco, Saudi Arabia, or any other Arabic-speaking country is more common than you might think. This basic vocabulary in Arabic will help you to explain what you are suffering from or say where it hurts to the doctor. In this lesson, we will learn the names of some common body parts in Arabic. We will also explore some cultural insights related to these body parts. Here is a list of Arab words involving the body parts with English translation, transliteration & Arabic writing. 📚🌍
After mastering this lesson, you might also be interested in learning about the longest word in Arabic, the months of the year in Arabic, or even expanding your vocabulary with Arabic words for fish and seafood!
Words in English & Arabic
- The body is written الجسم (al-jism) in Arabic.
English | Arabic (transliteration) | Arabic (writing) |
The body | al-jism | الجسم |
Ankle | kahil | كاحل |
Arm | Dhirae | ذراع |
Back | zahar | ظهر |
Breast | sadr | صدر |
Cheeks | Khdood | خدود |
Chest | sadar | صدر |
Chin | dhaqan | ذقن |
Ear | Othon | اذن |
Elbow | kue | كوع |
Eye | ayn | عين |
Eyebrow | alhajib | الحاجب |
Eyes | Ain | عين |
Face | Wajah | وجه |
Finger | Al’iisbe | الإصبع |
Fingernail | zufur | ظفر |
Forehead | Jabiyn | جبين |
Hair | Sh’ar | شعر |
Hand | Yad | يد |
Head | Ra’s | رأس |
Hip | khasira | خاصرة |
Jaw | fak | فك |
Knee | Rakba | ركبة |
Leg | Qadam | قدم |
Lip | shifa | شفة |
Mouth | Fam | فم |
Nail | dhofr | ظفر |
Neck | Raqabah | رقبه |
Nose | Anf | أنف |
Shoulder | kataf | كتف |
Stomach | batan | بطن |
Teeth | Asnan | أسنان |
Thumb | ‘iibham | إبهام |
Toe | ‘iisbae qadam | إصبع قدم |
Tongue | lisan | لسان |
Waist | wasat | وسط |
Wrist | risgh | رسغ |
Practice Phrases
Here are the 15 practice phrases with their Arabic translations, pronunciation guide, and English translations:
- لدي ألم في كاحلي. Pronunciation: Ladayya 'alam fi kahili. English: I have pain in my ankle.
- كسرت ذراعها أثناء لعبها كرة القدم. Pronunciation: Kasartu dhira'aha athna' la'abaha kurat al-qadam. English: She broke her arm while playing soccer.
- ألم في ظهره بينما كان يرفع صناديق ثقيلة. Pronunciation: Alam fi zahrihi baynma kan yarfa' sinadiq thaqila. English: He had pain in his back while lifting heavy boxes.
- الطفل يتغذى بالرضاعة الطبيعية. Pronunciation: Atifl yatghaza bil-rida'ah at-tabi'iyah. English: The baby is breastfeeding.
- لديها خدود وردية. Pronunciation: Ladayha khudud wardiyyah. English: She has rosy cheeks.
- لديه ندبة على صدره. Pronunciation: Ladayhi nidbah 'ala sadrihi. English: He has a scar on his chest.
- كن حذرًا ولا تصطدم بذقنك. Pronunciation: Kun hithran wala tasdam bi-dhaqnik. English: Be careful and don't bump your chin.
- قام الطبيب بفحص أذني. Pronunciation: Qama at-tabiib bifaHs 'uzniyy. English: The doctor examined my ears.
- صدم بمرفقه عن طريق الخطأ على الطاولة. Pronunciation: Sadam bimurfiqihi 'an tariq al-khata' 'ala at-tawilah. English: He accidentally bumped his elbow on the table.
- لديها عيون جميلة. Pronunciation: Ladayha 'uyun jamilah. English: She has beautiful eyes.
- رفع حواجبه في دهشة. Pronunciation: Rafa' hawajibih fi dahshah. English: He raised his eyebrows in surprise.
- وضعت واقيًا من الشمس لحماية وجهي من أشعة الشمس. Pronunciation: Wada'tu waqi'an min ash-shams li-himayat wajhi min ash'at ash-shams. English: I applied sunscreen to protect my face from the sun.
- رسمت أظافرها باللون الأحمر الزاهي. Pronunciation: Rasmata 'adhafirha bil-lawn al-ahmar az-zahi. English: She painted her nails bright red.
- لديه وشم على ساعده. Pronunciation: Ladayhi washm 'ala sa'idihi. English: He has a tattoo on his forearm.
- قامت بتمشيط شعرها قبل الخروج. Pronunciation: Qamtu bitamshith shi'raha qabl al-khuruj. English: She brushed her hair before going out.
By practicing these phrases with their Arabic translations, pronunciation guide, and English translations, you can further enhance your comprehension and usage of the body parts vocabulary in context.
- رأس (ra's) - head The head is an important body part in Arabic culture. It is considered a symbol of intelligence and wisdom. It is also a sign of respect to touch or kiss someone on their forehead, as it shows reverence for their knowledge and wisdom.
- عين (‘ayn) - eye Eyes are seen as a window to the soul in Arabic culture. It is believed that they reveal a person's true intentions and emotions. It is considered rude to stare at someone for a long time in Arabic culture, as it can be seen as invasive.
- أذن (’udhun) - ear Ears are associated with listening and learning in Arabic culture. It is believed that one should listen carefully to others and take their advice. It is also considered rude to speak loudly in public places, as it can disturb others who are trying to listen or concentrate.
- فم (fam) - mouth The mouth is associated with speech in Arabic culture. It is believed that one should use their words wisely and avoid saying hurtful things to others. It is also important to keep the mouth clean and fresh, as bad breath can be seen as a sign of poor hygiene.
- يد (yad) - hand Hands are seen as a symbol of power and action in Arabic culture. It is considered disrespectful to touch someone with the left hand, as it is traditionally seen as the hand used for unclean tasks. The right hand is the preferred hand for shaking hands, giving gifts, and eating.
- قدم (qadam) - foot Feet are seen as a symbol of humility and respect in Arabic culture. It is customary to remove one's shoes before entering a mosque or someone's home. It is also considered impolite to show the soles of one's feet to others, as it is seen as a sign of disrespect.
- What is the Arabic word for "body"?
- How do you say "ankle" in Arabic?
- Translate "arm" into Arabic.
- What is the Arabic word for "back"?
- How do you say "breast" in Arabic?
- Translate "cheeks" into Arabic.
- What is the Arabic word for "chest"?
- How do you say "chin" in Arabic?
- Translate "ear" into Arabic.
- What is the Arabic word for "elbow"?
- al-jism (الجسم)
- kahil (كاحل)
- Dhirae (ذراع)
- zahar (ظهر)
- sadr (صدر)
- Khdood (خدود)
- sadar (صدر)
- dhaqan (ذقن)
- Othon (اذن)
- kue (كوع)
Body Parts in Arabic
Arabic Language - Sentences Using Body Parts
Learn Arabic (Vocabulary) With Pictures
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