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Astronomy in Serbian
Astronomy in Serbian

Hello Everyone, 😊

Welcome to our lesson on Serbian Vocabulary → Astronomy! In this lesson, we will explore the fascinating world of astronomy in the Serbian language. As you dive into this topic, don't forget that you can also expand your Serbian vocabulary by checking out our lessons on Serbian education terms, camping vocabulary, and Serbian movies and theater terms.

Feel free to contribute and edit this page if you think it can be improved. Enjoy your journey through the stars and the Serbian language! 🌟

Astronomy in Serbian[edit | edit source]





Planet Планета plçah neh tah Planeta
Star Звезда zveh zdah Estrela
Earth Земља zehm lyah Terra
Moon Месец meh tseh ts Lua
Sun Сунце soon tseh Sol
Sky Небо neh boh Céu
Space Свемир, васиона sveh mihr, vah syoh nah Espaço
Galaxy Галаксија gah lahk see yah Galáxia
Comet Комета koh meh tah Cometa


Млечни пут,

Кумова слама

mleh chnih poot,

kou moh vah slah mah



Constellation Сазвежђе sahz vehzh cheh Constelação
Black hole Црна рупа tsehr nah rou pah Buraco Negro
Mercury Меркур mehr koor Mercúrio
Venus Венера veh neh rah Vênus
Mars Марс mahr ts Marte
Jupiter Јупитер youp tehr Júpiter
Saturn Сатурн sah toorn Saturno
Uranus Уран ou rahn Urano
Neptune Нептун nehp toon Netuno
Pluto Плутон plou tohn Plutão
Alien Ванземаљац vahn zeh mah lyahts Estrangeiro
Pleiades Седам Влашчића seh dahm vlahsh chih jah Plêiades
Polaris Северњача seh vehr ryah chah Polaris
Ursa Minor Мали медвед mah lih mehd vehd Ursa Menor
Ursa Major Велики медвед veh lih kih mehd vehd Ursa Maior
Shooting star Звезда падалица zvehz dah pah dah Estrela Cadente

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