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Hello Russian learners! 😀

In today's lesson you will learn the ¨DAYS OF THE WEEK¨ and some related words in Russian.

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Origin of Russian days of the week

Note: а́ - accent; (m),(f),(n) - gender of the word, (pl) - plural

  • Понеде́льник (m) = Monday and means "A day after 'недели'".

This word 'неделя' meant 'Sunday' in the old Russian (because it meant "a day without work"). Now the word 'неделя' means "Sunday" in all other Slavic languages, except Russian. The modern Russian the word 'неделя' = 'week'. In modern Russia, the week begins on Monday!

  • Вто́рник (m) = Tuesday and means "second(day)".
  • Среда́ (f) = Wednesday and means "midweek" also "humpday" in America

In old Russia, the week begins on Sunday and this day was in the middle of the week. Modern word 'середи́на' or old 'среди́на'= 'the middle'

  • Четве́рг (m) = Thursday and means "fourth(day)"
  • Пя́тница (f) = Friday and means "fifth(day)"
  • Суббо́та (f) = Saturday, the word came from a word meaning Sabbath
  • Воскресе́нье (n) = Sunday and means "Resurrection (of Jesus, certainly)"


  • Янва́рь - January
  • Февра́ль - February
  • Мaрт - March
  • Апре́ль - April
  • Май - May
  • Ию́нь - June
  • Ию́ль - July
  • А́вгуст - August
  • Сентя́брь - September
  • Октя́брь - October
  • Ноя́брь - November
  • Дека́брь - December

*all names are masculine and have Latin origin

Related words

  • Сего́дня (n) - Today (pronounced "sivodnya" and means 'of this day')
  • За́втра (n) - Tomorrow
  • Вчера́ (n) - Yesterday
  • День (m) - Day, daytime, afternoon (12..~18 o`clock)
  • По́лдень (m) - Midday, noon (пол~ = 'half')
  • По́лночь (f) - Midnight (пол~ = 'half')
  • Су́тки (pl) - 24 hours
  • Неде́ля (f) - Week
  • Ме́сяц (m) - Month
  • Кварта́л (m) - Quarter (3 months)
  • Год (m) - Year
  • Полуго́дие (n) - Half-year, semester (6 months)
  • Дека́да (f) - Decade (10 years)
  • Век (m) - Century
  • Столе́тие (n) - Century (100 years)
  • Тысячеле́тие (n) - Millennium (1000 years)
  • Э́ра (f) - Era, eon
  • ...до на́шей э́ры (до н.э.) - Before Christ (B.C.)
  • ...на́шей э́ры (н.э.) - Anno Domeni (A.D.)
  1. The preposition "в" is used to mean "on". ("в понедельник" - on Monday). If the last letter is "а" it becomes "y".
  2. The days always start with a lowercase letter unless at the start of a sentence.

Here are the days of the week in Russian. Learn how to write them.

Also, you will find examples of using them with the most popular prepositions.

Examples with prepositions:

  • Monday - Понедельник (m)

most popular preposition is "в понедельник". Example "Я увижу своих друзей в понедельник". Somethimes you can use "на" if you plan something on that day. Example "Мы перенесли встречу на понедельник"

  • Tuesday - Вторник (m)

most popular preposition is "во вторник". Example "Мама позвонит во вторник". Somethimes you can use "на" if you plan something on that day. Example "Я изменил день на вторник"

  • Wednesday - Среда (f)

most popular preposition is "в среду". Example "Он приезжал в среду". Somethimes you can use "на" if you plan something on that day. Example "Мой начальник перенес совещание на среду"

  • Thursday - Четверг (m)

most popular preposition is "в четверг". Example "В четверг будет солнечно ". Somethimes you can use "на" if you plan something on that day. Example "Операция назначена на четверг"

  • Friday - Пятница (f)

most popular preposition is "в пятницу". Example "Магазин не работает в пятницу". Somethimes you can use "на" if you plan something on that day. Example "Открытие клуба назначено на пятницу"

  • Saturday - Суббота (f)

most popular preposition is "в субботу". Example "Ты пойдёшь на день рождения в субботу?". Somethimes you can use "на" if you plan something on that day. Example "Я запланировал праздник на субботу"

  • Sunday - Воскресенье (n)

most popular preposition is "в воскресенье". Example "Я болел в воскресенье". Somethimes you can use "на" if you plan something on that day. Example "Давай перенесем ужин на воскресенье"

Also you can use "до" if you mean that you going to do something until exactly day of the week. Example "Я должен закончить книгу до вторника", "Моя жена уехала в командировку до пятницы"

Related proverbs

  • "Семь пятниц на неделе" - "Seven Fridays in the week" - a joke about a disorganized/forgetful/strange person.
  • "Из-под пятницы суббота торчит" - "Saturday sticks out under Friday" - a joke about a person when his outerwear doesn't cover his underwear.



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