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[[File:Animals in Russian.png|alt=Animals in Russian|thumb|Animals in Russian]]
[[File:Animals in Russian.png|alt=Animals in Russian|thumb]]

Welcome to our lesson on Russian Vocabulary → Animal! 🐾 In this lesson, we will explore the fascinating world of animals in the Russian language. As a Russian language teacher with 20 years of experience, I am excited to share with you the names of various animals, their characteristics, and some interesting facts about them in Russian. 🦁🐯🐻

After mastering this lesson, you might also be interested in expanding your Russian vocabulary in other areas. Check out our lessons on [[Language/Russian/Vocabulary/Herbs-and-Spices|Russian herbs and spices]], where you can learn the names of popular herbs and spices used in Russian cuisine. 🌿🍲 Or, if you're a bird lover, our [[Language/Russian/Vocabulary/Bird|Russian bird vocabulary]] lesson will teach you the names of various birds in Russian. 🦉🦆

Hello everybody,
And for those who are planning to drive in Russia or simply want to learn more about transportation-related vocabulary, our [[Language/Russian/Vocabulary/Driving|Russian driving vocabulary]] lesson is a must-visit. 🚗🚦

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about '''¨ANIMALS¨''' in Russian.
So, let's dive into the world of Russian animal vocabulary and start learning together! 🐾📚
Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions!
Good learning! :)

== '''Some Animals in Russian''' ==
== '''Some Animals in Russian''' ==
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'''жаворонок''' - skylark[[File:animals-vocabulary-in-russian.png|thumb]]
'''жаворонок''' - skylark[[File:animals-vocabulary-in-russian.png|thumb]]
Welcome to our lesson on Russian Vocabulary → Animal! 🐾 In this lesson, we will explore the fascinating world of animals in the Russian language. As a Russian language teacher with 20 years of experience, I am excited to share with you the names of various animals, their characteristics, and some interesting facts about them in Russian. 🦁🐯🐻

After mastering this lesson, you might also be interested in expanding your Russian vocabulary in other areas. Check out our lessons on [[Language/Russian/Vocabulary/Herbs-and-Spices|Russian herbs and spices]], where you can learn the names of popular herbs and spices used in Russian cuisine. 🌿🍲 Or, if you're a bird lover, our [[Language/Russian/Vocabulary/Bird|Russian bird vocabulary]] lesson will teach you the names of various birds in Russian. 🦉🦆
And for those who are planning to drive in Russia or simply want to learn more about transportation-related vocabulary, our [[Language/Russian/Vocabulary/Driving|Russian driving vocabulary]] lesson is a must-visit. 🚗🚦
So, let's dive into the world of Russian animal vocabulary and start learning together! 🐾📚

Revision as of 10:12, 25 March 2023

Animals in Russian

Welcome to our lesson on Russian Vocabulary → Animal! 🐾 In this lesson, we will explore the fascinating world of animals in the Russian language. As a Russian language teacher with 20 years of experience, I am excited to share with you the names of various animals, their characteristics, and some interesting facts about them in Russian. 🦁🐯🐻

After mastering this lesson, you might also be interested in expanding your Russian vocabulary in other areas. Check out our lessons on Russian herbs and spices, where you can learn the names of popular herbs and spices used in Russian cuisine. 🌿🍲 Or, if you're a bird lover, our Russian bird vocabulary lesson will teach you the names of various birds in Russian. 🦉🦆

And for those who are planning to drive in Russia or simply want to learn more about transportation-related vocabulary, our Russian driving vocabulary lesson is a must-visit. 🚗🚦

So, let's dive into the world of Russian animal vocabulary and start learning together! 🐾📚

Some Animals in Russian








The cat koht Кот cot O gato
The cat koh shih kah Кошка co chi ca O gato
The dog sah bah kah Собака sa ba ca O cachorro
The bear myehd vyehd Медведь mied vied O urso
The elephant slohn Слон slon O elefante
The lion lyehv Лев liev O leão
The tiger tih grih Тигр ti gr O tigre
The giraffe zhih rahf Жираф ji raf A girafa
The camel vehr blih ood Верблюд ver bli ud O camelo
The rabbit kho lihk Кролик co lik O coelho
The hare zah yahts Заяц za iats A lebre
The monkey ah beh zih ah nah Обезьяна a be zia na O macaco
The squirrel vyehl kah Белка vieL ca O esquilo
The wolf vohlk Волк voLk O lobo
The fox lih sah Лиса li sa A raposa
The mole kroht Крот  crot A toupeira
The mouse muh shih Мышь mâch O rato
The rat kruh sah Крыса crâ sa O rato
The hedge-hog eh zhihk Ежик ejík O ouriço
The snake zmee yah Змея zmiia A cobra
The antelope ah tih loh pah Антилопа an ti lo pa O antílope
The bison bih zohn Бизон bi zon O bisonte
The buffalo bou ih vohl Буйвол bui voL O búfalo
The moose lohs Лось los O alce
The deer ah lyehn Олень a lien O veado
The porcupine dih koh brahz Дикобраз si co braz O porco-espinho
The zebra zih brah Зебра zi bra A zebra
The rhino noh sah rohk Носорог no sa rok O rinoceronte
The hippopotamus bih gih moht Бегемот bi gui mot O hipopótamo
The gorilla gah rihl lah Горилла ga riL la O gorila
The chimpanzee shihm pah zyeh Шимпанзе chim pa zie O chimpanzé
The orangutan oh rahn gou tahn Орангутанг o ran gu tan O orangotango
The squirrel vyehl kah Белка vieL ca O esquilo
The ape ah byeh zih nah Обезьяна a bie zi na O macaco
The leopard lyoh pahrd Леопард lio pard O leopardo
The cheetah geh pahrt Гепард gue part A chita
The panda pahn dah Панда pah da O panda
The gazelle gah zyehl Газель ga zieL A gazela
The cow kah poh vah Корова ca ro va A vaca
The bull buhk Бык bâk O touro
The buffalo bou ih vohl Буйвол bui voL O búfalo
The sheep ahv tsah Овца av tsa A ovelha
The ram bah rahn Баран ba ran O carneiro
The goat kah zyohl Козёл ca zioL A cabra
The donkey ah sohl Осел a soL O burro
The horse loh shaht Лошадь lo chat O cavalo
The goose goos Гусь gus O ganso
The spider pah ouk Паук pauk A aranha
The ant mou rah vay Муравей mu ra vei A formiga
The bee pcheh lah Пчела ptche la A abelha
The wasp ah sah Оса a sa A vespa
The worm chehrv Червь tcherv O verme
The butterfly bah boh chih kah Бабочка ba botch ca A borboleta
The moth mah tuh lyohk Мотылек ma tâ liok A mariposa
The kangaroo kehn gou rou Кенгуру ken gu ru O canguru
The emu eh mou Эму e mu O emu
The koala koh ah lah Коала co a la O coala
The fish ruh bah Рыба râ ba O peixe
The dolphin dyehl fihn Дельфин dieL fin O golfinho
The crocodile kroh kah dihl Крокодил cro ca diL O crocodilo
The octopus ahs mih nohk Осьминог  as mi nok O polvo
The whale kiht Кит  kit A baleia
The shark ah kou lah Акула a ku la O tubarão
The turtle chih rih pah hah Черепаха tchi ri pa ra A tartaruga
The frog lih gou sh kah Лягушка li gu ch ca O sapo
The seal nyehr pah Нерпа nier pa A nerpa
The toad zhah bah Жаба ja ba O sapo
The squid kahl mahr Кальмар caL mar A lula
The pig svih nyah свинья svi nia O porco
The hippopotamus bih gih moht бегемот bi gui mot O hipopótamo
The lama lah mah лама lha ma O lhama
The chinchilla shihn shihn lah шиншилла chin chin la A chinchila
The panther pahn tyeh rah пантера pan tye ra A pantera
The gull chah ih kah чайка tchái ca A gaivota
The duck oot kah утка ut ca O pato
The chameleon hah meh lyohn хамелеон Hah me lion O camaleão
The beetle zhook жук juuk O besouro
The chipmunk bou roun dook бурундук bu run duk O esquilo
The hedgehog eh zhihk Ежик e jik O ouriço
The aurochs zoo brih зубр zu br Os auroques
The lizard yah sheh ree tsah ящерица ia che ri tsa O lagarto
The walrus mohr zhih морж morj A morsa
The snail ou liht kah улитка u lit ca O caracol
The crayfish rahk рак rak O lagostim
The lobster ah mahr омар a mar A lagosta
The crab krahb краб crab O caranguejo
The shrimp krih vyeht kah креветка cri viet ca O camarão
The turkey ihn dih youk индюк in diuk O peru


Some Birds in Russian








The bird ptih tsah Птица pti tsa O pássaro
The chicken kou rih tsah Курица cu ri tsa A galinha
The cock pyeh tour Петух pie tuH O galo
The starling skih voh ryeh tsih Скворец squi vo riets O estorninho
The blackbird drohzt Дрозд drozit O melro-preto
The woodpecker dyah tehl Дятел dia teL O pica-pau
The sparrow vah rah bay Воробей va ra bei O pardal
The crow vah roh nah Ворона va ro na O corvo
The bullfinch sneh gihr Снегирь sne guir O dom-fafe
The owl sah vah Сова sa va A coruja
The penguin pihn gou ihn Пингвин pin gu in O pinguim
The parrot pah pou gah ih Попугай pa pu ga i O papagaio
The robin mah lih nohv kah Малиновка ma li nov ca O pisco de peito-ruivo
The pigeon gah loob Голубь ga luub O pombo
The peacock pah vlihn Павлин pa vlin O pavão
The flamingo flah mihn gah Фламинго fla min ga O flamingo
The ostrich strah oos Страус straus O avestruz
The swan lyeh behts лебедь lie bet O cisne
The black grouse tyeh teh rehv тетерев tie te rev O galo-lira



In this lesson you will learn the names of animals in Russian.

Feel free to edit this page. :)


Животные - Animals


Кот - cat

Кошка - cat

Собака - dog

Медведь - bear

Слон - elephant

Лев - lion

Тигр - tiger

Жираф - giraffe

Верблюд - camel

Кролик - rabbit

Заяц - hare

Обезьяна - monkey

Белка - squirrel

Волк - wolf

Лиса - fox

Крот - mole

Мышь - mouse

Крыса - rat

Ежик - hedge-hog

Змея - snake

Антилопа - antelope

Бизон - bison

Буйвол - buffalo

Лось - elk, moose

Олень - deer

Дикобраз - porcupine

Зебра - zebra

Носорог - rhino

Гиппопотам - hippopotamus

Горилла- gorilla

Шимпанзе - chimpanzee

Орангутанг - orangutan

Белка - squirrel

Обезьяна - ape

Леопард - leopard

Гепард - cheetah

Панда - panda

Газель - gazelle

Корова - cow

Бык - bull

Буйвол - buffalo

Овца - sheep

Баран - ram

Коза, Козёл - goat

Осел - donkey

Лошадь - horse

Гусь - goose

Паук - spider

Муравей - ant

Пчела - bee

Оса - wasp

Червяк - worm

Бабочка - butterfly

Моль - moth

Кенгуру - kangaroo

Эму - emu

Коала - koala

Рыба - fish

Дельфин - dolphin

Крокодил - crocodile

Осьминог - octopus

Кит - whale

Акула - shark

Черепаха - turtle

Лягушка - frog

Нерпа - seal

Жаба - toad

Кальмар - squid

свинья pig

бегемот hippopotamus

лама lama

шиншилла chinchilla

пантера panther

чайка gull

синица tit

утка duck

хамелеон chameleon

жук beetle

бурундук chipmunk

ёж hedgehog

зубр aurochs

ящерица lizard

кукушка cuckoo

тюлень seal

морж walrus

улитка snail

рак crayfish

омар lobster

краб crab

креветка shrimp

индюк turkey


Птицы - Birds


Птица - bird

Курица - chicken

Петух - cock

Скворец - starling

Дрозд - blackbird

Дятел - woodpecker

Воробей - sparrow

Ворона - crow

Снегирь - bullfinch

Сова - owl

Пингвин - penguin

Попугай - parrot

Малиновка - robin

Голубь - pigeon

Павлин - peacock

Фламинго - flamingo

Страус - ostrich

лебедь - swan

тетерев - black grouse

жаворонок - skylark



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