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Weather in Romansh
Weather in Romansh

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨WEATHER¨ in Romansh

Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions !

Happy learning ! :)

Once you've mastered this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Useful Sentences in the Romansh language, Months of the Year, Parts of the Body & Time.

Some words for Weather in Romansh[edit | edit source]



The sun Il sulegl O sol
The moon La glina A lua
The star La staila A estrela
The water L`aua A água
The rain La plievgia A chuva
The river Il fluss O rio
The lake La mar O lago
The sea La mar O mar
The salt Il sal O sal
The stone La pedra A pedra
The sand Il sablun A areia
The dust La pulvra A poeira
The Earth La Terra A Terra
The cloud Il nivel A nuvem
The fog La tschajera O nevoeiro
The sky Il tschiel O céu
The wind Il vent O vento
The snow La naiv A neve
The ice Il glatsch O gelo
The smoke Il fim A fumaça
The fire IL fieu O fogo
The ash La tschendra As cinzas
To burn brennen Queimar
The road l`autostrada A estrada
The mountain La muntogna A montanha
The street La strada A rua
The rainbow L`artg O arco-íris

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