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|You want horse window looks good but you also want him not to  eat grass.
|You want horse which looks good but you also want him not to  eat grass.

Revision as of 17:44, 20 February 2019

Here is a list of interesting Chinese proverbs and Chinese expressions.

Chinese Pinyin Translation
天下无不散之筵席 There is no endless banquet under the sun.
各花入各眼 Different flowers look good to different people
以毒攻毒 We fight poison with poison
花开堪折直需折 You have to pick the flower when it is ready to be picked.
岁月不留人 Age and time are waiting for no one.
虎父虎子 The tiger father breeds a tiger son.
人算不如天算 The projects of man are inferior to those of heaven.
好事多磨 A happy event does not happen without many frictions
盗亦有道 (Even) thieves have "their code of behavior" (Tao)
大丈夫能屈能伸 A tall man can bend and stretch.
不入虎穴,焉得虎子 If you do not enter the tiger cave, how are you going to get her cub?
又要马儿好,又要马儿不食草 You want horse which looks good but you also want him not to eat grass.
无风不起浪 There is no wave without wind.
入乡随俗 Follow the local custom when you go abroad.
物以类聚 Things of the same characteristics come together.
醉翁之意不在酒 The drunkard's desire is not in the wine.
骄兵必败 The arrogant army will certainly lose the battle.
一箭双雕 Shoot two birds with one arrow.
一刻被蚊咬终日怕蚊叮 Who gets bitten by a mosquito, worries mosquitoes all day long.
欲速则不达 If you are in a hurry you will never succeed.
打铁趁热 You have to beat the iron when it's still hot.
狡兔有三窟 The cunning rabbit has three different entrances for his lair
老婆是别人的靚 Your neighbor's wife looks nicer to yours.
女人心海底针 The heart of a woman is like a needle at the bottom of the ocean.
以攻為守 Use the attack as a defense tactic.
英雄所见略同 The views of the heroes are roughly identical.
以身作则 Be yourself a model.
婚姻是恋爱的坟墓 Marriage is the tomb of romance.
将军难免阵上亡 It is not uncommon for a general to die in battle.

