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The simple present tense of the verb TO HAVE (kozala na)


Let's review the last lesson about the verb TO BE (

I am Nazali/naza
You are Ozali/oza
He/she is Azali/aza
It is Ezali/eza
We are Tozali/toza
You are Bozali/boza
They are Bazali/baza


The verb TO HAVE (TO POSSESS) derive from the verb TO BE. In fact, we litteraly say TO BE WITH (kozala na)

  • I have (got) > Naza(li) na: I have a phone> Naza na telefoni
  • You have (got) > Oza(li) na: You have a house> Oza na ndaku
  • He/she has (got) > Aza(li) na: He/she has a book> Aza na buku
  • It has (got) > Eza(li) na: It has a door> Eza na porti (ekuke)
  • We have (got) > Toza(li) na: We have a dog> Toza na mbwa
  • You have (got) > Boza(li) na: You have siblings> Boza na bandeko
  • They have (got) > Baza(li) na: They have children> Baza na bana.

Note: The spoken language always use the short form of the verb. We say 'naza' instead of 'nazali' though the complete form is used in formal writings.


Vincent and Maintenance script

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