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Weather in Galician
Weather in Galician

Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic: ”WEATHER” in Galician

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Happy learning!

Take some time to dive into these other pages after completing this lesson: Animals, Numbers, Pronouns in Galician & Feelings and Emotions.

Weather in Galician[edit | edit source]

The sun O sol oh sohl O sol
The moon A lúa ah lou ah A lua
The star A estrela ah ehs treh lah A estrela
The water A auga ah ow gah A água
The rain A choiva ah choh ih vah A chuva
The river O río oh ree oh O rio
The lake O lago oh lah goh O lago
The sea O mar oh mahr O mar
The salt O sal oh sahl O sal
The stone A pedra ah peh drah A pedra
The sand A area ah ah reh ah A areia
The dust O po oh poh A poeira
The Earth A Terra ah teh hah A Terra
The cloud A nube ah nou beh A nuvem
The fog A néboa ah neh boh ah O nevoeiro
The sky O ceo oh seh oh O céu
The wind O vento oh vehn toh O vento
The snow A neve ah neh veh A neve
The ice O xeo ah sheh oh O gelo
The smoke O fume oh fou meh A fumaça
The fire O lume oh lou meh O fogo
The ash A cinza ah sihn zah As cinzas
To burn queimar kay mahr Queimar
The road A estrada ah ehs trah dah A estrada
The mountain A montaña ah mohn tah nyah A montanha
The street A rúa ah roo ah A rua
The rainbow O arco da vella oh ahr koh dah veh lyah O arco-íris

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