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Parts of the body in Galician
Parts of the body in Galician

Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic: ”PARTS OF THE BODY” in Galician

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Consider broadening your understanding by checking out these related lessons: Animals, Numbers, Count to 10 & Pronouns in Galician.

Parts of the body in Galician[edit | edit source]

The hairs Os pelos ohs peh lohs Os cabelos
The head A cabeza ah kah beh sah A cabeça
The ear O oído oh oh ih doh A orelha
The eye O ollo oh oh lyoh O olho
The nose O nariz oh nah rihs O nariz
The mouth A boca ah boh kah A boca
The tooth O dente oh dehn teh O dente
The tongue A lingua ah lihn gou ah A língua


The fingernail A uña ah ou nyah A unha
The foot O pé oh peh O pé
The leg A perna ah pehr nah A perna
The knee O xeonllo oh sheh ohn lyoh O joelho
The hand A man ah mahn A mão
The neck O pescozo oh pehs koh soh O pescoço
The back A parte traseira ah pahr teh trah say rah As costas
The heart O corazón oh koh rah sohn O coração
The forehead A testa ah tehs tah A testa

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