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Animals in Galician
Animals in Galician

Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic: ”ANIMALS” in Galician

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Animals in Galician[edit | edit source]





The fish O peixe oh pay sheh O peixe
The bird O paxaro oh pah shah roh O pássaro
The dog O can oh kahn O cachorro
The pig O porco oh pohr koh O porco
The rabbit O coello oh koh eh lyoh O coelho
The donkey O burro oh boo hoh O burro
The mouse O rato oh rah toh O rato
The horse O cabalo oh kah bah loh O cavalo
The turtle A tartaruga ah tahr tah roo gah A tartaruga
The spider A araña ah ah rah nyah A aranha
The duck O pato oh pah toh O pato
The lion O león oh leh ohn O leão
The bear O oso oh oh soh O urso
The elephant O elefante oh eh leh fahn teh O elefante
The cat O gato oh gah toh O gato

Other Animals[edit | edit source]

English Galician
Animal animal
Bear oso
Bird paxaro
Butterfly mariposa
Cat gato
Cow vaca
Dog can
Donkey burro
Eagle aguia
Elephant elefante
Farm granxa
Forest bosque
Goat cabra
Horse cabalo
Insect insecto
Lion león
Monkey mono
Mosquito mosquito
Mouse rato
Rabbit coello
Snake serpe
Spider araña

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