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Verbs in Asturian
Verbs in Asturian

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨VERBS¨ in Asturian

Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions !

Happy learning ! :)

Finish this lesson and explore these related pages: Asturian Grammar, Months of the year in Asturian, Possessive Case in Asturian & Past Tense.

Some verbs in Asturian[edit | edit source]



to drink beber beber
to eat comer comer
to bite morder morder
to suck chupar chupar
to spit cuspir cuspir
to vomit vomitar vomitar
to blow soplar explodir
to breathe respirar respirar
to laugh rir rir
to see ver ver
to hear oyer ouvir
to know




to know




to think pensar pensar
to smell goler cheirar
to fear atarrecer temer
to sleep dormir dormir
to live vivir viver
to die morrer morrer
to kill matar matar
to fight lluchar lutar
to hunt cazar caçar
to hit bater acertar
to cut cortar cortar
to split partir dividir
to dig cavar cavar
to swim nadar nadar
to fly volar voar
to walk andar andar
to come venir vir
to sit sentar sentar
to stand tar ficar de pé
to turn voltiar virar
to fall cayer cair
to give dar dar
to hold sostener segurar
to squeeze apertar espremer
to wash llavar lavar
to clean llimpiar limpar
to push emburriar empurrar
to throw llanzar arremessar
to tie atar amarrar
to sew coser costurar
to count contar contar
to say dicir dizer
to sing cantar cantar
to play xugar jogar
to flow afluyir fluir
to freeze xelar congelar
to swell hinchir inchar

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