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Weather in Tunisian Arabic
Weather in Tunisian Arabic


Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨WEATHER¨ in Tunisian Arabic

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Good learning ! :)



Weather in Tunisian Arabic







The sun الشمس ish shah mihs O sol
The moon القمرة ihl Qah mih rah A lua
The star النجم ihn nah zheem A estrela
The water الماء ihl meh A água
The rain المطر ihl mah Tahr A chuva
The river الواد ih loo ahd O rio
The lake البحيرة ihl bou hay rah O lago
The sea البحر ihl bih hahr O mar
The salt الملح ihl mahlH O sal
The stone الحجرة ihl hah zhih rah A pedra
The sand الرملّ ihr rih mahl A areia
The dust الغبار ihl ghou baar A poeira
The Earth الأرض ih laAr duh A Terra
The cloud الغيمة ihl ghih mah A nuvem
The fog الضباب ihD Dih baab O nevoeiro
The sky السماء ihs sah meh O céu
The wind الريح ihr reeH O vento
The snow الثلج iht tehl zhih A neve
The ice لاقلاص lah glah Suh O gelo
The smoke الدخان ihd dou Haan A fumaça
The fire النار ihn naar O fogo
The ash الرماد ihl rah mahd As cinzas
To burn يحرق yehH rahQ Queimar
The road الطريق ihT Tih rihQ A estrada
The mountain الجبل ihzh zhih behl A montanha
The street النهج ihn nahH zhih A rua
The rainbow القوس قزح ihl Qoos Qah zaaH O arco-íris
wet نمدّي mih nehd dee úmido
stormy رعدي raA dee tempestoso


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