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Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful words about ¨PARTS OF THE BODY¨ in Italian and how to pronounce them.

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Good learning ! :)

Body parts in Italian (words)

Below is a list of the main body parts in Italian 😀

English Italian
Head Testa
Eye/eyes Occhio/occhi
Ear/ears Orecchio/orecchie
Nose Naso
Mouth Bocca
Eyebrow/eyebrows Sopracciglio/sopracciglia
Eyelash/eyelashes Ciglio/ciglia
Beard/beards Barba
Mustache Baffi
Brain Cervello
Neck Collo
Collarbone Clavicola
Shoulder/shoulders Spalla/spalle
Arm/arms Braccio/braccia
Hand/hands Mano/mani
Finger/fingers Dito/dita
Nail/nails Unghia/unghie
Breast Mammella
Chest Petto
Stomach Stomaco
Rib/ribs Costola/costolette
Waist Cintola
Hip/hips Fianco/fianchi
Buttocks Natiche
Thigh/thighs Coscia/cosce
Knee/knees Ginocchio/ginocchia
Leg/legs Gamba/gambe
Back Schiena
Hair Capelli
Face Faccia/Viso
Cheek/cheeks Guancia/guance
Chin Mento
Forehead Fronte
Armpit Ascella
Elbow/elbows Gomito/gomiti
Foot/feet Piede/piedi
Ankle/ankles Caviglia/caviglie
Body Corpo
Heart Cuore
Muscle Muscolo
Skin Pelle
Wrist Polso
Nostril/nostrils Narice/narici
Toe/toes Dito del piede/dita del piede
Big toe Alluce
Phalanx Falange

Body parts in Italian and pronounciation in different languages








İ capelli The hairs Os cabelos Les cheveux ee kah pehl lih ii ka péL li
La testa The head A cabeça La tête lah tehs tah la tés ta
L'orecchio The ear A orelha L'oreille loh reh kyoh lo ré kio
L'occhio The eye O olho L'oeil loh kyoh lô kio
İl naso The nose O nariz Le nez ihl nah soh iL ná so
La bocca The mouth A boca La bouche lah boh kah la bó ka
İl dente The tooth O dente La dent ihl dehn teh iL dén te
La lingua


The tongue 


A língua


La langue lah lihn gou ah

(ohr gah noh)

la lín gua

(ór ga no)

L'unghia The fingernail A unha l'ongle loon gih yah lún guia
İl piede The foot O pé le pied ihl pyeh deh iL pié de
La gamba The leg A perna la jambe lah gahm bah la gám ba
İl ginocchio The knee O joelho le genou ihl jih noh kyoh iL dji nó kyo
La mano The hand A mão la main lah mah noh la má no
İl collo The neck O pescoço le cou ihl kohl loh iL koL lo
La schiena The back As costas le dos lah skyeh nah la skié na
İl petto The breast O peito la poitrine ihl peht toh iL pét to
İl cuore The heart O coração le coeur ihl kou oh reh iL kuó re
La fronte The forehead A testa le front lah frohn teh la frón te



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