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имати (imati) - to have

Present tense

Лица једнине Singular persons Лица множине Plural persons
Ја имам I have Ми имамо We have
Ти имаш You have Ви имате You have
Он/она/оно има He/she/it have Они/оне/она имају They have

Present tense negation

Лица једнине Singular persons Лица множине Plural persons
Ја немам I don't have Ми немамо We don't have
Ти немаш You don't have Ви немате You don't have
Он/она/оно нема He/she/it doesn't have Они/оне/она немају They don't have

Past tense (with negation)

Лица једнине Singular persons Лица множине Plural persons
Ја (ни)сам имао/имала I had (not) Ми (ни)смо имали/имале We had (not)
Ти (ни)си имао/имала You had (not) Ви (ни)сте имали/имале You had (not)
Он (ни)је имао He had (not) Они (ни)су имали They had (not) {male plural}
Она (ни)је имала She had (not) Оне (ни)су имале They had (not) {female plural}
Оно (ни)је имало It had (not) Она (ни)су имала They had (not) {neutral plural}

**note: Serbian language have 4 past tense, but here is explained the most used

Future1 (with negation)

Carrier of future tense is "damaged" verb (крњи глагол) хтети (will or want, depends of context), and in damaged shape have forms ћу, ћеш, ће...

Serbian language have up to three forms to express future tense:

  1. ћу + infinitive (Ја ћу имати)
  2. ћу + да + present tense (Ја ћу да имам)
  3. damaged infinitive + ћу (иматићу → имаћу), this forms is used without words: I, you, he, she...

In 2nd form, both verbs хтети and имати changes forms. In others forms only verb хтети changes form.

1st form 2nd form 3rd form English
Ја (не)ћу имати Ја (не)ћу да имам Имаћу I will (not) have
Ти (не)ћеш имати Ти (не)ћеш да имаш Имаћеш You will (not) have
Он/она/оно (не)ће имати Он/она/оно (не)ће да има Имаће He/she/it will (not) have
Ми (не)ћемо имати Ми (не)ћемо да имамо Имаћемо We will (not) have
Ви (не)ћете имати Ви (не)ћете да имате Имаћете You will (not) have
Они/оне/она (не)ће имати Они/оне/она (не)ће да имају Имаће They will (not) have

**note: 3rd form can't express negative form (actually it can, but it's so unnatural to say немаћу, немаћеш, немаће), so for negation is always used 1st or 2nd form

Future2 (conditional future)

Future 2 is composed with special form of verb "be" (бити → будем) + past tense. It is used when someone wants to express some condition.

ex. Даћу ти новац када га будем имао. I will give you money when I have it.

Singular persons Plural persons
будем имао/имала будемо имали/имале
будеш имао/имала будете имали/имале
буде имао/имала/имало буду имали/имале/имала


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