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Thai Vocabulary - Health

Hi Thai learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will be expanding our Thai vocabulary by learning words and phrases related to health. As a Thai language teacher with 20 years of experience, I will be presenting cultural information and interesting facts to make the lesson more engaging. So let's get started!

Take a moment to explore these relevant pages as you conclude this lesson: Count to 10 & Describing Colors.

Basic Health Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Let's start by looking at some basic Thai vocabulary related to health:

Thai Pronunciation English
ไข้ khâi fever
ปวด bpùat pain
หอบ hòp asthma
ฮีก hîik hiccups
บวม bùam swelling
แพ้ pâae allergy
ไอ ai cough
จมูกขี้มูก jà-mùuk kêe-mùuk runny nose
แท้ง táeng miscarriage
นูนหนาม nûun năm blocked nose

Here are a few examples to illustrate how to use these words in context:

  • Person 1: วันนี้ฉันไข้ (Wan née chǎn khâi) (Today, I have a fever)
  • Person 2: ไปหาหมอเลย (Bpai hǎa mǒr loei) (Go see a doctor immediately)
  • Person 1: ตอนนี้ผมปวดท้อง (Dton née phǒm bpùat tóng) (Right now, I have a stomachache)
  • Person 2: คุณกินอะไรไปมั้ย (Khun gin a-rai bpai mái) (Did you eat something wrong?)

Common Illnesses[edit | edit source]

Next, let's look at some common illnesses in Thailand:

โรคหัวใจ (Rok hǔa jai) - Heart disease[edit | edit source]

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in Thailand. A diet high in salt and unhealthy fats, lack of exercise, and smoking are all contributing factors. Eating a balanced diet low in fat and salt, regular exercise, and not smoking can help prevent heart disease.

  • Person 1: คุณควรดูแลสุขภาพของหัวใจ (Khun kuan duu lae sùk-hăa phaap kǒrng hǔa-jai) (You should take care of your heart health)
  • Person 2: ฉันเริ่มออกกำลังกายทุกวันเพื่อลดความเสี่ยงของโรคหัวใจ (Chǎn rérm àwk gamlang-gaai túk wan pêua lót kwaam sìang kǒrng rok hǔa jai) (I started exercising every day to reduce the risk of heart disease)

โรคเบาหวาน (Rok bao wăan) - Diabetes[edit | edit source]

Diabetes is a growing health problem in Thailand, especially among urban populations. The rise of fast food and sedentary lifestyles has contributed to the increase in diabetes cases. Eating a balanced diet and regular exercise can help prevent diabetes.

  • Person 1: คุณควรหลีกเลี่ยงอาหารที่มันสูง (Khun kuan lìik-lîiang aa-hăan tîi man sǔung) (You should avoid high-fat food)
  • Person 2: ฉันกำลังเรียนรู้วิธีการควบคุมระดับน้ำตาลในเลือด (Chǎn gamlang riian-rúu wí-thii gaan khuap-khum rá-dàp náam-taan nai lĕuat) (I am learning how to manage blood sugar levels)

Traditional Thai Medicine[edit | edit source]

Thailand has a rich tradition of natural healing that dates back thousands of years. Traditional Thai medicine includes practices such as massage, herbal remedies, and spiritual healing.

นวดแผนไทย (Núat pǎen tai) - Thai Massage[edit | edit source]

Thai massage is a form of bodywork that incorporates various techniques such as stretching, acupressure, and reflexology. It is believed to stimulate the flow of energy in the body and promote overall health and well-being.

  • Person 1: วันนี้ฉันจะไปฟื้นตัวด้วยนวดแผนไทย (Wan née chǎn jà bpai fêun dtua duay núat pǎen tai) (Today, I will recover by receiving a Thai massage)
  • Person 2: เสร็จแล้วลองประกอบด้วยการดื่มน้ำสมุนไพรและออกกำลังกาย (Sèt láew lǎawng bprà-gòrp duay gaan-dèum náam sà-moon-pai láe àwk gamlang-gaai) (Afterwards, try supplementing with drinking herbal tea and exercising)

จิตรกรรมไทย (Jìttrà-gam tai) - Traditional Thai Art Therapy[edit | edit source]

Traditional Thai art therapy, or jìttrà-gam tai, involves using art as a means of emotional and spiritual healing. It includes painting, drawing, and other art forms, and aims to help individuals express and release their emotions in a safe and creative environment.

  • Person 1: ลองทำภาพวาดเพื่อแก้ปัญหาอารมณ์โดน (Lǎawng tham phaap wâat pêua gâe bpan-hăa aa-rom-don) (Try drawing to solve your emotional problems)
  • Person 2: ฉันจะลองทำมันดู (Chǎn jà lǎawng tham man duu) (I'll try it)

Emergency Situations[edit | edit source]

Finally, let's look at some Thai vocabulary related to emergency situations:

Thai Pronunciation English
ฉุกเฉิน chúk-chern emergency
เรียกพยาบาล riak-pa-ya-baan call an ambulance
สายด่วน săai-dùan hotline
พยาบาล pa-ya-baan nurse
แพทย์ pháet doctor
การช่วยเหลือ gaan-chûai-lĕua assistance

Here are some examples to use in case of emergency:

  • Person 1: ผมเห็นเหตุฉุกเฉินที่ถนนเลย (Phǒm hěn hèt chúk-chern tîi tànǒn loei) (I saw an emergency on the road)
  • Person 2: ฉันจะเรียกพยาบาลเลย (Chǎn jà riak-pa-ya-baan loei) (I'll call an ambulance)
  • Person 1: คุณมีหมายเลขสายด่วนหรือเปล่า (Khun mii măay-lèk săai-dùan rĕu bplào) (Do you have the hotline number?)
  • Person 2: มีค่ะ 088-xxx-xxxx (Mii khâ 088-xxx-xxxx) (Yes, it's 088-xxx-xxxx)

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Maintenance script and Vincent

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