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Morisyen Grammar - Future Tense

Hi Morisyen learners! 😊
In this lesson, we'll be discussing the future tense. The future tense is used when talking about events or actions that will happen in the future or have not yet happened. Learning the future tense will allow you to make predictions and talk about your plans. Remember to visit the Polyglot Club to Find native speakers and ask them any questions about Morisyen, and to explore our Morisyen Grammar section for more lessons! Don't hesitate to ask for help, learning a new language can be challenging. 🤗

Forming the Future Tense[edit | edit source]

In Morisyen, there are two ways of forming the future tense:

  • Using the word "pran" before the verb
  • Using the structure: "aller" + infinitive verb

Here are some examples:

Morisyen Pronunciation English
Mo kapav pran ledwazan disan. mo ka-pa-v pran led-wazan disan I can take a shower later.
Nu al travay letan. Nu al travay le-tan We'll go to work later.
Li pou aret travay sa samdi-la. Li poco-u aret travay sa sam-di-la He will stop working this Saturday.
Mo pou ale Moris demen. Mo pou al Moris de-man I will go to Mauritius tomorrow.

As you can see, the word "pou" is often contracted to "po" before a vowel.

Irregular Verbs[edit | edit source]

As with other tenses, there are some irregular verbs in the future tense. Don't worry, with practice, you'll get the hang of them!

Here are some examples:

Morisyen Pronunciation English
Mo pou kapav met to tras lor sime. Mo po kapav met to tras lor simé I will be able to put your dress on Monday. (met = put)
Nu pran'n mars pou fer bouyon. Nu pran'n mars pou fer bouyon We'll take some meat to make soup. (pran = take)
Mo pou atann li dan lakour. Mo po atan li dan lakour I will wait for him in the courtyard. (atann = wait)

Always remember to check the pronunciation and meaning of words with a native speaker or a language teacher.

Using the Future Tense[edit | edit source]

The future tense can be used in a variety of ways such as making predictions about the future, expressing future goals, and discussing scheduled events.

Here is a dialogue to illustrate the use of the future tense:

  • Person 1: Nou pou al karoake sa vandredi? (Will we go to karaoke this Friday?)
  • Person 2: Wi, mo pou arrive bezwen. (Yes, I'll arrive early.)

Remember that context plays a big role in communication. The future tense can also indicate a sense of uncertainty or tentativeness when making decisions or plans.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations, you have learnt the basics of the future tense in Morisyen! Keep practicing, and don't forget to check out the Morisyen Grammar lessons for more information. 🔥

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Sources[edit | edit source]

Excellent job on conquering this lesson! Consider delving into these related pages: Plurals & Conditional Mood.

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]



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