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Sundanese Vocabulary - Education

Hi Sundanese learners! 😊

In this lesson, we’ll go through some basic vocabulary related to education in Sundanese. Education is important and essential as it helps us gain knowledge and skills. This lesson will help you learn Sundanese words that you can use in a classroom or any educational setting.

Don't forget, the best way to learn Sundanese is to practice and talk to native speakers. You can use the Polyglot Club website to find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Finish this lesson and explore these related pages: Drinks & Animals.

General Education Terms[edit | edit source]

Here are some common education terms that you might find helpful:

Sundanese Pronunciation English
Sekolah [səko̞lah] School
Kanaosan [kanaosan] Knowledge
Budaya [buˈdaja] Culture
Ilmu [ilmu] Science
Taliwangku [taliwąku] Backpack

Classroom Items[edit | edit source]

Here are some basic classroom items that are used frequently:

Sundanese Pronunciation English
Meja [məd͡ʒa] Desk
Kursi [kursi] Chair
Papan tulis [papan tulis] Blackboard
Spidol [spidol] Marker
Buku [buku] Book

Numbers[edit | edit source]

Numbers are essential in education. Here are the numbers in Sundanese.

Numbers Sundanese Pronunciation
0 Nol [nol]
1 HijI [hid͡ʒi]
2 Dua [dua]
3 Tilu [tilu]
4 Opat [opat]
5 Lima [lima]
6 Genep [gənep]
7 Tujuh [tud͡ʒuh]
8 Dalapan [dəlapan]
9 Salapan [səlapan]
10 Sapuluh [sapuluh]

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Person 1: Mangga lipu nyaéta? (What is your book?)

Person 2: Buku éta nyalira anu di pinuh kahirupan. (This book is about the meaning of life.)

Person 1: Saur rao lianna maké taliwangku? (Do you have another backpack?)

Person 2: Anu kadua munculkeun kurang garing. (The second one looks less sturdy.)

Fun Fact[edit | edit source]

Sundanese culture is deeply rooted in education. The famous Padjajaran University in Bandung, which dates back to 1957, was founded to advance education in Sundanese culture.

Sources[edit | edit source]

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