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Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨ANIMALS¨ in Italian

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Happy learning ! :)

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: Family Vocabulary in Italian, Dinner Table, Adjectives in İtalian & Election.

Some words for Animals in Italian[edit | edit source]








01 The fish ihl peh sheh İl pesce iL pé che O Peixe
02 The dog ihl kah neh İl cane iL ká ne O Cachorro
03 The louse ihl pih doh kyoh İl pidocchio iL pi dó kio O Piolho
04 The snake ihl sehr pehn teh İl serpente iL sér pen te A Cobra
05 The worm ihl vehr meh İl verme iL vér me O Verme
06 The ant lah fohr mih kah La formica la for mí ka A Formiga
07 The donkey lah sih noh L'asino la zí no O Burro
08 The cat ihl gaht toh İl gatto iL gat to O Gato
09 The mouse ihl toh poh İl topo iL to po O Rato
10 The elephant leh leh fahn teh L'elefante le le fan te O Elefante
11 The lion ihl leh oh neh İl Leone iL leó ne O Leão
12 The tiger lah tih greh La tigre la tí gre O Tigre
13 The mosquito lah tsahn tsah rah La zanzara la tsan tsa ra O Mosquito
14 The horse ihl kah vahl loh İl cavallo iL ka vaL lo O Cavalo
15 The rabbit ihl koh nih lyoh İl coniglio iL ko ní lho O Coelho
16 The turtle lah tahr tah rou gah La tartaruga la tar ta ru ga A Tartaruga
17 The bird lou chehl loh L'uccello lu tchéL lo O Pássaro
18 The butterfly lah fahr fahl lah La farfalla la far faL la A Borboleta
19 The spider ihl rah nyoh İl ragno iL rá nho A Aranha
20 The snail lah lou mah kah La lumaca la lu má ka O Caracol
21 The shark loh skou ah loh Lo squalo lo skúa lo O Tubarão
22 The monkey lah shih myah La scimmia la chí mia O Macaco
23 The fox lah vohl peh La volpe la vóL pe A Raposa
24 The bear lohr soh L'orso lór so O Urso
25 The elk lahl cheh L'alce láL tche Os alces
26 The goat lah kah prah La capra la ká pra A cabra
27 The pig ihl mah ih ah leh İl maiale iL mai á le O porco
28 The rooster ihl gahl loh İl gallo iL gaL lo O Galo
29 The hen lah gahl lih nah La gallina la gaL li na A Galinha

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