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Yue Chinese Vocabulary - Geography

Hi Yue Chinese learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn vocabulary related to geography. As with many languages, understanding geography is an essential part of mastering a language. Plus, knowing geography can also provide insight into the culture and history of a language. Let's start exploring!


In Yue Chinese, a country is called 國家 (gwok3 gaa1). Here are some examples:

Yue Chinese Pronunciation English
中國 zung1 gwok3 China
美國 mei5 gwok3 United States
韓國 hon4 gwok3 South Korea
法國 faat3 gwok3 France
英國 jing1 gwok3 United Kingdom


  • Person 1: 你喺邊個國家嚟嘅? (nei5 hai2 bin1 go3 gwok3 gaa1 lei4 ge3?) (What country are you from?)
  • Person 2: 我係中國嘅。 (ngo5 hai6 zung1 gwok3 ge3.) (I'm from China.)

Remember, to improve your Yue Chinese vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!


The word for continent in Yue Chinese is 洲 (jau1). Here are the names for some of the continents:

Yue Chinese Pronunciation English
亞洲 aa3 jau1 Asia
歐洲 au1 jau1 Europe
非洲 fei1 jau1 Africa
北美洲 bak1 mei5 jau1 North America
南美洲 naam4 mei5 jau1 South America


  • Person 1: 你覺得邊個洲最有趣? (nei5 gok3 dak1 bin1 go3 jau1 zeoi3 jau5 ceoi3?) (Which continent do you think is the most interesting?)
  • Person 2: 我覺得亞洲最有趣。 (ngo5 gok3 dak1 aa3 jau1 zeoi3 jau5 ceoi3.) (I think Asia is the most interesting.)

Oceans and Seas

The word for ocean in Yue Chinese is 海洋 (hoi2 joeng4). Here are the names of some of the oceans and seas:

Yue Chinese Pronunciation English
太平洋 taai3 ping4 joeng4 Pacific Ocean
大西洋 daai6 sai1 joeng4 Atlantic Ocean
印度洋 jan3 dou6 joeng4 Indian Ocean
北冰洋 bak1 bing1 joeng4 Arctic Ocean
南海 naam4 hoi2 South China Sea


  • Person 1: 你鍾意去邊個海洋玩? (nei5 zung1 ji3 heoi3 bin1 go3 hoi2 joeng4 waan2?) (Which ocean do you like to visit?)
  • Person 2: 我鍾意去太平洋。 (ngo5 zung1 ji3 heoi3 taai3 ping4 joeng4.) (I like to visit the Pacific Ocean.)


The word for mountain in Yue Chinese is 山 (saan1). Here are some examples of famous mountains:

Yue Chinese Pronunciation English
長城 coeng4 seng4 Great Wall
喜馬拉雅山 hei2 maa5 laai1 aa3 saan1 Himalayas
富士山 fu3 si6 saan1 Mount Fuji
黃山 wong4 saan1 Yellow Mountain
華山 waa4 saan1 Mount Hua


  • Person 1: 你去過邊個山峰? (nei5 heoi3 gwo3 bin1 go3 saan1 fung1?) (Which mountain have you been to?)
  • Person 2: 我去過黃山。 (ngo5 heoi3 gwo3 wong4 saan1.) (I've been to Yellow Mountain.)


In Yue Chinese, the word for river is 河 (ho4). Here are the names of some famous rivers:

Yue Chinese Pronunciation English
長江 coeng4 gong1 Yangtze River
湄公河 mui4 gung1 ho4 Mekong River
沙發河 saa1 faa3 ho4 Amazon River
尼羅河 nei4 lo4 ho4 The Nile
多瑙河 do1 nou5 ho4 Danube


  • Person 1: 你聽過尼羅河嗎? (nei5 teng1 gwo3 nei4 lo4 ho4 maa3?) (Have you heard of The Nile?)
  • Person 2: 有啫,嚟緊我地會去埃及遊船就可以去睇下。 (jau5 ze1, lei4 gan2 ngo5 dei6 wui5 heoi3 aai1 kap1 jau4 syun4 zau6 ho2 ji5 heoi3 tai2 haa5.) (Yes, we will go to Egypt on a cruise soon to see it.)

I hope you enjoyed learning geography related vocabulary in Yue Chinese! By knowing more about the world, you can connect better with people from different backgrounds. Keep practicing and don't forget to check out the Yue Chinese vocabulary on the Polyglot Club website. 😊

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