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Southern Uzbek Grammar - Gender

Hi Southern Uzbek learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will be discussing the gender rules of Southern Uzbek. We will look at how to identify the gender of nouns and how to use them in sentences. We will also look at some examples of gender-specific words and phrases. So let's get started!

Gender in Southern Uzbek

Southern Uzbek has two genders: masculine and feminine. The gender of a noun is usually determined by its ending. For example, the word for "book" is kitob and it is masculine, while the word for "pen" is qalam and it is feminine.

Masculine Nouns

Masculine nouns usually end in a consonant or the letter -o. Here are some examples of masculine nouns:

Southern Uzbek Pronunciation English Translation
kitob ki-tob book
odam o-dam man
qishloq qi-shloq village
kulgu kul-gu wheel
xonadon xo-na-don house

Feminine Nouns

Feminine nouns usually end in the letter -a. Here are some examples of feminine nouns:

Southern Uzbek Pronunciation English Translation
qalam qa-lam pen
xona xo-na house
qiz qiz girl
oyoq o-yoq bed
qishloqa qi-shlo-qa village

Gender-Specific Words and Phrases

There are some words and phrases that are gender-specific. For example, the word for "brother" is akam and it is masculine, while the word for "sister" is ukam and it is feminine. Here are some other examples of gender-specific words and phrases:

Southern Uzbek Pronunciation English Translation
akam a-kam brother
ukam u-kam sister
ota o-ta father
ona o-na mother
qizlar qiz-lar girls
odamlar o-dam-lar men


To improve your Southern Uzbek Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!


Test your knowledge of Southern Uzbek gender rules with this quiz:

  1. What is the gender of the word qalam?
  2. What is the gender of the word odam?
  3. What is the gender of the word qishloqa?
  4. What is the word for "brother" in Southern Uzbek?
  5. What is the word for "sister" in Southern Uzbek?


  1. Feminine
  2. Masculine
  3. Feminine
  4. Akam
  5. Ukam

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