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Hijazi Arabic Vocabulary - Drinks

Hi Hijazi Arabic learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn the most important Hijazi Arabic words related to drinks. Knowing these words will help you to communicate better with native speakers and understand what they are saying. Let's get started!


Drinks are an important part of any culture. In Hijazi Arabic, there are many different words for different types of drinks. Here are some of the most common ones:

Hijazi Arabic Pronunciation English Translation
شراب sharab drink
مشروب mashrub beverage
مشروب كحلي mashrub kahli sweet drink
مشروب حار mashrub haar hot drink
مشروب بارد mashrub barid cold drink

You can also use the word "شراب" (sharab) to refer to alcoholic drinks.

Popular Drinks

Here are some of the most popular drinks in Hijazi Arabic culture:

Hijazi Arabic Pronunciation English Translation
قهوة qahwa coffee
شاي shay tea
ماء ma'a water
عصير 'aseer juice
بيرة bira beer
نبيذ nabeeth wine

These are just a few of the most popular drinks in Hijazi Arabic culture. There are many more that you can explore and learn about.


To improve your Hijazi Arabic Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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