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Sudanese Arabic - Days of the Week

In today's lesson, we will learn the days of the week in Sudanese Arabic. Enjoy your learning journey with Polyglot Club!

Main Terms - Days of the Week in Sudanese Arabic

The following table contains the main words for the days of the week in Sudanese Arabic.

Sudanese Arabic IPA English
الأحد al-ahad Sunday
الاثنين al-ithnayn Monday
الثلاثاء ath-thalatha' Tuesday
الأربعاء al-arba'a' Wednesday
الخميس al-khamis Thursday
الجمعة al-jum'a Friday
السبت as-sabt Saturday

Dialogue - Days of the Week in Sudanese Arabic

Let's practice the days of the week in Sudanese Arabic with a dialogue.

  • ما يوم الأحد؟

What is Sunday?

  • الأحد يوم الأحد.

Sunday is Sunday.

  • ما يوم الاثنين؟

What is Monday?

  • الاثنين يوم الاثنين.

Monday is Monday.

  • ما يوم الثلاثاء؟

What is Tuesday?

  • الثلاثاء يوم الثلاثاء.

Tuesday is Tuesday.

  • ما يوم الأربعاء؟

What is Wednesday?

  • الأربعاء يوم الأربعاء.

Wednesday is Wednesday.

  • ما يوم الخميس؟

What is Thursday?

  • الخميس يوم الخميس.

Thursday is Thursday.

  • ما يوم الجمعة؟

What is Friday?

  • الجمعة يوم الجمعة.

Friday is Friday.

  • ما يوم السبت؟

What is Saturday?

  • السبت يوم السبت.

Saturday is Saturday.

Related lessons (Sudanese Arabic)

Here are some related lessons to help you learn more about Sudanese Arabic:


Here are the sources used to create this lesson:


Maintenance script and Vincent

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