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Yaqui letters and Pronunciation

Letter English Approximant
a as in English father
e as in Spanish peso usually, but also

as "a" in English date

i as in English meet
o o as in Spanish poco
u u as in English moon
b as in Spanish adobe frequently, but also

as in Spanish baca

ch as in English church
d d as in Spanish decir
f f as in English foot
g as in English go, but varies to "w"

as in English word

h as in English hard
k k as in English kick
l l as in English led
m m as in English met
n n as in English nice
p p as in Spanish pan
r as in English rest
s s as in English see
t t as in Spanish tengo
w w as in English word
y y as in English yes
' the glottal stop, as in English in the hiatus between an apple

Yaqui Vowels

Character Sometimes Also Used IPA symbol
a a
aa a
e e
ee e
i i
ii i
o o
oo o
u u
uu u

Yaqui Consonants

Character: Sometimes Also Used: IPA symbol:
bw bu, b bw
ch č, c t
h h
k k
kt tk
l l
m m ~
n n ~
p p
s s
t t
v b v ~ β
w gu, g w ~ gw
y j
?, h

Video - Yaqui Language: Beginner Phrases


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