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S-Passiv Here you can learn how to get the passiv form of Swedish verbs. Passiv means that there is no subject in the sentence anymore/ the subject is skipped, who is doing something and the verb is referring to. There is just an object with which something is done.

You should inform yourself before about the 4 verbgroups in Swedish and how to build the different tenses in the active form (s. other Wikihow-articels about it).

The S-passiv is named so because you build first the right verbtense in the aktive form and then just put an -s to the so called supinum.

Let's try it out together with the 2a-group verb att köra/kör!/(kör)/körde/har, hade kört (Infintivi/imperativ!(presens)/simple past/perfect, plusquamperfect)-> köras/körs/kördes/körts

1. Aktiv verbform Inifitiv: I will drive the car. / Jag ska köra bilen.

-> Passiv verbform Infinitiv plus -s: The car will be driven. / Bilen ska köras. (köra + s).

2. Aktiv form Presens: I drive the car. / Jag kör bilen.

-> Passiv verbform Presens, imperativ! plus -s: The car is driven. / Bilen körs. (kör + s)

3. Aktiv form simple past: I drove the car. / Jag körde bilen.

-> Passiv verbform simple past plus -s: The car was driven. / Bilen kördes. (körde + s)

4. Aktiv form perfect (first pasttense): I drove the car. / Jag körde bilen.

-> Passiv verbform Perfect plus -s: The car has/had been driven. / Bilen körts. (har, hade kört + s)

Group 1, regular verbs, biggest group, "study": att studera/studera!/(studerar)/studerade/har, hade studerat -> studeras/studeras/studerades/har, hade studerats Aktiv verb example i presens: Studenter (=subjekt) studerar (=present tense) lektionen om s-passiv (=objekt). Passiv verb example i presens: Lektionen om s-passiv studeras.

Group 2b: "smoke": att röka/rök!/(röker)/rökte/har, hade rökt -> rökas/röks/röktes/har, hade rökts Aktiv verb example i simple past: Han rökte 40 cigaretter. Passiv verb example i simple past: 40 cigaretter röktes.

Group 3, "reside, live in": att bo/bo!/(bor)/bodde/har, hade bott -> bos/bos/boddes/har, hade botts Aktiv verb example i perfect: En familj har bott i huset. Passiv verb example i perfect: Huset har bebotts. (har bott -> botts + i -> be = bebotts)

Group 4, irregular verbs, exampel with "do": att göra/gör!/(gör)/gjorde/har, hade gjort -> göras/görs/gjordes/har, hade gjorts Aktiv verb example i perfect: Hon hade gjort sin bäst att förklara s-supinum. Passiv verb example i perfect: Det bästa hade gjorts att förklara s-supinum.

The rest is just to practice, good luck and have fun"

If I did mistakes or if you would like to add an translation or something new, please feel free to do so.


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