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Types of Questions in Bulgarian – Видове въпроси

1. In Bulgarian there are two main types of questions: Yes/No questions and questions with a question word.

2. We form Yes/No questions using the particle ЛИ. In positive Yes/No questions with the verb “to be” in present simple tense we place ЛИ before the verb “to be”.

3. In other types of Yes/No questions we usually place ЛИ after the verb.

4. In most cases we can skip the personal pronouns without changing the word order.

5. When we use question words (кой, какъв, как, защо, etc.) we usually do not use ЛИ to form questions.

Bulgarian Translation
кой  who, which
какъв  what kind of; what
къде  where
кога  when
как  how
колко  how much; how many
защо  why

6. Some question words in Bulgarian have gender and number.

Bulgarian Translation
m.  кой who / which
f.  коя
n.  кое
pl.  кои
m.  какъв what kind of / what
f.  каква
n.  какво
pl.  какви

7. When we use question words to form questions we place the question words before the verb.

Question word + Verb ?

8. When question words are used with prepositions, the sentence starts with the preposition followed by the question word.

9. We can also ask questions using narrative sentences with a rising intonation.


Asking questions in Bulgarian

Asking questions in Bulgarian part 2



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