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Yaqui letters and Pronunciation[edit | edit source]

Letter English Approximant
a as in English father
e as in Spanish peso usually, but also

as "a" in English date

i as in English meet
o o as in Spanish poco
u u as in English moon
b as in Spanish adobe frequently, but also

as in Spanish baca

ch as in English church
d d as in Spanish decir
f f as in English foot
g as in English go, but varies to "w"

as in English word

h as in English hard
k k as in English kick
l l as in English led
m m as in English met
n n as in English nice
p p as in Spanish pan
r as in English rest
s s as in English see
t t as in Spanish tengo
w w as in English word
y y as in English yes
' the glottal stop, as in English in the hiatus between an apple

Yaqui Vowels[edit | edit source]

Yaqui vowel sounds are similar to those of Spanish:

Front Central Back
Close i u
Mid e ~ ɛ o
Open a

Vowels can be short or long in duration. Often long vowels are shortened when the word in which they are used is used constructively. Long vowels are written by doubling the vowel. Long vowels can change tone, but this is not represented in written language.

Character Sometimes Also Used IPA symbol
a a
aa a
e e
ee e
i i
ii i
o o
oo o
u u
uu u

Yaqui Consonants[edit | edit source]

Bilabial Alveolar Post-


Palatal Velar Glottal
Plosive voiceless p t k ʔ
voiced b, bʷ
Affricate t͡ʃ k͡t
Fricative β s h
Tap ɾ
Nasal m n
Lateral l
Approximant w j
Character: Sometimes Also Used: IPA symbol:
bw bu, b bw
ch č, c t
h h
k k
kt tk
l l
m m ~
n n ~
p p
s s
t t
v b v ~ β
w gu, g w ~ gw
y j
?, h

Video - Yaqui Language: Beginner Phrases[edit | edit source]


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