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Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨WEATHER¨ in Italian

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Happy learning ! :)

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: Family Vocabulary in Italian, Dinner Table, Numbers and Dates & Shopping and Services.

Some words for Weather in Italian[edit | edit source]








01 The sun ihl soh leh İl sole iL só le O sol
02 The moon lah lou nah La luna la lú na A lua
03 The star lah stehl lah La stella la stéL la A estrela
04 The water lahk kou ah L'acqua lák kúa A água
05 The rain lah pyoh jah La pioggia la pió dja A chuva
06 The river ihl fih ou meh İl fiume iL fiú me O rio
07 The lake ihl lah goh İl lago iL lá go O lago
08 The sea ihl mah reh İl mare iL má re O mar
09 The salt ihl sah leh İl sale iL sa le O sal
10 The stone lah pyeh trah La pietra la pié tra A pedra
11 The sand lah sahb byah La sabbia la sab bia A areia
12 The dust lah pohl veh reh La polvere la poL ve re A poeira
13 The Earth lah teh rah La terra la ter ra A Terra
14 The cloud lah nou voh lah La nuvola la nú vo la A nuvem
15 The fog lah nehb byah La nebbia la néb bia O nevoeiro
16 The sky ihl chyeh loh İl cielo iL tchíe lo O céu
17 The wind ihl vehn toh İl vento iL vén to O vento
18 The snow lah neh veh La neve la né ve A neve
19 The ice ihl gih ah choh İl ghiaccio iL guiá tcho O gelo
20 The smoke ihl fou moh İl fumo iL fú mo A fumaça
21 The fire ihl fou oh koh İl fuoco iL fuó ko O fogo
22 The ash lah cheh neh reh La cenere la tche ne re As cinzas
23 To burn brou chah reh bruciare bru tchá re Queimar
24 The road lah strah dah La strada la strá da A estrada
25 The mountain lah mohn tah nyah La montagna la mon tá nha A montanha
26 The street lah strah dah La strada la strá da A rua
27 The rainbow lahr koh bah leh noh L'arcobaleno lar ko ba lé no O arco-íris

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