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Irish Vocabulary - Drinks

Hi Irish learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn about drinks in Irish. Whether you're a coffee person or a tea person, a beer enthusiast or simply a water drinker, this lesson is for you! 💦☕🍺

After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Food, Nature and Environment, How to say Good Bye? & Directions.

Hot Beverages[edit | edit source]

When it comes to hot beverages, Irish people love their tea! Here are some common hot drinks in Irish:

Irish Pronunciation English
tae tʰeː tea
caife kafʲə coffee
seacláid te ʃaːk'lɑːd tʰeː hot chocolate
pionta tae pʲiəntə tʰeː a cup of tea
  • Person 1: Tá sé fuar inniu, ba mhaith liom pionta tae. (It's cold today, I'd like a cup of tea.)
  • Person 2: An bhfuil! (Sure!)

Cold Beverages[edit | edit source]

Drinks are enjoyed all year round in Ireland, especially during hot summer months. Here are some popular cold drinks in Irish:

Irish Pronunciation English
uisce ɪʃkʲə water
t-each tʰaːx juice
deoch ola dʲoːx ol̪ˠə alcohol
beoir bʲoːrʲ beer
tae fuar tʰeː fˠuəɾˠ iced tea
  • Person 1: An mbeifeá in ann dom beoir a fháil, le do thoil? (Could you get me a beer, please?)
  • Person 2: Ar ndóigh! (Of course!)

Fun Facts About Drinks in Ireland[edit | edit source]

- Ireland is well known for its breweries, with Guinness, Smithwick's and Kilkenny being some of the most famous. - Irish coffee, a mix of hot coffee, cream and whiskey, was invented in Ireland in the 1940s by a chef for passengers on a delayed flight. - Tea is a very important part of Irish culture, with many social occasions involving a "cuppa". - The temperance movement, which promoted abstinence from alcohol, had a significant impact on Irish society in the 19th and 20th centuries.

To improve your Irish Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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