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Revision as of 19:44, 28 December 2017 by Daria340 (talk | contribs) (I added the rule of using some prefixes but maybe I had missed in the section, ability to classify is not my talent.)
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Quite often people use a large number of commas. This makes the understanding of the text and the connections between the semantic parts very difficult. Especially if a person is not experienced in using the Russian language. Not everyone can write as Leo Tolstoi. This is not criticism but just a simple observation.

On this page we’ll try to explain how to use -пре and -при prefixes. They often sound similar but they are spelling differently and often give incorrect word’s meaning when we (yes, even native speakers do such mistakes) spell it wrongly. For example, пребывать(to be in some state)/прибывать(to come), претворить(to bring some idea in life and complete this)/притворить(to close just a little), преступить(to transgress, to break (the law, for example)/приступить(to start doing)

So, let’s cut to the chase.

You need to use -при when: 1. The word means the act of coming, adding or connecting, even if it is only mentally Приблизиться (to go near or to find an approach and upgrade the relationship with someone), принести (to bring), приехать (to come (but not on the feet)) 2. The object is in the near distance Пригород (an area around town or city), пришкольный участок (a school yard, area in school’s property) 3. The action isn’t fully complete Приукрасить (to make something nicer and more beautiful), приоткрыть (to open something, but just a little)

And -пре is used when; 1. It’s means ‘very’ at some kind Премудрый (very wise, sometimes can use as The Wisest) , предобрый (very kind and nice) 2. The action is fully complete or pretend to be so Прервать (to stop somebody’s speech or stop something: Мне нужно сейчас же прервать этот фильм, если я хочу сделать уроки/ I need to stop the movie right now if I want to prepare my homework) , переградить (to block the way)

Some VERY complicated words barely suited for the rules, but they are always spelling like this) Причуда, причудливый Прихоть, прихотливый Приключение Препятствие Пренебрегать Преследовать And some translation for them: Fad, whimsical Whimsy, whimsical Adventure Barrier Neglect Pursue

This isn’t a-very-useful rule but if you want to polish your Russian it will be quite needy


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