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Hi polyglots.

In the 1990s and early 2000s, when the Internet was popularised rapidly and Michael Jackson was active, many people were open to the idea of cosmopolitanism. However, as time goes by, people choose to hole up, instead of diving into the ocean of unfamiliar parts of the world. There is a famous story in the Bible: Tower of Babble, where the God plays the trick of “divide and conquer” on the human. What if all humans can understand each other?

Following the globalisation through European colonisation, almost all languages have got their romanisations. Because Latin characters are phonograms, people around the world can try to pronounce a foreign name without knowing about another writing system. In 2020s, when China becomes influential worldwide, people start to notice a different approach. In the field of languages, because Han characters are logograms, people around the world can try to understand a foreign text without knowing about pronunciations of content words in that language, without online translators.

Just like that homophones share the same romanised word, synonyms may share the same hanised word; also, a word possessing multiple meanings can be hanised differently.

There can be different hanisation solutions for a language. Here is a demonstration of different solutions for mixed scripts:

  • all content words and some function words hanised;
  • all content words hanised;
  • all words hanised;

At present, pure scripts are unavailable for all languages, unless a set of rules on explaining inflections semantically is established. This solution may require inventing new characters, just like International Phonetic Alphabet derived from Latin script.

[mul] Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Article 1

language original script Han script with ruby
English All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All 人類名複human beings 動三複一現are 生來born 自由free and 平等equal in 尊嚴dignity and 權利名複rights代三複主They 動三複一現are 動去分endowed with 理性reason and 良心conscience and 應當助動should 行動act 對於towards 彼此one another in a 精神spirit of 兄弟關係brotherhood
French Tous les êtres humains naissent libres et égaux en dignité et en droits. Ils sont doués de raison et de conscience et doivent agir les uns envers les autres dans un esprit de fraternité. Tous 冠複les 人類名複êtres humains 動三複現直naissent 自由形複libres et 平等形陽複égaux en 尊嚴dignité et en 權利名複droits代三複主Ils 動三複現直sont 動陽複doués de 理性raison et de 良心conscience et 應當動三複現直doivent 行動agir 彼此代陽複les uns envers les autres dans un 精神esprit de 兄弟關係fraternité
German Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen. 限主複Alle 名複Menschen 動三複現直sind 自由frei und 平等gleich an 尊嚴Würde und 權利名複Rechten 動去分geboren代三複Sie 動三複現直sind mit 理性Vernunft und 良心Gewissen 動去分begabt und 應當sollen 彼此einander 於其簡陽與im 精神Geist der 兄弟關係Brüderlichkeit 對待begegnen
Italian Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed eguali in dignità e diritti. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza. Tutti 冠陽複gli 人類名複esseri umani 動三複現直nascono 自由名陽複liberi ed 平等形陽複eguali in 尊嚴dignità e 權利名複diritti代三複Essi 動三複現直sono 動二單使dotati di 理性ragione e di 良心coscienza e 應當動三複現直devono 行動agire 彼此gli uni verso gli altri in 精神spirito di 兄弟關係fratellanza
Portuguese Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais em dignidade e em direitos. Dotados de razão e de consciência, devem agir uns para com os outros em espírito de fraternidade. 限陽複Todos 冠陽複os 人類名複seres humanos 動三複現直nascem 自由形陽複livres e 平等形陽複iguais em 尊嚴dignidade e em 權利名複direitos動陽複Dotados de 理性razão e de 良心consciência應當動三複現直devem 行動agir 彼此uns para com os outros em 精神espírito de 兄弟關係fraternidade
Spanish Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y, dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros. Todos los 人類名複seres humanos 動三複現直nacen 自由形複libres e 平等名複iguales en 尊嚴dignidad y 權利名複derechos y動陽複dotados como 動三複現直están de 理性razón y 良心conciencia應當動三複現直deben 行動動變反comportarse 兄弟般fraternalmente 彼此los unos con los otros

Already existing ones:

language original text
Japanese すべての人間にんげんは、うまれながらにして自由じゆ​うであり、かつ、尊厳そんげん権利けんりとについて平等びょうどうである。人間にんげんは、理性りせい良心りょうしんとをさずけられており、たがいに同胞どうほう精神せいしんをもって行動こうどうしなければならない。
Korean 모든 人間인간은 태어날 때부터 自由자유로우며 그 尊嚴존엄權利권리에 있어 同等동등하다. 人間인간天賦천부적으로 理性이성良心양심附與부여받았으며 서로 兄弟형제애의 精神정신으로 行動행동하여야 한다.
language original text
Mandarin Chinese 人人ㄖㄣˊ ㄖㄣˊㄕㄥㄦˊ自由ㄗˋ ㄧㄡˊㄗㄞˋ尊嚴ㄗㄨㄣ ㄧㄢˊㄏㄜˊ權利ㄑㄩㄢˊ ㄌㄧˋㄕㄤˋ一律ㄧ ㄌㄩˋ平等ㄆㄧㄥˊ ㄉㄥˇ他們ㄊㄚ ˙ㄇㄣ賦有ㄈㄨˋ ㄧㄡˇ理性ㄌㄧˇ ㄒㄧㄥˋㄏㄜˊ良心ㄌㄧㄤˊ ㄒㄧㄣㄅㄧㄥˋㄧㄥㄧˇ兄弟ㄒㄩㄥ ㄉㄧˋ關係ㄍㄨㄢ ㄒㄧˋ˙ㄉㄜ精神ㄐㄧㄥ ㄕㄣˊㄒㄧㄤ對待ㄉㄨㄟˋ ㄉㄞˋ

[lat] O Fortuna

original script Han script with ruby

O Fortuna

velut luna

statu variabilis,

semper crescis

aut decrescis;

vita detestabilis

nunc obdurat

et tunc curat

ludo mentis aciem,



dissolvit ut glaciem.

嗚呼O 福圖納Fortuna

velut luna

名離單statu variabilis

semper 動二單現主直crescis

aut 動二單現主直decrescis

世故vita 可憎detestabilis

nunc 動三單現主直obdurat

et tunc 動三單現主直curat

ludo 名屬單mentis 名受單aciem



動三單現能直dissolvit ut 冰凌名受單glaciem

Sors immanis

et inanis,

rota tu volubilis,

status malus,

vana salus

semper dissolubilis,


et velata

michi quoque niteris;

nunc per ludum

dorsum nudum

fero tui sceleris.

Sors immanis

et inanis

rota tu volubilis

status malus

主陰單vana salus

semper 可溶dissolubilis


et 主陰單velata

michi quoque 殫力二單現主直niteris

nunc per 受單ludum

dorsum 受中單nudum

fero 受單tui 惡行sceleris

Sors salutis

et virtutis

michi nunc contraria,

est affectus

et defectus

semper in angaria.

Hac in hora

sine mora

corde pulsum tangite;

quod per sortem

sternit fortem,

mecum omnes plangite!

Sors salutis

et virtutis

michi nunc 倒反主陰單contraria

三單現主直est affectus

et defectus

semper in 驛務angaria

Hac in hora

sine mora

離單corde 受單pulsum 二複現主使tangite

quod per 受單sortem

三單現主直sternit 受陽fortem

吾與mecum 呼陽複omnes 二複現主使plangite



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