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◀️ Family Members — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Food and Ingredients ▶️

Dutch Vocabulary → Family → Family Life and Relationships

As a Dutch language teacher, I always try to make my lessons engaging and informative. In this lesson, we will learn the vocabulary related to family life and relationships in Dutch. Whether you're living in the Netherlands or just interested in Dutch culture, knowing these words will help you communicate better with native speakers and understand everyday conversation. So let's get started!

Consider broadening your understanding by checking out these related lessons: How to Say Hello and Greetings & Body.

Family Life

Marriage and Partnership

  • huwelijk - /ˈɦy.we.lik/ - marriage
  • getrouwd - /ɣəˈtrʌut/ - married
  • verloofd - /vərˈloːft/ - engaged
  • (levens)partner - /ˈleː.vəns.ˌpɑr.tər/ - (life)partner
  • partner - /ˈpɑr.tnər/ - partner

Children and Parenthood

  • kind - /kɪnt/ - child
  • baby - /ˈbeɪ.bi/ - baby
  • peuter - /ˈpøː.tər/ - toddler
  • kleuter - /ˈkløː.tər/ - preschooler
  • basisschoolkind - /ˈba.sɪs.sxol.kɪnt/ - elementary school student
  • tiener - /ˈti.nər/ - teenager
  • volwassene - /ˈvɔl.wɑ.sə.nə/ - adult
  • ouderschap - /ˈʌu.dərs.ˌʃɑp/ - parenthood
  • vader - /ˈvaː.dər/ - father
  • moeder - /ˈmu.dər/ - mother
  • zoon - /zoːn/ - son
  • dochter - /ˈdɔx.tər/ - daughter
  • broer - /ˈbruːr/ - brother
  • zus - /zʏs/ - sister

Family Dynamics

  • gezin - /ɣəˈzɪn/ - family, household
  • familie - /faːˈ - family, relatives
  • stief- - /ˈstɛif/ - step-
  • half- - /ˈhɑlf/ - half-
  • alleenstaande ouder - /aː.lɛinˈstaːndə ˈʔʌupər/ - single parent
  • adoptie - /ɑdɔpˈsi/ - adoption
  • pleegzorg - /ˈpleɪ̯.ɣzɔrx/ - foster care


Romantic Relationships

  • relatie - /rɪlaˈtsi/ - relationship
  • verliefd - /vərˈlifd/ - in love
  • verloofd - /vərˈloːft/ - engaged
  • samen - /ˈsaː.mən/ - together
  • vriend(in) - /vrint(in)/ - friend, (girl/boy)friend
  • geliefde - /ɣəˈliːf.də/ - loved one


  • vriend(in) - /vrint(in)/ - friend
  • maatje - /ˈmaːt.jə/ - buddy
  • kameraad - /ka.məˈraːt/ - comrade
  • beste vriend(in) - /ˈbɛs.tə ˈvrint(in)/ - best friend

Family Ties

  • verbinding - /vərˈbɪndɪŋ/ - connection
  • band - /bɑnt/ - bond
  • erfstuk - /ˈɛrf.styʊk/ - heirloom
  • erfenis - /ɛrˈfeː.nɪs/ - inheritance

Whether you're talking to family members, friends, or romantic partners, these words will help you better express yourself and understand others. Take the time to practice them in context, and don't forget to have fun!


Here are some Dutch sentences related to family life and relationships. Can you translate them into English?

  • Ik ben getrouwd met mijn partner.
  • Wij hebben een peuter en een kleuter.
  • Hij heeft een volwassen dochter.
  • Mijn broer en ik hebben veel gemeen.



Family Life in the Netherlands | Easy Dutch 19 - YouTube

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