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Western FrisianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Travel and Transportation → Asking for Directions

Asking for and giving directions is an essential skill for anyone traveling to a new place. In this lesson, you will learn useful phrases and vocabulary for asking for directions in Western Frisian. We will also cover important landmarks and locations that you may encounter while traveling in Western Frisia.

Finish this lesson and explore these related pages: Food & How to say Good Bye?.

Basic Phrases

Before we start, let's practice some basic phrases that you will need when asking for directions in Western Frisian:

Western Frisian Pronunciation English
Excusearje, kinne jo my fertelle hoe't ik by... kom? ekskewzear-yuh, kin-nuh yo me fuhrtel-luh hoat ik bee... kom? Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to...
Ik ferstean it net. ik fer-styen it net I don't understand.
Kinst do it alfêst oanwize? kinst do it al-fest ohn-wie-zuh Can you show me the way?
Tankewol, ik wit no genôch. tan-kuh-wol, ik wit noa guh-noakh Thank you, I have enough information now.

Remember to speak slowly and clearly, especially if you're not familiar with the pronunciation yet.

Directions Vocabulary

Here are some key vocabulary words that you will find handy when asking for directions:

Western Frisian Pronunciation English
Links links Left
Rjochts ryoch-ts Right
Foarút foa-root Forward
Weikomme why-kom-muh Arrival
Stasjon stuh-zyon Station
Midsentrum mid-sen-trum City center
Haven hah-ven Harbor
Strân strahn Beach
Park park Park
Supermerk soo-per-merk Supermarket

You can also combine these words to make more complex directions, such as "It stasjon is rihts fan de supermerk" (The station is to the right of the supermarket).


If you're visiting Western Frisia, you may come across some important landmarks that will help you navigate your way around. Here are some of the most notable:

  • De Oldehove (Leeuwarden) - This leaning tower is the most famous landmark in Leeuwarden, the capital city of Western Frisia.
  • Pier van Harlingen (Harlingen) - This pier is an important landmark in the coastal town of Harlingen, offering stunning views of the Wadden Sea.
  • Rijksmuseum Friesland (Leeuwarden) - This museum houses a large collection of artwork and artifacts related to the history and culture of Western Frisia.
  • It Alde Feanen National Park (Earnewâld) - This expansive nature reserve is a popular destination for boating, hiking, and birdwatching.
  • Het Friese Museumdorp (Allingawier) - This open-air museum showcases the traditional architecture and way of life in rural Western Frisia.


Now let's practice some common examples of asking for directions in Western Frisian:

Example 1

Question: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the museum?

Answer: Natuermuseum Fryslân is links fuort, dan rjochts ôfslaan en dan is it rjocht foar dy.

Translation: Natuurmuseum Fryslân is on the left, then turn right and it's straight ahead of you.

Example 2

Question: Can you show me the way to the station?

Answer: Jaseker, lit my dy efkes rinne. It stasjon is in setsje fuort.

Translation: Sure, let me guide you. The station is a little further on.

Example 3

Question: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the beach?

Answer: Bist al tichtby. Folgje de wei, dan de rjochter ôfslaan en dan giesto ûnder de brêge troch, de strân is dan rjochts.

Translation: You're already close. Follow the road, then turn right and go under the bridge, the beach is then on the right.

Practice Exercises

Now let's practice some exercises to reinforce what you've learned. Translate the following phrases into Western Frisian:

1. Turn left at the park. 2. How do I get to the train station? 3. The hotel is in the city center. 4. Can you show me the way to the harbor? 5. Go straight ahead until you reach the beach.

Check your answers below:

1. Sla efter de park linksôf. 2. Hoe kom ik by it treinstasjon? 3. It hotel is yn it midsentrum. 4. Kinst do my wize hoe't ik by de haven kom? 5. Giest rjocht troch oantsto by de strân komst.


In this lesson, you learned how to ask for and give directions in Western Frisian, including useful phrases and vocabulary for landmarks and locations. You also gained an understanding of some of the most important landmarks in Western Frisia, which will help you navigate your way around with ease. Keep practicing and learning, and you'll soon be able to confidently travel through the region!

Impressive work on finishing this lesson! Explore these additional pages to enhance your understanding: Seasons and Months & Education.

Table of Contents - Western Frisian Course - 0 to A1

Introduction to Western Frisian

Greetings and Introductions

Nouns and Articles

Numbers and Time

Adjectives and Adverbs

Family and Relationships

Pronouns and Prepositions

Food and Dining

Verbs and Tenses

Travel and Transportation

Western Frisian Traditions

Hobbies and Leisure Activities

Conjunctions and Interjections

Weather and Seasons

Other Lessons




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