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Why live in china.jpg

Contrary to popular belief, life in China is not as restrictive as it sounds. Clearly it requires a little getting used to when coming from Europe or the US where the rules are fundamentally different, but it has many benefits, both economically and culturally. Let us introduce you to some ...

The cost of living in China

China Life is very affordable if you come from a country like France, UK or the US. China is known for its low prices. You will be able to enjoy a purchasing power significantly higher that will enable you to save some money. Prices are lower in all areas: housing, food, recreation, transportation (a 20 minutes taxi ride will cost you only about 30 Yuan), telephone, shopping ... except for big cities like Beijing, Shanghai or Hong Kong where prices are very high, especially for housing.

Negotiating in China

Negotiating in China is inevitable. In shops, markets and even in hotels, prices are negotiable from the moment they are not displayed. Negotiation is considered as a game for the Chinese people. Armed with time and patience, you can greatly decrease the price of a product. You'd be surprised!

Respect for Westerners

The Chinese population is very respectful of Westerners. They have compliments about their look and are curious of their culture. They are interested in each of their actions and try to talk to them in English. They are very helpful and will often prefer to tell us what they want to hear rather than the truth, for fear of offending them.

Chinese Heritage

China has a rich history and cultural heritage. There are many temples, museums, parks and typical markets ideal for tourism. Every corner is likely to reveal a Buddhist temple, a beautiful Chinese garden or a famous memorial. At nightfall, some large cities such as Guangzhou or Hong Kong offer a striking light show for the greatest pleasure.

Beautiful Landscapes

With an area of over 9.5 million square kilometers, China offers a highly diverse natural environment. Such biodiversity benefits landscape and delights tourists eager for adventure and travel. Despite China's population still more abundant, China two-thirds of the country is made of mountains, deserts or wastelands. A multitude of natural places like one of the highest mountain chain in the world, the hottest deserts or tropical rain forests which are part of the world heritage by UNESCO.

Chinese Food

Obviously, this is not to the taste of everyone, but what we can say, Chinese cuisine offers varied dishes and a wide range of tastes and flavors. Chinese cuisine combines sweet and salty, spicy and pungent flavors to create the most surprising dishes all as each other. Note that this diversity of flavors comes from regional cuisines, each with its specialties, its products and revenue, which helps make this kitchen one of the most renowned in the world.

Chinese Culture

Chinese culture is very focused on family and sharing. The Chinese grow their traditional values despite increasing modernization. They also value the work and leisure. All these customs are reflected in their daily lives: in restaurants, many dishes are presented to share with all the guests; in the streets, the population gathers for activities (dancing, singing, games ...); families of two or three generations often share the same roof, etc ...

Chinese are very Hardworking

Chinese people are really up to the task. Supermarkets are usually open until 22h, small shops remain accessible 7d / 7, 24h / 24, the traditional shops are still operating at 2am, taxis are available at all hours of the day and of the night…

Entertainment in China

The Chinese like to be entertained at night in places such as restaurants, karaoke bars or nightclubs. The Chinese are not dance lovers. They would rather spend their evening drinking and playing. The trendiest nightclubs directly inspired by western clubs offer shows with dancers with a pleasant atmosphere.

Security in China

Many prejudices exist about insecurity in China. Contrary to what we may think, it is possible to walk in dark alleys late without fear of being mugged. However, inequalities can create some delinquency like pickpockets in crowded places such as subway stations or stations.



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