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North Azerbaijani Grammar - How to Use "Be"

Hi North Azerbaijani learners! 😊

In this lesson, we will learn about how to use "be" in the North Azerbaijani language. "Be" is a fundamental verb and is used to connect a subject to its complement. It is important to understand how to correctly use "be" to form correct sentences.

Let's get started!

The Verb "Be"

The verb "be" has different forms depending on the subject. The table below shows the North Azerbaijani present tense conjugations of the verb "be":

Subject Conjugation
I mənəsən
You (singular) sənsən
He/She/It odur
We bizik
You (plural) sizlər
They onlar

As you can see from the table above, the verb "be" changes form based on the subject of the sentence. It is important to memorize these forms to correctly use "be" in North Azerbaijani.

Using "Be" in Sentences

"Be" is used in North Azerbaijani in a similar way to English. It is used to connect a subject to its complement. For example:

  • "Mən tələbəyəm" (I am a student)
  • "Sən tələbəsin" (You are a student)
  • "O bir mühəndisdir" (He/She is an engineer)
  • "Biz yaxşı dostuq" (We are good friends)
  • "Siz də çox gözəlsiniz" (You are also very beautiful)
  • "Onlar Azərbaycanlıdırlar" (They are Azerbaijanis)

As you can see from the examples above, "be" is used to connect the subject (in bold) to its complement (in italics). Remember to use the correct form of "be" based on the subject of the sentence.

Negation and Interrogation

To negate a sentence in North Azerbaijani, we use the word "deyil". For example:

  • "Mən tələbə deyiləm" (I am not a student)
  • "Sən tələbə deyilsən" (You are not a student)
  • "O bir mühəndis deyildir" (He/She is not an engineer)
  • "Biz yaxşı dost deyilik" (We are not good friends)
  • "Siz də çox gözəl deyilsiniz" (You are not very beautiful either)
  • "Onlar Azərbaycanlı deyillər" (They are not Azerbaijanis)

To form a question in North Azerbaijani, we change the order of the subject and "be". We can also add the word "mi" at the end of the sentence. For example:

  • "Mən tələbəmi?" (Am I a student?)
  • "Sən tələbəsinmi?" (Are you a student?)
  • "O bir mühəndisdir mi?" (Is he/she an engineer?)
  • "Biz yaxşı dostmuq?" (Are we good friends?)
  • "Siz də çox gözəlsinizmi?" (Are you also very beautiful?)
  • "Onlar Azərbaycanlıdırlarmı?" (Are they Azerbaijanis?)

Practice Dialogue

Here is a dialogue to practice using "be" in North Azerbaijani:

  • Person 1: Mən Türkiyəliyəm. (I am from Turkey.)
  • Person 2: Mən də Türkiyəliyəm. (I am also from Turkey.)
  • Person 1: Sən proqramçısansa, mən də proqramçıyam. (If you are a programmer, I am also a programmer.)
  • Person 2: Belədir, səndə həqiqətən proqramçısansa, biz əla işləyə bilərik. (Yes, if you really are a programmer, we can work together.)


By now you should have a good understanding of how to use "be" in North Azerbaijani. Remember to always use the correct form of "be" based on the subject of the sentence. To improve your North Azerbaijani Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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