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Shona Vocabulary - Count to 10

Hi Shona learners! 😊

In this lesson, you will learn how to count in Shona. As a Shona language teacher with 20 years of experience, I know that numbers are important in any language. They help in everyday communication such as telling time, dates, and how much things cost. So, let's get started!


Shona is a Bantu language widely spoken in Zimbabwe and southern Zambia. It has several dialects and is the most widely spoken language in Zimbabwe. To improve your Shona Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!


In Shona, the numbers are formed by adding prefixes or suffixes to the root numbers. For example, the number 1 is "motsi" which becomes "motse" after adding the suffix -e. The table below shows the numbers from 1 to 10 in Shona.

Shona Pronunciation English
Motsi mot-si One
Piri pi-ri Two
Tatu ta-tu Three
Ina i-na Four
Shanu sha-nu Five
Tanhatu ta-nya-tu Six
Chinyakare chi-nya-ka-re Seven
Pfungwa pfu-ngwa Eight
Zviti zvi-ti Nine
Gumi gu-mi Ten


Here are some examples to demonstrate the usage of the numbers in context.


  • Person 1: Takarwa tanhatu mazai mangwana. (We drank six cups of tea yesterday.)
  • Person 2: Wofunga kuti dziri kunaka? (Do you think they were good?)


  • Person 1: Pane tatu ndokusvika, pane zvandisina kuda kuita. (There are three things I need to do when I get there, there's nothing I don't want to do.)
  • Person 2: Zvinosvika muri kuti? (Where are you getting to?)


Congratulations! Now, you know how to count from 1 to 10 in Shona. Keep practicing to become more confident in your skills. Remember to use the Polyglot Club website to find language partners and practice with native speakers!

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎



How to count in Shona tutorial for beginners (1-10) - YouTube

How to count to 10 in Shona with Sarura Kids - YouTube


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