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Sudanese Arabic Vocabulary - Health

Hi Sudanese Arabic learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will explore Sudanese Arabic vocabulary related to health. It is important to know these words and phrases to communicate with your doctor or seek medical attention if needed. We will also discuss some cultural beliefs about health and wellness.

Common health-related vocabulary

Let's start with some common health-related words and phrases:

Sudanese Arabic Pronunciation English
صحة ṣiḥa health
مرض marad illness/disease
دواء dawā' medicine
صيدلية saydaliyya pharmacy
طبيب ṭabīb doctor
ممرضة mumarrida nurse
مستشفى mustashfá hospital

Here are some useful phrases to know when visiting a doctor:

  • أنا بحس بالمرض. (Ana baḥs bil-marḍ.) - I am feeling sick.
  • ماء الشرب الكثير. (Mā' ash-shirb al-kthīr.) - Drinking a lot of water.
  • أنا بحتاج لبعض الدواء. (Ana bhtāj lbʿd d-Dawāʾ.) - I need some medicine.
  • هل يمكنك تحديد الأعراض؟ (Hal yumkinuk tahdīd al'aʿrādi?) - Can you diagnose the symptoms?
  • هل لديك أي نقاط مؤلمة؟ (Hal ladayk 'ayu nuqat mu'alama?) - Do you have any tender points?

Traditional beliefs and practices

In Sudan, many people still hold traditional beliefs about health and wellness. They may opt for natural remedies rather than modern medicine. Here are some interesting facts about traditional beliefs:

  • تمر الأصفر للحصول على طاقة جسدية. (Tamr al'asfar lilhusuul 'iilaa taqat jisadia.) - Eating yellow dates for physical strength.
  • بذور العنبية تنظف الأمعاء. (Badhuur al'nbaya tanzif al'amiea.) - Grape seeds for cleaning the intestines.
  • الزنجبيل يعزز صحة الفم والجهاز الهضمي. (Alzanjabīl ya'izzu ṣiht al-fam waljihāz al-hadimi.) - Ginger promotes oral health and digestive system.
  • القرفة تقلل من سوء الهضم. (Alqirfa titanqil min suuu' alhadim.) - Cinnamon reduces digestive problems.


Here is a dialogue between a patient and a doctor:

  • Person 1: أنا بحس بآلام في المعدة. (Ana baḥs bil-alam fil-maʿda.)
  • Person 2: هل تعاني من إسهال أو تقيؤ؟ (Hal taʿānī min 'isshāl 'aw taquyūa?)
  • Person 1: نعم، تقريبًا منذ ثلاثة أيام. (Naʿam, taqrīban mundhu thalātha 'ayyām.)
  • Person 2: عليك بالراحة وتناول السوائل الدافئة. كما يمكنك تناول هذا الدواء. (ʿalayk bi'r-rāha wa-tanāwul as-sawā'il ad-dāfiyah. kama yمكنك تناول hadha d-dawā'.)
  • Person 1: شكرًا جزيلاً. (Shukran jazīlan.)


In this lesson, we covered important health-related Sudanese Arabic vocabulary and cultural practices. Remember that practice is the key to learning a new language. You can improve your Sudanese Arabic vocabulary by using the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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Maintenance script and Vincent

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