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Igbo Vocabulary - Education

Hi Igbo learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn some of the most important Igbo words related to education. Knowing these words will help you understand conversations about education and also express your own ideas.


Education is an important part of life in Igbo culture. It is seen as a way to gain knowledge and skills that can be used to improve one's life. Here are some of the most important Igbo words related to education:

Igbo Pronunciation English Translation
ọmụmụ oh-moo-moo school
ọmụma oh-moo-mah teacher
ọmụmụ nke oh-moo-moo n-kay student
ọmụmụ ndị oh-moo-moo n-jee students
ọmụmụ ndị mmadụ oh-moo-moo n-jee m-mah-doo university


The word for school in Igbo is ọmụmụ (oh-moo-moo). It is used to refer to any type of educational institution, from primary school to university.


The word for teacher in Igbo is ọmụma (oh-moo-mah). It is used to refer to any person who teaches or instructs others, from primary school teachers to university professors.


The word for student in Igbo is ọmụmụ nke (oh-moo-moo n-kay). It is used to refer to any person who is enrolled in an educational institution, from primary school students to university students.


The plural form of the word for student in Igbo is ọmụmụ ndị (oh-moo-moo n-jee). It is used to refer to a group of people who are enrolled in an educational institution, from primary school students to university students.


The word for university in Igbo is ọmụmụ ndị mmadụ (oh-moo-moo n-jee m-mah-doo). It is used to refer to any type of higher education institution, from universities to colleges.


To improve your Igbo Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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