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Tunisian Arabic Grammar - Give your Opinion

Hi Tunisian Arabic learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to give your opinion in Tunisian Arabic. We will look at the different ways to express your opinion and how to use them in a sentence. We will also look at some examples of how to give your opinion in Tunisian Arabic. So let's get started!

Expressing Your Opinion

When expressing your opinion in Tunisian Arabic, there are several different ways to do so. The most common way is to use the phrase ana ma'ak (أنا معك), which literally translates to "I'm with you". This phrase is used to express agreement or support for someone else's opinion.

Another way to express your opinion is to use the phrase ana maktoob (أنا مكتوب), which literally translates to "I'm written". This phrase is used to express disagreement or opposition to someone else's opinion.

You can also use the phrase ana maktoob alaik (أنا مكتوب عليك), which literally translates to "I'm written on you". This phrase is used to express strong disagreement or opposition to someone else's opinion.

Finally, you can use the phrase ana maktoob alaik wa ma'ak (أنا مكتوب عليك ومعك), which literally translates to "I'm written on you and with you". This phrase is used to express both agreement and disagreement with someone else's opinion.


Here are some examples of how to use these phrases in a sentence:

Tunisian Arabic Pronunciation English Translation
Ana ma'ak. Ah-nah mah-ahk. I'm with you.
Ana maktoob. Ah-nah mahk-too-b. I'm written.
Ana maktoob alaik. Ah-nah mahk-too-b ah-lah-eek. I'm written on you.
Ana maktoob alaik wa ma'ak. Ah-nah mahk-too-b ah-lah-eek wah mah-ahk. I'm written on you and with you.


Test your knowledge of Tunisian Arabic grammar by taking the quiz below:

  1. What is the phrase for expressing agreement or support for someone else's opinion?
  2. A. Ana ma'ak.
  3. What is the phrase for expressing disagreement or opposition to someone else's opinion?
  4. B. Ana maktoob.
  5. What is the phrase for expressing strong disagreement or opposition to someone else's opinion?
  6. C. Ana maktoob alaik.
  7. What is the phrase for expressing both agreement and disagreement with someone else's opinion?
  8. D. Ana maktoob alaik wa ma'ak.

To improve your Tunisian Arabic Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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