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Assamese Vocabulary - Geography

Hi Assamese learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn some of the most important Assamese words related to geography. We will cover words related to landforms, bodies of water, and other geographical features.



Assamese Pronunciation English Translation
পাহাৰ pahar mountain
পহৰ pohar hill
দেওঁ deon valley
উপত্যকা uptyaka plateau

The Assamese language has many words for different types of mountains. For example, the word "pahar" is used to refer to a large mountain, while "pohar" is used to refer to a small hill. The word "deon" is used to refer to a valley, and "uptyaka" is used to refer to a plateau.


Assamese Pronunciation English Translation
নদী nadi river
নদীঘাট nadighat waterfall
নদীতলী naditoli stream
নদীপাতি nadipati lake

The Assamese language also has many words for different types of rivers and bodies of water. For example, the word "nadi" is used to refer to a river, while "nadighat" is used to refer to a waterfall. The word "naditoli" is used to refer to a stream, and "nadipati" is used to refer to a lake.

Other Features

Assamese Pronunciation English Translation
দেওঁতলী deontoli canyon
গুহা guha cave
আশ্রয় ashray shelter
অভিযান abhiyan expedition

Finally, there are many other words related to geography in the Assamese language. For example, the word "deontoli" is used to refer to a canyon, while "guha" is used to refer to a cave. The word "ashray" is used to refer to a shelter, and "abhiyan" is used to refer to an expedition.


To improve your Assamese Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!


Test your knowledge of Assamese geography vocabulary with this quiz:

Question Answer
What is the Assamese word for "mountain"? পাহাৰ (pahar)
What is the Assamese word for "river"? নদী (nadi)
What is the Assamese word for "canyon"? দেওঁতলী (deontoli)
What is the Assamese word for "expedition"? অভিযান (abhiyan)


In this lesson, we have learned some of the most important Assamese words related to geography. We have covered words related to landforms, bodies of water, and other geographical features. We hope that this lesson has been helpful in improving your Assamese vocabulary.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎


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