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Basque Grammar - Conditional Mood

Hi Basque learners! 😊
In today's lesson, we will be discussing the conditional mood in Basque grammar. The conditional mood is used to express a hypothetical situation or an action that could happen in the future. It is important to understand the conditional mood in order to communicate effectively in Basque.

Formation of the Conditional Mood

The formation of the conditional mood in Basque is quite simple. To form the conditional mood, you just need to add the suffix -ko to the verb stem. For example, the verb "to write" (idatzi) becomes "idatziko" in the conditional mood.

Irregular Verbs

There are some irregular verbs in Basque that have different forms in the conditional mood. For example, the verb "to be" (izan) becomes "izango" in the conditional mood.

Usage of the Conditional Mood

The conditional mood is used to express a hypothetical situation or an action that could happen in the future. It can also be used to express a wish or a desire. For example:

  • "Bizi nahi nuke" (I want to live).
  • "Ez nuke ezer eskatu nahi" (I don't want to ask for anything).
  • "Hemen bizi nahi nuke" (I want to live here).

It can also be used to express a possibility or a probability. For example:

  • "Gurekin batera joan zenuke" (You might go with us).
  • "Ez zenuke hori egin" (You wouldn't do that).
  • "Hori egin zenuke" (You might do that).

The conditional mood can also be used to make polite requests. For example:

  • "Mesedez, lagundu nahi nuke" (Please, I would like your help).
  • "Mesedez, lagundu nahi nuke" (Please, I would like your help).
  • "Mesedez, lagundu nahi nuke" (Please, I would like your help).


In conclusion, the conditional mood is an important part of Basque grammar. It is used to express a hypothetical situation or an action that could happen in the future. It can also be used to express a wish or a desire, a possibility or a probability, and to make polite requests.

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