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Samoan Vocabulary - Animals

Hi Samoan learners! 😊

In this lesson, we will be learning about animals in Samoan language. Samoan people have deep respect for animals because they have played a significant role in their traditions and culture. You will also learn some cultural information and interesting facts about these animals. Let's get started!


Here is a list of animals in Samoan that you can use to improve your vocabulary. 🐾

Samoan Pronunciation English
lāmuli lah-moo-lee ant
manulele mah-noo-leh-leh bird
meapu meh-ah-poo cat
manu i'a mah-noo ee-ah fish
gogo go-go mosquito
murimuri moo-ree-moo-ree rat
'amu ah-moo pig
poloape poh-loh-ah-peh rabbit
laumei lah-oo-meh-ee turtle
'upu oo-poo chicken

Interesting Facts

- The Samoan flying fox or pe'a is a type of bat that can be found in Samoa. It is one of the largest species of bat in the world and it has a wingspan of over 3 feet. 🦇

- The coconut crab or ua is the largest land-living arthropod in the world and it can weigh up to 9 pounds. It is considered a delicacy in Samoa and it is often served during special occasions. 🦀

- The Samoan shark is called māmala and it is a special animal because it is protected by the culture of Samoa. Samoans believe that māmala is the guardian of their islands and they should respect and take care of them. 🦈


To practice using the vocabulary in context, let's have a dialogue using some of the animals we have learned! 🗣️

  • Person 1: E le ola le manulele i le vao. (The bird is not alive in the forest.)
  • Person 2: O lo'o simu lua meapu? ('Are you two taking a cat?' - asking if they are dating)
  • Person 1: Ua sau 'upu tane. (I have a rooster.)

Learning Tips

If you want to improve your Samoan vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions! You can also visit the Vocabulary page on the Polyglot Club website.


Congratulations on completing this lesson on Samoan animals vocabulary! We hope that you have learned something new and interesting about Samoan culture and traditions. Don't forget to practice your vocabulary and ask questions if you have any.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎


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