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Western Frisian Grammar - Give your Opinion

Hi Western Frisian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will focus on how to give your opinion in Western Frisian. It can be quite tricky to express your thoughts and beliefs in a foreign language, but with some practice, you will become more confident in expressing your ideas.

Once you've mastered this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Gender & Noun Gender and Plurals.

Expressing Agreement

When you agree with someone, you can use the following phrases in Western Frisian:

Western Frisian Pronunciation English
Ik bin itselde miening. [ɪk bɪn ɪtsəldə meɪnɪŋ] I have the same opinion.
Ik bin it mei dy iens. [ɪk bɪn ɪt maɪ di ens] I agree with you.
Dat tink ik ek. [dɑt tɪŋk ɪk ek] I think so too.
Natuerlik! [nɑtyrlɪk] Of course!

To further emphasize your agreement in a casual setting, you can also use slang:

Western Frisian Pronunciation English
Absoluut! [ɑbsolʏt] Absolutely!
Ik bin der hielendal foar. [ɪk bɪn dɛr hɪləndɑl foɑr] I'm all for it.

Example dialogue:

  • Person 1: Wat in moaie dei hjoed, net? (What a beautiful day today, isn't it?)
  • Person 2: Absoluut! (Absolutely!)

Expressing Disagreement

When you disagree with someone, you can use the following phrases in Western Frisian:

Western Frisian Pronunciation English
Dat tink ik net. [dɑt tɪŋk ɪk nɛt] I don't think so.
Dêr bin ik net mei iens. [dɛr bɪn ɪk nɛt maɪ iɛns] I don't agree with that.
Ik soe sizze fan net. [ɪk soə ˈsɪzə fɑn nɛt] I would say no.

In a casual setting, you may also use slang:

Western Frisian Pronunciation English
Ast my fraachst, nee. [ɑst mɛ frɑxt, neɪ] If you ask me, no.
No way! [no weɪ] No way!

Example dialogue:

  • Person 1: Ik fyn it waar hjoed frjemd. (I find the weather strange today.)
  • Person 2: Ast my fraachst, nee. (If you ask me, no.)

Hedging Language

Sometimes, you may not have a strong opinion on a topic or you may want to soften your statement. In such cases, you can use hedging language. Here are some examples in Western Frisian:

Western Frisian Pronunciation English
Ik kin my ferjitte, mar... [ɪk kɪn maɪ fərjɪtə mar] I may be wrong, but...
Hjir is wat ik tink. Betink wol dat... [hjɪr ɪs wat ɪk tɪŋk. bətɪŋk wɔl dɑt...] Here's what I think. Remember that...
Ik wol net te bot skerp wêze, mar... [ɪk wɔl nɛt te bot skɛrp wɛzə mar] I don't want to be too harsh, but...

Example dialogue:

  • Person 1: Sjochst dat ark dêr? (Do you see that duck over there?)
  • Person 2: Ik kin my ferjitte, mar dat liket my earder in fûgel. (I may be wrong, but that looks more like a bird to me.)

Asking for Opinions

Sometimes, you may want to ask for the opinion of others. Here are some phrases that you can use in Western Frisian:

Western Frisian Pronunciation English
Wat tinksto? [wɑt tɪŋksto] What do you think?
Sjochst dat ek sa? [ʃɔxtst dɑt ɛk sɑ] Do you see it that way too?
Witsto oft dit goed idee is? [wɪtsto ɔft dɪt xut ide ɪs] Do you know if this is a good idea?

Example dialogue:

  • Person 1: Wat tinksto fan de nijste Star Wars-film? (What do you think of the latest Star Wars movie?)
  • Person 2: Ik fûn it prachtich. En do? (I thought it was great. And you?)


Congratulations! You have now learned how to give your opinion in Western Frisian. Remember, the best way to improve your skills is to practice. Use Polyglot Club to find native speakers and ask them any questions. You can also refer to the [Language/Western-frisian/Grammar|Grammar] section for more help.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Upon wrapping up this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Descriptive Adjectives & Regular Verbs.

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