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arithmetic arithmétique 算术 suàn shù Arithmetik [f]
absolute value, modulus (real number) valeur absolue real number 绝对值 juéduì zhí Absolutbetrag [m], absoluter Betrag, Absolutwert [m], absoluter Wert
addition addition number, binary operation 加法 jiā fǎ Addition [f]
additive inverse, opposite, negation addition, number 加法逆元, 相反数 jiāfǎ nìyuán, xiāngfǎn shù Gegenzahl [f]
addend, summand addition, operand 加数 jiā shù Summand [m]
anticommutative property, anticommutativity operation (mathematics) 反交换律 fǎnjiāohuàn lǜ Antikommutativgesetz [n], Antikommutativität [f]
associative property, associativity operation (mathematics) 结合律 jiéhé lǜ Assoziativgesetz [n], Assoziativität [f]
augend addition, operand 被加数 bèijiā shù erster Summand
base (exponentiation) exponentiation 底数(指数), 基数(指数) dǐ shù (zhǐ shù), jīshù (zhǐ shù) Basis (Exponentiation) [f]
base (logarithm) logarithm 底数(对数), 基数(对数) dǐ shù (duì shù), jīshù (duì shù) Basis (Logarithmus) [f]
basic operations addition, division, multiplication, subtraction 四则运算 sìzé yùnsuàn Grundrechnungsarten [f,pl]; Grundrechenarten [f,pl]
binary logarithm logarythme binaire logarithm 以 2 为底的对数 yǐ èr wéi dǐ de duìshù binärer Logarithmus, dualer Logarithmus
binary number, base-2 numeral system, binary numeral system nombre binaire numeral system 二进制 èr jìnzhì Dualsystem [n], Zweiersystem [n], Binärsystem [n]
binary operation, dyadic operation operation (mathematics) 二元运算 èryuán yùnsuàn zweistellige Verknüpfung, binäre Verknüpfung
binary relation relation binaire relation (mathematics) 二元关系 èryuán guānxi binäre Relation
complex number nombre complexe imaginary number, real number 复数 fù shù komplexe Zahl
composite number division, natural number 合数, 合成数 hé shù, héchéng shù zusammengesetzte Zahl
constant (mathematics) constante number 常数, 定数 cháng shù, dìng shù Konstante [f], Festwert [m]
decimal, base-ten integer 十进制 shíjìn zhì Dezimalsystem [n], Zehnersystem [n], dekadisches System
decimal logarithm, common logarithm logarithm 常用对数 chángyòng duìshù dekadischer Logarithmus, Zehnerlogarithmus [m]
decimal representation number 小数 xiǎo shù Dezimaldarstellung [f]
decimal separator decimal representation, radix character 小数点 xiǎoshù diǎn Dezimaltrennzeichen [n]
degree (root) degré nth root 次方根 cìfāng gēn Wurzelgrad [m]
denominator dénominateur fraction, operand 分母 fēn mǔ Nenner [m]
dependent variable fraction, operand 因变量 yīn biànliàng abhängige Variable
difference différence subtraction chā Differenz [f]
digit nombre 数字 shù zì Ziffer [f]
distributive property, distributivity operation (mathematics) 分配律 fēnpèi lǜ Distributivgesetz [n], Distributivität [f]
dividend dividende fraction, operand 被除数 bèichú shù Dividend [m]
division division number, binary operation 除法 chú fǎ Division [f]
division by zero division par zéro division, zero 除以零 chú yǐ líng Division [f] durch Null
division with remainder, Euclidean division division 带余除法, 欧几里德除法 dàiyú chúfǎ, Ōujīlǐdé chúfǎ Division [f] mit Rest
divisor diviseur division, operand 除数 chú shù Divisor [m]
commutative property, commutativity operation (mathematics) 交换律 jiāohuàn lǜ Kommutativgesetz [n], Vertauschungsgesetz [n], Kommutativität [f]
Egyptian fraction unit fraction 埃及分数 Āijí fēnshù Stammbruchzerlegung [f]
equal sign signé égal equation 等号 děng hào Gleichheitszeichen [n], Ist-gleich-Zeichen [n]
equality égalité 相等 xiāng děng Gleichheit (Mathematik) [f]
equation équation equality, expression (mathematics) 方程, 等式 fāngchéng, děng shì Gleichung [f]
Euclid's lemma prime number 欧几里得引理 Ōujīlǐdé yǐnlǐ Lemma [n] von Euklid
e (constant), Euler's number constant (mathematics) 自然常数, 自然底数, 欧拉数 zìrán chángshù, zìrán dǐshù, Ōulā shù Eulersche Zahl
exponent exposant exponentiation 幂, 指数 mì, zhǐ shù Hochzahl [f], Exponent [m]
exponentiation number, binary operation 幂运算, 指数运算 mì yùnsuàn, zhǐshù yùnsuàn Potenz (Mathematik) [f]
expression (mathematics) expression (mathématique) symbol (mathematics) 表达式, 表示式, 运算式 biǎodá shì, biǎoshì shì, yùnsuàn shì Ausdruck (Mathematik) [m]
fraction fraction division, integer 分数 fēn shù Bruch [m]
factorization, factoring factorisation object (mathematics) 因式分解 yīnshì fēnjiě Faktorisierung (Mathematik) [f]
function (mathematics) fonction binary relation, set (mathematics) <set theory> 函数 hán shù Funktion (Mathematik) [f]
greater than plus grand que inequality (mathematics) 大于 dà yú größer als
greater than or equal to plus grand ou égal à inequality (mathematics), equality 大于等于 dàyú děngyú größer als oder gleich
hexadecimal, base 16, hex numeral system 十六进制 shíliù jìnzhì Hexadezimalsystem [n], Sedezimalsystem [n]
imaginary unit, unit imaginary number imaginary number 虚数单位 xūshù dānwèi imaginäre Einheit
imaginary number nombre imaginaire negative number, exponentiation 虚数 xū shù imaginäre Zahl
imaginary axis imaginary line (mathematics) 虚轴 xū zhóu imaginäre Achse
imaginary line (mathematics) line (geometry) <geometry>, point (geometry) <geometry>, imaginary number 虚数线 xūshù xiàn imaginäre Linie
improper fraction fraction 假分数 jiǎ fēnshù unechter Bruch, uneigentlicher Bruch
independent variable, argument of a function function (mathematics) 自变量 zì biànliàng unabhängige Variable
inequation inéquation inequality (mathematics) 不等式 bùděng shì Ungleichung [f]
inequality (mathematics) inégalité 不等 bù děng Ungleichheit [f]
integer entier natural number, negative number 整数 zhěng shù Ganzzahl [f], ganze Zahl
inverse function, anti-function fonction inverse function (mathematics) 反函数 fǎn hánshù Umkehrfunktion [f], inverse Funktion
irrational number rational number, real number 无理数 wúlǐ shù irrationale Zahl
less than inférieur à inequality (mathematics) 小于 xiǎo yú kleiner als
less than or equal to inférieur ou égal à inequality (mathematics), equality 小于等于 xiǎoyú děngyú kleiner als oder gleich
logarithm logarythme number, binary operation 对数 duì shù Logarithmus [m]
minuend subtraction 被减数 bèijiǎn shù Minuend [m]
minus sign subtraction, negative number 减号 jiǎn hào Minuszeichen [n]
mixed number fraction 带分数 dài fēnshù gemischte Zahl
modular arithmetic integer 模算术 mó suànshù Modulararithmetik [f]
multiplicand multiplication, operand 被乘数 bèichéng shù Multiplikand [m]
multiplier multiplication, operand 乘数 chéng shù Multiplikator [m]
multiplication number, binary operation 乘法 chéng fǎ Multiplikation [f]
multiplicative inverse, reciprocal multiplication, reciprocation 乘法逆元, 倒数 chéngfǎ nìyuán, dào shù Kehrwert [m]
natural logarithm e (constant), logarithm 自然对数 zìrán duìshù natürlicher Logarithmus
natural number, counting number number 自然数 zìrán shù natürliche Zahl
negative number number 负数 fù shù negative Zahl
notation (mathematics) numeral, symbol (mathematics) 符号(数学) fúhào (shùxué) Notation (Mathematik) [f]
non-negative number negative number 非负数 fēifù shù nichtnegative Zahl
non-positive number positive number 非正数 fēizhèng shù nichtpositive Zahl
nth root binary operation 次方根 cìfāng gēn Wurzel (Mathematik) [f], Radikal (Mathematik) [n]
numeral digit, symbol (mathematics) 数字 shù zì Zahl [f], Ziffer [f]
number numeral, object (mathematics) 数字 shù zì Zahl [f]
number line line (geometry) <geometry> 数轴, 数线 shù zhóu, shù xiàn Zahlengerade [f], Zahlenstrahl [m]
numeral system notation (mathematics) 数制, 记数系统, 记数法 shù zhì, jìshù xìtǒng, jìshù fǎ Zahlensystem [n]
numerator fraction, operand 分子 fēn zǐ Zähler [m]
object (mathematics) 物体(数学) wù tǐ (shù xué) Objekt (Mathematik) [n]
octal, oct numeral system 八进制 bā jìnzhì Oktalsystem [n]
operand operation (mathematics) 运算数, 运算元 yùnsuàn shù, yùnsuàn yuán Operand [m]
operation (mathematics) number 运算 yùnsuàn Verknüpfung (Mathematik)
operator precedence, order of operations basic operations, exponentiation, root extraction 运算次序, 运算顺序 yùnsuàn cìxù, yùnsuàn shùnxù Operatorpräzedenz [f], Operatorrangfolge [f]
percentage fraction 百分数 bǎifēn shù Prozentsatz [m]
percent sign percentage 百分号 bǎifēn hào Prozentzeichen [n]
pi, Archimedes' constant constant (mathematics), ratio, circumstance <geometry>, diameter <geometry> 圆周率 yuánzhōu lǜ Pi [n], Kreiszahl [f]
plus sign addition, positive number 加号 jiā hào Pluszeichen [n]
positional notation, place-value notation, positional numeral system numeral system 进位制, 进位计数法, 位值计数法 jìnwèi zhì, jìnwèi jìshù fǎ, wèizhí jìshù fǎ Stellenschreibweise [f]
positive number number 正数 zhèng shù positive Zahl
prime number, prime product (mathematics), natural number 质数, 素数 zhì shù, sù shù Primzahl [f]
product (mathematics) multiplication Produkt (Mathematik) [n]
proper fraction fraction 真分数 zhēn fēnshù echter Bruch, eigentlicher Bruch
quotient division shāng Quotient [f]
radix, base positional notation 底数(进制) dǐ shù (jìn zhì) Basis (Zahlensystem) [f]
radix character radix 小数点 xiǎoshù diǎn Radixpunkt [m]
ratio number 比率, 比值 bǐ lǜ, bǐ zhí Verhältnis [n]
rational number fraction, integer 有理数 yǒulǐ shù rationale Zahl
real axis real line 实轴 shí zhóu reelle Achse
real line line (geometry) <geometry>, point (geometry) <geometry>, real number 实数线 shíshù xiàn reelle Linie
real number rational number 实数 shí shù reelle Zahl
reciprocal function function, multiplicative inverse 互反函数 hùfǎn hánshù Reziprokfunktion [f], reziproke Funktion
relation (mathematics) set (mathematics) <set theory> 关系(数学) guānxi (shù xué) Relation (Mathematik) [f]
remainder division with remainder 余数 yú shù Rest [m], Teilungsrest [m]
root (mathematics) nth root gēn Wurzel [f]
root extraction nth root 开方 kāi fāng Radizieren [n]
parentheses operator precedence 圆括号, 括弧号 yuán kuòhào, kuòhú hào runde Klammern [f,pl]
simple fraction, common fraction, vulgar fraction fraction 简分数 jiǎn fēnshù gemeiner Bruch, gewöhnlicher Bruch
subtraction number, binary operation 减法 jiǎn fǎ Subtraktion [f], Abziehen [n], Abzug [m]
subtrahend subtraction 被减数 bèijiǎn shù Subtrahend [m]
sum addition Summe [f]
symbol (mathematics) 符号(数学) fúhào (shù xué) Symbol (Mathematik) [n]
unary numeral system numeral system 一进制 yī jìnzhì Unärsystem [n]
unit fraction fraction 单位分数 dānwèi fēnshù Stammbruch [m]
unique-prime-factorization theorem, unique factorization theorem, fundamental theorem of arithmetic prime number 正整数的唯一分解定理, 算术基本定理 zhèng zhěngshù de wéiyī fēnjiě dìnglǐ, suànshù jīběn dìnglǐ Fundamentalsatz [m] der Arithmetik
zero number líng Null [f]


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