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*tilelli/freedom/libertie, asirem/hope/espoir
*tilelli/freedom/libertie, asirem/hope/espoir

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Here you have a lesson about the different types of nouns in Berber language.

Dagi γur-wen tamsirt γef wudmawen n yisem deg tutlayt tamaziγt.


The noun is a word which means : a person, an animal, a plant or a thing.

Isem d awal yeskanayen : amdan , axut (aγersiw), imγi neγ taγawsa.


  • Amdan (person)  : argaz/man/homme, tameṭṭut/woman/femme, aqcic/boy/garçon
  • Axut = Aγersiw (animal) : aydi/dog/chien, izem/lion/lion, tamcict/femal cat/chatte
  • Imγi (plant) : azemmur/olive/olive, aseklu/tree/arbre/ağaç, tajeğğigt/flower/fleur

Taγawsa (thing) :

  • taγawsa takmamt (concrete thing): imru/pen/stylo, adlis/book/livre, taxxamt/room/chambre, adrar/mountain/montagne.
  • taγawsa tamadwant (abstract thing): tasusmi/silence/silence, taguni/sleepiness/sommeil, tayri/love/amour, talwit/peace/paix.

A thing is devided into two groups : concrete and abstract things.

Taγawsa tebḍa γef sin waggayen : akmam akk d umadwan.

  • iṭij/sun/soleil, afus/hand/main … ---> d ismawen ikmamen (“sun” and “hand” are concrete nouns).
  • anebdu/summer/été, ass/day/jour --> d ismawen imadwanen (“summer” and “day” are abstract nouns).


  • There are three kinds of the noun.

Llan kṛaḍ n wudmawen n yisem.

Isem amaẓlay/Proper noun/Nom propre

  • Isem amaẓlay n wemdan/Proper noun of a person : Lotfi, Ayse, Mohammed…
  • Isem amaẓlay n wadeg/Proper noun of a place : Lezzayer/Algeria/Algérie, Ṭurk/Turkey/Turquie, Lalman/Germany/Allemagne

Isem akmam/Concrete noun

Concrete noun means what we can see or touch.

Isem akmam yemmal ayen i nezmer ad nwali neγ ad nennal.


  • annar/stadium/stade, alug/notebook/cahier

Isem amadwan/Abstract noun

Abstract noun means what we can not see or touch.

Isem amadwan yemmal ayen ur nezmir ad nwali neγ ad nennal.


  • tilelli/freedom/libertie, asirem/hope/espoir


The noun has two states : free state and state of annexation.

Isem γur-s sin n waddaden : addad ilelli akk d waddad amaruz.


  • “The noun is in a state of annexation when the first vowel of the noun changes or deleted from the noun or when we add the letter “y” or “w” at the beginning of the noun.”

“Yeţţili yisem deg waddad amaruz mi ara tbeddel neγ ad twakkes tiγri tamenzut n yisem neγ mi ara ad nernu asekkil “w” neγ “y” ar tazwara n yisem.”


  • Addad illelli/Free state / Addad amaruz/State of annexation
  • Aselmad yura (The teacher wrote) / Yura uselmad (The teacher wrote) (the first vowel “a” of “aselmad” changes to “u”, so we obtain “uselmad”)
  • Aqcic iţţru (The boy cried) / Iţţru weqcic (The boy cried)

(the first vowel “a” of “aqcic” changes to “we”, so we obtain “weqcic”)

  • Irgazen xedmen(The men worked) / Xedmen yergazen (The men worked)

(the first vowel “i” of “irgazen” changes to “ye”, so we obtain “yergazen”)

  • Taqcict tura (The girl wrote) / Tura teqcict (The girl wrote)

(the first vowel “a” of “taqcict” changes to “e”, so we obtain “teqcict”)

  • Tiqcicin cebḥent (the girls are beautiful) / Cebḥent teqcicin (The girls are beautiful)

(the first vowel “i” of “tiqcicin” changes to “e”, so we obtain “teqcicin”)

  • Tamellalt teţweč (The egg is eaten) / Teţweč tmellalt (The egg is eaten)

(the first vowel “a” of “tamellalt” is deleted, so we obtain “tmellalt”)

  • Tafunast (Cow/vache) / Yiwet tfunast (One cow/Une vache)

(the first vowel “a” of “tafunast” is deleted, so we obtain “tfunast”)

  • Uccen iswa aman (The wolf drank a water) / Iswa wuccen aman (The wolf drank a water)

(We added the letter “w” at the beginning of “uccen”, we obtain “wuccen”)

  • Ul inu yeṛṛez (My heart is broken) / Yeṛṛez wul inu (My heart is broken)

(We added the letter “w” at the beginning of “ul”, we obtain “wul”)

  • Aldun yefsi (The lead is molten) / Yefsi waldun (The lead is molten)

(We added the letter “w” at the beginning of “aldun”, we obtain “waldun”)

  • Izem yelluẓ (The lion is hungry) / Yelluẓ yizem (The lion is hungry)

(We added the letter “y” at the beginning of “izem”, we obtain “yizem”)

  • Imi yeldi (The mouth is open) / Yeldi yimi (The mouth is open)

(We added the letter “y” at the beginning of “imi”, we obtain “yimi”)

  • Imawen ldin (The mouths are open) / Ldin yimawen (The mouths are open)

(We added the letter “y” at the beginning of “imawen”, we obtain “yimawen”)


D amagrad id-yeskanayen ma yella waddad n yisem d ilelli neγ d amaruz. Di tegti, amagrad n yisem amalay yeţţuγal d “w” deg wasuf, d “y” deg wesget.

It’s the initial vowel that shows us if the noun is in a free state or in a state of annexation. Generally, the initial vowel of the masculine noun becomes “w” in the singular, “y” in the plural.


  • Axxam/House --> Tawurt n wexxam/The door of the house (“w”)
  • Ixxamen/Houses -->Tiwwura n yexxamen/The doors of the houses (“y”)
  • Amγar/Old man --> Afus n wemγar/The hand of the old man (“w”)
  • Imγaren/Old men --> Ifassen n yemγaren/The hands of old men (“y”)
  • Maca amagrad izmer ad yili d “y” deg wasuf, d “y” deg wesget.

But the initial vowel can be “y” in the singular, “y” in the Plural.

Md/Ex: Izem/lion --> Imi n yizem/The mouth of the lion (“y”) Izmawen/lions --> Imawen n yizmawen/The mouths of the lions (“y”)

Mi ara yili yisem d unti, di tegti amagrad iγelli deg waddad amaruz.

When the noun is feminine, generally the initial vowel is changed in the state of annexation.


  • Taxxamt/Room --> Tawwurt n texxamt/The door of the room (a - e)
  • Tixxamin/Rooms --> Tiwwura n texxamin/The doors of the rooms (i-e)
  • Tamγart/Old woman --> Afus n temγart/The hand of the old woman (a - e)
  • Timγarin/Old women --> Ifassen n temγarin/The hands of old women (i-e)

Maca amagrad n yisem asuf neγ n yisem asget izmer ad iţwakkes. But the initial vowel of the singular noun or the plural noun can be deleted.


  • Tamellalt/Egg --> Yiwet tmellalt/One egg (the vowel “a” is deleted)
  • Timellalin/Eggs --> Atas tmellalin/A lot of eggs (the vowel “i” is deleted)

Isem yeţţili d ilelli mi ara : (See the second sound file : Noun Isem part 2).

The noun is in a free state when :

Isem yezwar amyag/The noun pecedes the verb


  • Argaz yura = The man wrote (the noun “Argaz/man” precedes the verb “yura/wrote”, so “Argaz” doesn’t change).
  • Izem yečča taγzalt = The lion ate the gazelle (the noun “Izem/lion” precedes the verb “yečča/ate”, so “Izem” doesn’t change).
  • Amaziγ yusa-d = The Berber came (the noun “Amaziγ/berber” precedes the verb “yusa/came”, so “Amaziγ” doesn’t change).
  • Uccen yemmut = The wolf is died (the noun “Uccen/wolf” precedes the verb “yemmut/is died”, so “Uccen” doesn’t change).
  • Taqcict telsa imeddasen-is = The girl wore her shoes (the noun “Taqcict/girl” precedes the verb ”telsa/wore”, so “Taqcict” doesn’t change).

Tazelγa ”d” n tilawt tezwar isem/The particle “d” of reality precedes the noun


  • Aqcic/Boy --> Lutfi d aqcic = Lotfi is a boy (the particle “d/is” precedes the noun “aqcic/boy”, so “aqcic” doesn’t change).
  • Taqcict/Girl --> Ayci d taqcict = Ayse is a girl (the particle “d/is” precedes the noun “taqcict/girl”, so “taqcict” doesn’t change).
  • Irgazen/Men --> Imdanen-agi d irgazen = These people are men (the particle “d/are” precedes the noun “irgazen/men”, so “irgazen” doesn’t change).
  • Tulawin/Women --> Tinelmadin-agi d tulawin = These students are Women (the particle “d/are” precedes the noun “tulawin/women”, so “tulawin” doesn’t change).
  • Asemmiḍ/Cold/Froid --> d assemiḍ != It is cold ! (the particle “d/is” precedes the noun “assemiḍ/cold”, so “assemiḍ” doesn’t change).

Tanzeγt “n” n tnila tezwar isem/The preposition “n” of direction precedes the noun


  • Aγerbaz/School --> Uγalleγ s aγerbaz = I returned to the schhol (the preposition “s/to” precedes the noun “aγerbaz/school”, so “aγerbaz” doesn’t change).
  • Axxam/House --> Aqcic iteddu s axxam = The boy goes to the house (the preposition “s/to” precedes the noun “axxam/house”, so “axxam” doesn’t change).

Asmi ara yili yisem d asemmad/When the noun is a complement


  • Tameṭṭut/wife --> Argaz yeğğa tameṭṭut-is = The man left his wife (the noun “tameṭṭut/wife (woman)” is a complement, so “tameṭṭut” doesn’t change).
  • Ayefki/milk --> Aqcic yeswa ayefki = The boy drank a milk (the noun “ayefki/milk” is a complement, so “ayefki” doesn’t change).
  • Idlisen/Books --> Anelmad yeγγar idlisen = The student reads the Books (the noun “idlisen/books” is a complement, so “idlisen” doesn’t change).
  • Timellalin/Eggs --> Eččiγ timellalin ass-a = I ate eggs today (the noun “timellalin/eggs” is a complement, so “timellalin” doesn’t change).

Isem yeţţili d amaruz mi ara :

The noun is in a state of annexation when :

Amyag yezwar isem/The verb pecedes the noun


  • Yura wergaz = The man wrote (Yura (argaz)) (the verb “Yura/wrote” precedes the noun “argaz/man”, so “argaz” becomes “wergaz”). (We don’t say “Yura argaz”, we say “Yura wergaz”)
  • Yečča yizem taγzalt = The lion ate the gazelle (Yečča (izem)) (the verb “Yečča/ate” precedes the noun “izem/lion”, so “izem” becomes “yizem”). (We don’t say “Yečča izem”, we say “Yečča yizem”)
  • Yusa-d umaziγ = The Berber came (Yusa-d (amaziγ)) (the verb “Yusa/came” precedes the noun “amaziγ/berber”, so “amaziγ” becomes “umaziγ”). (We don’t say “Yusa-d amaziγ”, we say “Yusa-d umaziγ”)
  • Yemmut wuccen = The wolf is died (Yemmut (uccen)) (the verb “Yemmut/is died” precedes the noun “uccen/wolf”, so “uccen” becomes “wuccen”). (We don’t say “Yemmut uccen”, we say “Yemmut wuccen”)
  • Telsa teqcict imeddasen-is = The girl wore her shoes (Telsa (taqcict) imeddasen-is) (the verb ”Telsa/wore” precedes the noun “taqcict/girl”, so “taqcict” becomes “teqcict”). ( We don’t say “Telsa taqcict”, we say “Telsa teqcict”)

Isem yezwar isem/The noun pecedes the noun


  • Imru n uselmad = The pen of the teacher (Imru n (aselmad)) (the noun “Imru/pen” precedes the noun “aselmad/teacher”, so “aselmad” becomes “uselmad”). (We don’t say “Imru n aselmad”, we say “Imru n uselmad”)
  • Adlis n tmeṭṭut = The book of the woman (Adlis n (tameṭṭut)) (the noun “Adlis/book” precedes the noun “tameṭṭut/woman”, so “tameṭṭut” becomes “tmeṭṭut”). (We don’t say “Adlis n tameṭṭut”, we say “Adlis n tmeṭṭut”)
  • Imru n waldun = The lead pencil (literally : The pen of lead) (Imru n (aldun)) (the noun “Imru/pen” precedes the noun “aldun/lead(metal)”, so “aldun” becomes “waldun”). (We don’t say “Imru n aldun”, we say “Imru n waldun”)
  • Axxam n yergazen = The house of men (Axxam n (irgazen)) (the noun “Axxam/house” precedes the noun “irgazen/men”, so “irgazen” becomes “yergazen”). (We don’t say “Axxam n irgazen”, we say “Axxam n yergazen”)

Tanzeγt tezwar isem/The preposition pecedes the noun


  • Tamaziγt deg wul inu= Berber language is in my heart (the preposition deg/in” precedes the noun “ul/heart”, so “ul” becomes “wul”). Here we can say also “Tamaziγt deg ul inu”, so we can say “wul” or “ul”).
  • Taqcict d weqcic = The boy and the girl (Taqcict d (aqcic)) (the preposition “d/and” precedes the noun “aqcic/boy”, so “aqcic” becomes “weqcic”). (We don’t say “Taqcict d aqcic”, we say “Taqcict d weqcic”)
  • Uγaleγ-d seg uγerbaz = I came back from the school (Uγaleγ-d seg (aγerbaz)) (the preposition “seg/from” precedes the noun “aγerbaz/school”, so “aγerbaz” becomes “uγerbaz”). (We don’t say “seg aγerbaz”, we say “seg uγerbaz”)
  • Seg + axxam ---> Seg wexxam (From the house) (Seg = seg/from)
  • Γef + tamurt ---> Γef tmurt (About the country) (Γef = γef/about)
  • Deg + afus ---> Deg ufus (In the hand) (Deg = deg/in)
  • N + asif ---> N wasif (Of the river) (N = n/of)
  • Γer + tameṭṭut ---> Γer tmeṭṭut (To the woman) (Γer = γer/to)

Amḍan yezwar isem/The number pecedes the noun


  • Yiwet tmellalt = One egg (Yiwet (tamellalt)) (the number “yiwet/one” precedes the noun “tamellalt/egg”, so “tamellalt” becomes “tmellalt”). (We don’t say “Yiwet tamellalt”, we say “Yiwet tmellalt”)
  • Γur-i sin yizmawen = I have two lions (Γur-i sin (izmawen)) (the number “sin/two” precedes the noun “izmawen/lions”, so “izmawen” becomes “yizmawen”). (We don’t say “sin izmawen”, we say “sin yizmawen”)
  • Γur-i yiwen umeddakul = I have one friend (Γur-i yiwen (ameddakul)) (the number “yiwen/one” precedes the noun “ameddakul/friend”, so “ameddakul” becomes “umeddakul”). (We don’t say “yiwen ameddakul”, we say “yiwen umeddakul”)
  • Llan mraw sin wagguren = There are twelve months (Llan mraw sin (agguren)) (the number “mraw sin/twelve” precedes the noun “agguren/months”, so “agguren” becomes “wagguren”). (We don’t say “mraw sin agguren”, we say “mraw sin wagguren”)

Amqim Ameskan yezwar isem/The demonstrative pronoun pecedes the noun


  • Atan wemcic = Here is a cat/Voici un chat (Atan/Here is, This is/Voici) This is a cat Atan (amcic) (the demonstrative pronoun “Atan/Here is, This is” precedes the noun “amcic/cat”, so “amcic” becomes “wemcic”). (We don’t say “Atan amcic”, we say “Atan wemcic”)
  • Aţţan temeddakult-iw Ayse = Here is my friend Ayse/Voici mon amie Ayse This is my friend Ayse (Aţţan/Here is, This is/Voici).

(Aţţan (tameddakult)) (the demonstrative pronoun “Aţţan/Here is, This is” precedes the noun “tameddakult/friend/amie”, so “tameddakult” becomes “temeddakult”). (We don’t say “Aţţan tameddakult”, we say “Aţţan temeddakult”)

  • Atna warrac inu = Here are my children/Voici mes enfants These are my children (Atna/Here are, These are/Voici) Atna (arrac)) (the demonstrative pronoun “Atna/Here are, These are” precedes the noun “arrac/children”, so “arrac” becomes “warrac”). (We don’t say “Atna arrac”, we say “Atna warrac”)
  • Atenta teqcicin inem = Here are your girls/Voici tes filles These are your girls (Atenta/Here are, These are/Voici) Atenta (tiqcicin)) (the demonstrative pronoun “Atenta/Here are, These are” precedes the noun “tiqcicin/girls”, so “tiqcicin” becomes “teqcicin”). (We don’t say “Atenta tiqcicin”, we say “Atenta teqcicin”)
  • Atan : is used for masculine singular (Atan Lutfi/This is Lotfi/Voici Lotfi)
  • Aţţan : is used for feminine singular (Aţţan Ayci/This is Ayse/Voici Ayse)
  • Atna : is used for masculine plural (Atna yergazen/These are men/Voici les hommes)
  • Atenta : is used for feminine plural (Atenta tlawin/These are women/Voici les femmes)
  • Llan kra yismawen ur ţbeddilen ara, γur-sen yiwet n talγa ama deg waddad ilelli neγ deg waddad amaruz.
  • There are some nouns which don’t change, they have one form in the two states of the noun (free state and state of annexation).


  • Tala/Fountain ---> seg + tala ---> seg tala/from the fountain  : Uγaleγ-d seg tala/I came back from the fountain (no change)
  • Tala tebna/The fountain is built ---> Tebna tala/The fountain is built (no change)
  • Tuγmest/Tooth ---> γef + tuγmest ---> γef tuγmest/about tooth
  • Tuγmest terka/The tooth is carious ---> Terka tuγmest/The tooth is carious (no change)
  • Tizi/Hill ---> deg + tizi ---> deg tizi/in the hill (no change)
  • Tizi tecbeḥ/The hill is beautiful ---> Tecbeḥ tizi/The hill is beautiful
  • Ilili/Oleander,rosebay/Laurier-rose ---> n + ilili ---> n ilili/of the rosbay
  • Ilili rẓag/The rosebay is bitter ---> Rẓag ilili/The rosebay is bitter (no change) Same thing for all these following nouns : (there is no change) (Inisi/Hedgehog/Hérisson, Tara/Stem/Tige, Tasa/Liver/Foie, Taddart/Village/Village, Laẓ/Hunger/Faim, Fad/Thirst/Soif, Medden/People/Gens, Tuγmas/Teeth/Dents, Tideţ/Truth/Vérité, Tayeţ/Shoulder/Epaule, Tuyat/Shoulders/Epaules, Timmi/Eyebrow/Sourcil, Tazzla/Running/Course, Taḍuṭ/Wool/Laine, Tili/Shadow/Ombre, Yemma/Mother/Mère, Baba/Father/Père, Weltma/Sister/Soeur, Brother/Frère…).
  • Ismawen imalayen ur nbeddu-yara s teγri ur γur-sen ara amaruz.

The masculine nouns that don’t begin with a vowel don’t have a state of annexation.

Md/Ex: Laẓ, Fad, Baba, Gma.

  • Fad yenγa-t/The thirst killed him
  • Yenγa-t Fad/The thirst killed him (no change)
  • Ismawen untiyen ur nbeddu-yara s “t” ur γur-sen ara amaruz.
  • The feminine nouns that don’t begin with “t” don’t have a state of annexation.

Md/Ex: Yemma, Weltma, Xalti/Aunt/Tante, εemti/aunt/tante.

Yemma telluẓ/My mother is hungry

Telluẓ yemma/My mother is hungry (there is no change)


  • Addad = state/état (Addaden = states/états)
  • Addad amaruz = state of annexation/état d'annexion
  • Addad ilelli = free state/état libre
  • Akmam = concrete/concret
  • Amadwan = abstract/abstrait
  • Amagrad = initial vowel/voyelle initiale
  • Amalay = masculine/masculin
  • Amaẓlay = proper/propre
  • Amdan = person/personne
  • Amḍan = number/nombre
  • Amqim = pronoun/pronom
  • Amqim ameskan = demonstrative pronoun/pronom démonstratif
  • Asemmad = complement/complément
  • Axut/Aγersiw = animal/animal
  • Imγi = plant/plante
  • Unti = feminine/féminin
  • Asget = plural/pluriel
  • Asuf = singular/singulier
  • Tajeṛṛumt = grammar/grammaire
  • Taγawsa = thing/chose
  • Talγa = form/forme
  • Tasureft = exception/exception (Tisuraf = exceptions/exceptions)
  • Tanzeγt = preposition/préposition
  • Tazelγa = particle/particule