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* In Corrections and Videos, after selecting a language, there is also a “select a language” in the new page, and more languages can be selected there. People may ask what it means to have a restriction firstly. I think it’s to be convenient.  
* In Corrections and Videos, after selecting a language, there is also a “select a language” in the new page, and more languages can be selected there. People may ask what it means to have a restriction firstly. I think it’s to be convenient.  
* In Corrections and Questions, words below “Please respect our submission rules”, “How to ask a good question” are too small. It can be not comfortable for old people.  
* In Corrections and Questions, words below “Please respect our submission rules”, “How to ask a good question” are too small. It can be not comfortable for old people.  
* There are so many explanations written capitalized, but as far as I know, some people are not accustomed to this if their mother tongues are not in Latin Script. <span style="color:green">COMPLETED</span>
* <span style=" color: green">'''[COMPLETED]'''</span> There are so many explanations written capitalized, but as far as I know, some people are not accustomed to this if their mother tongues are not in Latin Script.  
* Some texts in translated pages are not suitable for the common format, such as "remember me" has covered a big part of "login" in Japanese.
* Some texts in translated pages are not suitable for the common format, such as "remember me" has covered a big part of "login" in Japanese.
* One language should not be selected more than once in "language you want to learn", "language you can teach" and Find Friends. <span style=" color: red">GrimPixel:</span> You have noticed that. <span style=" color: red">Vincent:</span> Yes, that's easy to correct.
* One language should not be selected more than once in "language you want to learn", "language you can teach" and Find Friends. <span style=" color: red">GrimPixel:</span> You have noticed that. <span style=" color: red">Vincent:</span> Yes, that's easy to correct.

Revision as of 18:27, 4 December 2018

If a request needs a lot of details, create a new page: https://polyglotclub.com/wiki/Features/TYPE_NAME.

Language List

See https://polyglotclub.com/wiki/Features/Language-List-REQUEST

Vincent: I completed many things but it took more time than expected. It will be online soon ;) GrimPixel: That's great. It's a milestone of Polyglot Club! I wonder if Italki will do so, too. Its 8 languages limit seems to be from here. Vincent: it's ONLINE now ! :D. please report is you see bugs


If I want to select "Ga", I have to type "gaa". It should start searching from 2 letters. Vincent: corrected. I must find a way, that if there is an EXACT MATCH, the language appear on top. GrimPixel: A little trick: define all languages within 3 characters (including alters) as the "priorior". If search string is no more than 3 characters, display the matching "priorior" first, sort by length of characters in ascending order. Some languages have parenthesis, they may have no more than 3 characters excluding parenthesis. They should be also counted.

GrimPixel:There is an "E" (eee) and an "U" (uuu). It means that to pick out these languages, and start searching from the two if users input "e" or "u". Maybe it can be also applied to two-character languages such as "Ga".

If I type "persian", there will be a "Dari" surrounded by "Persian", which may be confusing to newcomers. Vincent: corrected

And if there are people selecting Dari, then "Persian" becomes empty, which is more confusing. Vincent: It appears but not on top, same problem as for 'Ga'.

The separate line is better to be gray, unselectable. Vincent: It's already grey, but I have not found any way to make it unselectable yet GrimPixel: The gap between separate line and items can be smaller. Vincent: Ok

The tooltip is only functional when hovering the mouse on the language name instead of the whole item. And its time lag is too long. Vincent: Ok, I'll try

The tooltip can be as good-looking as that "1 - Beginner ..." in "Find Friends". Vincent: Ok, I'll try

In the tooltip, there can be a line break between autos and alters. Vincent: Corrected GrimPixel: Elsewhere such as when hovering the mouse on the flag icon of a user's profile, are not applied yet.

If I type "Cantonese", it is shown in the parenthesis. But if I type "cantonese", it is "粵語" in the parenthesis. Vincent: corrected

GrimPixel: When I type "Chinese", there are alters in the parenthesis of "Mandarin Chinese" and "Yue Chinese". But I don't need them. Vincent: Ok, I see what you mean. I'll try GrimPixel: I think the tooltip can make parentesis not needed. GrimPixel: If the "name" matches, skip searching its "alter". Then, if both "name" and "alter" can match, the redundant "alter" will not be displayed, the first "auto" will be displayed in parenthesis.

"Languages you can teach" and "languages you want to learn" can be shown as results before typing. Vincent: yes but then I'll need an Ok button GrimPixel: I mean when users click on the search bar, those languages will be displayed; if users type something, then it start to search. Vincent: Ok, I get it, good idea, that's easy to do.

GrimPixel: I have noticed that when I input "arabic", that "Judeo-Iraqi Arabic" is placed between two "Arabic" members.

GrimPixel: If no good solution for making the result clear, separate lines can be removed. I thought that separate lines will make it clear, but they are not useful at all.

GrimPixel: Autos of Egyptian (and Coptic, etc) can's be displayed.

GrimPixel: Loading icon can be placed elsewhere to not to cover the magnifier icon.

GrimPixel: After choosing Chinese, there is only one page avaliable. Vincent: what do you mean? GrimPixel: In Questions, Corrections, after choosing Chinese, only one page can be displayed in the result, as well as other macrolanguages.

GrimPixel: Filipino is missing. Please check if the number of language is 7849.

GrimPixel: Language search bar which doesn't have "English" as default option is misplaced on Android.

GrimPixel: Of each item, "Members" should be "Member" when there is only one.

GrimPixel: Number of "members" should include all 5-star ones, not just "Native".

GrimPixel: This was my fault: previous "Egyptian" was changed to current "Egyptian", but it should be changed to "Egyptian Arabic". There are now 2211 users whose native language is Ancient Egyptian.

GrimPixel: The current search bar is too short for many langauges, such as Arabic languages.


Vincent: https://polyglotclub.com/wiki/Features/Language-List-Flags

Requests by users

  1. Request by Sasha (https://polyglotclub.com/language/english/question/23183). It would be great to have possibility to mark all notifications as viewed with one click and also letters. Online status, and the search between online users. Notifications about corrections and votes.
  2. [COMPLETED] GrimPixel: I have encountered the same error with the one of anna_szczu, I had switched the language to Kazakh, and switched it back. Later I logged in again, it shows me Kazakh again. It automatically changes to Kazakh each time I visit the site now!
  3. [COMPLETED] Yasceine_Bahbouh I think that the Arabic translation is somehow weak. I tried to traslate, but the translation link is no more valid or it says nothing to be translated!
  4. Request by davide_dur
    1. is it possible to disable the chat menu for good when the website is uploaded? I can't see my inbox icon in a glance, because of the chat menu presence! Vincent: This depends of the screen resolution
    2. can you modify the "my points" section so as to always keep the count of an user profile? In my case, i can see my points only when i add a contribution to the site! Vincent: do you get what he means? I don't have that issue.GrimPixel: It's because the monitor resolution is set to be 800 * 600. Vincent: The points issue does not depend of the screen resolution, or add a screen copy because I don't understand. GrimPixel: I really don't kow what happened. Vincent: Ok I'll ask the user to send me a screen copy
  5. Request by Marianthi
    1. Display the number of users who have viewed a lesson.
  6. Request by xap
    1. Module de traduction
      1. J'ai effectué quelques traductions de textes et dans certains cas, je suis reparti d'une traduction d'un autre membre. Je me disais qu'il pourrait être interessant d'afficher une hiérarchie dans les traductions afin de favoriser le travail d'équipe.
      2. Permettre l'annulation/modification d'un vote ou d'une suggestion de traduction.
      3. Ajouter une option pour éliminer les traductions auxquelles l'utilisateur a déjà participé.
      4. Agrandir la zone de traduction (par défaut ou dynamiquement).
      5. Permettre la visualisation du texte à traduire pendant la traduction. (il est actuellement nécessaire de scroller pour revenir sur le texte original)
      6. Pour éviter les textes en doublon : Lors de l'enregistrement d'une traduction, vérifier si il n'existe pas déjà une traduction identique. Si c'est le cas ajouter +1 à la traduction originelle et ne pas ajouter de ligne supplémentaire.
      7. Faire correspondre les statuts des demandes de traduction avec l'état d'avancement réel (Je pense qu'il s'agit d'un bug mais je n'exclue pas le fait que je puisse mal comprendre les statuts des demandes de traduction)
    2. Module "Questions" : (https://polyglotclub.com/language/french/question)
      1. La page "Last Questions - Français" a perdu son tri par date. (le tri ne semble correspondre ni à la date de création, ni à celle de dernière modification)
      2. Permettre l'ajout de filtre pour les questions de langue.
      3. Permettre l'élimination des questions répondues de la recherche par le biais d'un filtre.
    3. Module "Corrections"
      1. Permettre l'ajout de commentaire à une réponse déjà donnée.
      2. Permettre de proposer une corrrection à une réponse déjà donnée.
    4. Idée

Je ne sais pas ce que cela vaut ou si il y a un marché porteur mais il est possible que des sites internet cherchent à obtenir une traduction à moindre coût sous le même format que celui que le vôtre. Peut-être pouvez-vous proposer à d'autres sites d'ajouter leurs demandes de traduction dans la même section et ainsi vous permettre des revenus supplémentaires.


[COMPLETED]Sometimes it doesn't show the link to home page of the website, such as Features and Home. Vincent: Ok GrimPixel: Maybe you can add an image with link to index page. You can set to open a lesson in a new tag as default, to evade this problem.

GrimPixel: Is it necessary to keep writing in English? Threads in Questions, Forums are not all in English. It can be very good if people can learn languages and don't have to know English, as translating a lesson can be done only when "there is no much changes" now. Vincent: If it's in English, moderators will be able to validate/correct. Translations: it will be more complicated if we have the original language in different languages. It's much simpler to have always the same base language. In particular for the page structure. Page in English /Language/French/Vocabulary/Page-title Page translated in Spanish /Language/French/Vocabulary/Page-title/es (2 characters language code). this is how mediawiki works GrimPixel: So it's better to enable translation for each lesson. I think few people learn basic English with basic English. Vincent: yes if the lessons are completed, translations can be enabled GrimPixel: So, there should be an option "in progress" for each lesson selected by default, and can be deselected and selected again by users. The "in progress" should be displayed with the title. Vincent: it's hardest to do what I want with Mediawiki as this is not something I developed myself but it has been developed by hundreds of developers, but I'll try with a Mediawiki extension, there must be one doing what you describe. You can also search for "mediawiki extensions" in Google and suggest one you like... GrimPixel: I have just tried to search. It's hard. I will continue. Vincent: I mean, you will not find exactely your need but something similar, or you will find other interesting stuff... but it can be technical. don't search too much, i'll do it

GrimPixel: Maybe listing categories on the main page is more convenient.

GrimPixel: Search bar can be avaliable in the page https://polyglotclub.com/language/wiki

GrimPixel: There can be a comment section at the main page.

GrimPixel: Some lessons should be moved from "English" to "Multiple languages": those "in many languages", "in various languages", "in different cultures and languages", "in all languages". As for Internet resources for polyglots, How to become a polyglot, International Phonetic Alphabet, Input Methods, How to use SR and TTS on Windows, How to contribute to Wiki lessons (FAQ), Learn Languages, Most popular Polyglot Clubs in the world, they should be placed out of the category of language. Vincent: I have moved everything to "Multiple languages". For technical reasons, I cannot move out of the 'Language' category for now.

Vincent : I have updated to the latest version of Mediawiki (1.30.0) because, for some reason, the Visual Editor was not working anymore. GrimPixel: I am not accustomed to the removal of side division. But it looks neat. Also it's more convienient to see diacritics, because of bigger-sized fonts.

GrimPixel: When creating a page, there is a "TO READ CAREFULLY". It should be "READ CAREFULLY", but I haven't found it in translation team. Vincent: it's a special page on Mediawiki, it's corrected.

Vincent: User Grimpixel has been deleted and merged with user GrimPixel


As we can see, in wiki lessons, when it comes to culture, the list of languages does not fit. So I think that as a lesson of culture can involve many countries or peoples, it's better to add a new feature "tags", which includes countries, peoples, and an option "world". I think there may also be a "History" sharing the tags with "Culture".

I also think another set of tags can be applied to vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. And then, those "in many languages", "in many cultures" can be picked out from "English" into "World", which is more reasonable.

lesson topics

I am creating a page to correct lesson topics : delete, merge, break, rename: https://polyglotclub.com/wiki/Features/Lesson-topics

GrimPixel: I see you have added some function to Wiki. I think colours are good for indicating content with different purposes. Is there this one? Vincent: I must update the MediaWiki software to the latest version, we will discover the new features

GrimPixel: There are pictures in Wiki that depict country maps. But the border may annoy some people. Vincent: URL please, I don't know what you mean GrimPixel: For example , some Chinese lessons have a picture of the map of China on the flag, but its border can frustrate Indians for it's not according to McMahon Line. Also, countries with larger area seems to be similar with smaller ones, such as the picture of that lesson about Russia and Ukraine. Vincent: Ok I see

GrimPixel: "Type the title of the page" seems to be an abnormal option. It should look better. Vincent: When creating a new lesson, first step is select language, second step category and the last step says "SELECT OR TYPE A PAGE TITLE", it's not clear?


Correcting the COUNTRY list is a priority (easy to do)

then correcting other administrative levels (harder to do)

GrimPixel: This one even have Chinese in location. https://polyglotclub.com/member/xiangfanqq Vincent: he has "china" in location GrimPixel: It will be solved in that location correction tool.

GrimPixel: You have noticed that. https://polyglotclub.com/translate_item.php?lang_id=28&item_id=1320 Vincent: when the location database will be corrected, this will be corrected

GrimPixel: The word "Network" after each item such as "China Network" should be removed, because it is redundant, and it should be "Chinese Network" if to make it correct. Vincent: Ok, I'll do it


  1. Location is not good enough, because it requires a “city”, but people can input a province and select it, such as “Shandong”. There is also a problem about repeated names, for example, “Jinan (Shandong)” and “Jinan Shi (Shandong Sheng)”; “Paris (Île-de-France, France)”, “Paris (Paris, France)”, “Paris 02 (Île-de-France, France)” and “Paris 08 (Île-de-France, France)”.
  2. Many flags of countries are also in lack or wrong.


I think it is clear to me that how "country", "region", "city" can be changed. They should be "country or territory" (it is still not satisfying, because it is not covering all common types of territory), "first-level administrative division", "city". Usual sites don't write like this, I think it's because words are long and few people concern about it.

disputed countries

The old lists need to be changed, so there are two problems, one is about disputed countries. Which are to be "recognized"? I see Taiwan, Palestine, Western Sahara are widely accepted, and some other are not. The other problem is how do cities in disputed territories belong to. Maybe it can be selected in both countries. I really want to ask people in these area about their opinions.




Free database for cities and countries!

Vincent: I think it's impossible to be better that the Google maps API, everybody use it. It's just it has to be used the right way. So maybe there is a better way. With the Google Api, you can also enter a precise address and it will find country, region, city etc... No other database can do that.

GrimPixel: So it should be remained. Location can be like this: 1. select your country, 2. select your subdivision, 3. select your city. Step 1 and 2 are filters for the next one. Vincent:yes, we can use that on the find-friends page (because you want to be able to find members in a specific subdivision) but on other situation you can simply type the city, no need to enter country and region first GrimPixel: If typing is allowed, people will still be able to input a province and select it. Vincent: too complicated. just type the city and if several cities, in the results display: Paris (Ile de france, france) and Paris (Texas, USA)

GrimPixel: I like this way. I really want to know how many items there are, and what types there are. I remember you said "millions", I think they are addresses. Where needs them? Vincent: on Google API, I do not have access to the list as the request is done online. But Google database of course has millions if not billions lines. Before using Google I imported a city table and it has 2 millions line. You can check https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geoip2-city-country-csv-databases/#Locations_Files the number of lines. Address in Google api will be useful for the events. You type directely the address of the event without typing the city (it's not done yet, but it's done on Couchsurfing.com). It's already working on polyglotclub,when you register you can also type a precise address, if your city is not found

GrimPixel: The flaw is repeated names, from country to city. There is never any duplicate with the 3 country, region, city

GrimPixel: But I don't know why there are repeated names such as "Kiev (Kyiv City, Ukraine)" , "Kyiv (Kyiv City, Ukraine)" and "Kiev (Kiev, Ukraine)". And also, I can input a subdivision instead of a city. It's the problem in "Errors 1" above. This is the next major issue to solve after Language List. Vincent: this will be solved after I automatically update the city, region, country database using the Google API GrimPixel: But why does Google API have such an incomplete list of countries and a list of repeated cities? Vincent: each time a new city is found, it is stored in the Polyglot database. Those wrong cities were stored a long time ago. The api is improving everyday and our database must also be corrected. We cannot use the api each time a user requests a city because there is a limit of the number of requests per day set by Google. That's why we store cities, regions and countries in our database. Using a static database like the one your suggest is not the solution because a city database must be updated everyday, only an API is the solution. GrimPixel: I understand. How many cities are there? Maybe we can manually correct a lot of them. Vincent: 83,267 cities are stored. Corrections must be done by script. If update city list, (rename, merge, delete) we must update many other tables:members, events, comments... Some time ago I set up a "city/region/country correction tool" where user could suggest corrections and the update was done automatically. I'll see if we can activate it again or I just set up the automatic update using the API, and in case there are still some erros, activate the "correction tool". GrimPixel: If the update is limited, we can induce the rules of errors, and make it easier. GrimPixel: There shouldn't be so many cities in the world. Can you send me the data of China and let me see the pattern? Vincent: according to this: https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080715193227AA6sYOL there are 3,900,000 villages, towns and cities in world.GrimPixel: The least population of a city is not defined. But political definitions of them should be existing.

There are two files: cities and countries. They have some places to change in common:

  • "Hashmite Kingdom of Jordan" should be "Jordan";
  • "Republic of Lithuania" should be "Lithuania";
  • "Republic of Moldova" should be "Moldova";
  • "Slovak Republic" should be "Slovakia".
  • Because there is no special need to write full names of them.
  • "Czechia" is not so well-accepted as "Czech Republic", but it's becoming well-known and being adopted gradually. So, change it or not.
  • "Ivory Coast" is "Côte d'Ivoire" officially, "Republic of Côte d'Ivoire", but it is not in English. Just because the government say so. I don't think it's necessary to follow that government.
  • In the country file, rows 244 and 245 have no country names, only continents.
  • Also, "Gambia" and "Bahamas" should be "The Gambia" and "The Bahamas".

Changes to current country list


Åland Islands: Aland Islands


Caribbean Netherlands; Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba

Czech Republic; Czechia

Kingdom of Norway; Norway

Republic of the Union of Myanmar; Myanmar (Burma)

Republic of Indonesia; Indonesia

The Netherlands; Netherlands

create (excluding uninhabited and scientists-only islands)

Akrotiri and Dhekelia

British Indian Ocean Territory

Cocos (Keelings) Islands

Cook Islands

Isle of Man

Marshall Islands





Norfolk Islands



Saint Barthelemy

South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands

Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha



Vatican City


Congo: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo




GrimPixel: Please download and see them, they have png in different sizes, or svg which can be stretched.

There are Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha in UK, and Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba in Netherlands. In these cases, three islands can be considered as integrated, or separated. Each island has its own official flag. In the 2nd and 4th, they are integrated, can be represented with UK flag and Dutch flag; in 1st and the 3rd, they are separated.



For French Overseas Collectivities and Overseas Regions, Only French Polynesia and New Caledonia have official flags. It means that all of other collectivities and regions should all have an unofficial flag or all represented by French flag. The unofficial flags in the 3rd are not the most popular ones, so it means to change them to French flag.


In the 2nd, the flag of Saint Helena is used to represent the integration, it should be changed to UK flag; The flag of New Caledonia is a French flag, means all flags of French Overseas Collectivities and Overseas Regions should be all changed to French flag.

  1. http://www.customicondesign.com/free-icons/flag-icon-set/flat-round-world-flag-icon-set/
  2. http://flag-icon-css.lip.is/
  3. http://hjnilsson.github.io/country-flags/ GrimPixel: Now I prefer this one, because the 1st has created its own flag for Pitcairn, which is distinct from other British Overseas Territories; the Soyombo on the flag of Mongolia is incomplete, which may means an offensive. The 2nd doesn't have flag of New Caledonia.
  4. http://www.icondrawer.com/flag-icons.php : this is the one I like best because different sizes et nicer. The flag on that website is different from the downloaded, and the downloaded is up-to-date! As the flags of Guadeloupe and Réunion are not the popular ones, non-official flags (excluding French Polynesian and New Caledonian, according to French Constitution) of French Overseas Collectivities and Overseas Regions should be all changed to French flag. I think the icons should not be too small, because it will be very difficult to distinguish, especially for British Overseas Territories.

128 - Country Network

64 - Forum (topics about countries)

48 - User Profile

32 - Pop-up user profile, search bar, news tag, event tag

24 - Avatar attachment

16 - (nowhere)


Mibbit Chat

  • Chat room sometimes is not secure, according to Firefox, because it always directs to http:// address instead of https://. When I search Mibbit with Duckduckgo and Yahoo UK, the result is its http:// page. That’s a reason for why I prefer KiwiIRC.
  • Sometimes "Text/Audio CHAT" is unavailable. Vincent: for technical reasons, the chat is available only on the homepage. It's heavy to load so better have it only at one place. I should indicate clearly where to find the chat maybe GrimPixel: When loading the index page, that Text/Audio Chat makes the browser no response, when there are many users online. I think it can be put somewhere else. Vincent: OK

ONLINE matching chat

  • GrimPixel: Text/Video CHAT is still activated after I log out. I opened two index pages, logged out from one and see this on the other page after I logged in again. Vincent: I think it's solved.
  • Vincent: I've made several improvements :
    • diplay conversation history when changing page,
    • display only matching members,
    • radio button "display Only natives",
    • there is no more Webcam chat because the appear.in service I was using for WebRTC video chat is not free anymore. I need to find another free service allowing to CREATE ROOMS without registration. I'll check : https://meet.jit.si and https://talky.io/, there must be other ones

Translation Team

  • w`1it is hard to translate accurately if it doesn’t show the context. I think there can be a link to the page in each sentence. There are also “finished” sentences in need of correction. When possible I can add a link to the page.
  • People should also be able to translate languages which they are learning, it is because, for example, very few people learn Esperanto as a mother tongue, but learners are many and they can do it. Vincent: even with people native of the language the quality is not perfect, so it will be worse if they are not natives GrimPixel: Maybe better, because learning the mother tongue is by pure imitating, but learning others is systematical, so native speakers may translate worse than trained learners.
  • GrimPixel: Before I click on "Search Item?", it only shows the not adopted. After I click on "Search Item?", it only shows the translated and adopted. I also think there can be a text box to input the page number.
  • GrimPixel: There is a need to decide a Chinese name of the website, or it can be translated diversely. I have no good idea now, but the last resort is 多语言者俱乐部 or 波利格洛特俱乐部. Vincent: we can decide together for your translations but It's hard to develop something on the site only for one language. It's true that Chinese translates also names
    • https://polyglotclub.com/translate_item.php?lang_id=28&item_id=1148 Not relative to language learning: 玻璃格俱乐部.
    • https://polyglotclub.com/translate_item.php?lang_id=28&item_id=135 Not so relative to lanugage learning. Old-fashioned and not impressive: 百灵阁亿言堂.
    • GrimPixel: My translation, proudly: 聚语俱乐部 / 聚語俱樂部. I shall introduce something about languages: In Chinese, Poly- is usually translated to 多, "many", but it also can be translated to 聚, "to get together", in chemistry; -glot means 語, "language(s)". 俱樂部 comes from Japanese pseudo-anglicism translation of "club", 俱楽部 (クラブ, kurabu). 俱 means "together", 楽 means "to have fun", 部 means "section". 聚語 can be considered to also have the meaning "to talk together", which indicates the "Events" feature of the website. And it has not been used by others. I think it can be the best Chinese name.
  • GrimPixel: When I use the "Search Item", only the first page is available. Vincent: yes I know it will be corrected but later
  • GrimPixel: The item "Offer a Home" can be confusing. It can be changed to "provide lodging". Vincent: Ok
  • GrimPixel: Translations by outsiders are really disappointing. I think it's necessary to build courses in those languages, and a test before joining translation team is required. Vincent: that's why I chose to suggest to translate only the natives of the language and even with date the quality is not the best
  • GrimPixel: What if the English sentence is wrong? Vincent: When you try to translate from English to English, it's not a translation but a correction actually, you can try https://polyglotclub.com/translate.php?lang_id=36 GrimPixel: I can't search in this page
  • GrimPixel: The ultimate form of translation team: in every page, there is a button "translate or polish". After selecting it, users will be able to click any passage in the page, and be directed to the item page of translation team.
  • GrimPixel: What if I want to edit the item with 1000 votes?
  • GrimPixel: Don't you think it's better to say "Club will send you an e-mail" than "Polyglot will send you an e-mail"? Vincent: where is this?: then I'll correct by "Polyglot Club send you an email" GrimPixel: Everywhere. Orz There are so many cases that the site call itself "Polyglot".
  • GrimPixel: There are "Type language name" and "Type languge name in English", the latter can be merged with the former.
  • GrimPixel: The list of "top translators" is too long, so there is a large blank in the page.
  • GrimPixel: When entering the translation page, it should be clicking the whole frame. When entering the team of a language, it's better to click on a big button instead of a word in the frame.
  • GrimPixel: For some languages, such as Mandarin Chinese, the text is partially covered by the frame.
  • GrimPixel: The icon of google translate is so old. Maybe it can be changed.
  • GrimPixel: Those languages with more than one script still don't have translation teams.
  • GrimPixel: Translations of articles can be separated from translation teams, because they are so long that few people are willing to translate them. Articlls can be translated from "Article" section.
  • GrimPixel: Icons are disappeared on top menu in translation team. Also in "My points".
  • GrimPixel: New pop-up window doesn't work on Opera.
  • GrimPixel: Google translation is much better than when it was used to translate "Articles" and other contents. I think Articles and some other texts can be translated again.


There is a “My Forum”, but "Forum” is not shown on top bar. Also, there is a “My Meetings”, in fact it can be easy to understand if it is called “My Events”. Maybe “Meetings” is more precise than “Events”.

GrimPixel: There should be sections of countries of it, just like HiNative.


GrimPixel: I think it can be merged with "Forum".


  1. In Videos, options of “Select a video website” is somehow restricted. Vincent: I think those are the most used. GrimPixel: I know that some videos are not appearing on YouTube, but on local video websites (of course those are mostly not in English). But I also wonder if the local ones are secure, so, not each site can be shown there. Vincent: it's easier to use the most known video systems, that way they just type the URL, and the video can be embeded on the site because I know the format to embed youtube, facebook etc...
  2. "Beginner" should be "Basic", because the other two words "Intermediate" and "Advanced" are both adjectives, so "Beginner" should be changed. Vincent: good point GrimPixel: Also in "Language you want to learn" and "Language you can teach". Vincent:Ok
  3. "Back" and "Next" button can be hidden when cursor leaves there. GrimPixel: You can put them below the video window.
  4. And the format is different from Corrections and Questions. Vincent: which format? I don't understand GrimPixel: This sentence is connected with the below one. My answer is below.
  5. It makes me notice “Submit” button, which are in a frame and there are additional buttons to submit in Corrections, Questions, Articles and Help. Vincent: I don't understand GrimPixel: There are some differences between the pages. You can compare them: https://polyglotclub.com/language/english/question/page-new, https://polyglotclub.com/language/english/question/page-new, https://polyglotclub.com/help/polyglot-club/page-new, https://polyglotclub.com/language/english/video/page-new I think there can be variety if it, but not too much.
  6. [COMPLETED]GrimPixel: When going to the page, those which have the most "good" appear first. It gives a sense of there are always only those ones. Old ones are always prioritized, new ones are always supressed. To see the newest ones, users have to scroll down to the end of page to set "sort by creation date", but it doesn't work if I only select "sort by creation date". Vincent: yes, this is a bug. It has to be corrected!
  7. GrimPixel: I can't see my video comment and number of Good from My Videos. It's obvious that the URL in this way is different from the one listed in "Videos". Vincent: Yes it's right the videos you added on your profile must link to the videos in the video section. That way all the likes an comment will appear.
  8. GrimPixel: There can be an explanation of supported platforms of video (Video type), and replace "choose video type" with auto recognition. Vincent: instead of choosing the video type, user can simply type the URL, and the video type will be automatically recongnized. We just have to say which video types are supported
  9. GrimPixel: There are troubles watching Dailymotion and Vimeo. Dailymotion has been overstreched, and Vimeo doesn't show graphics unless double click to enter full screen mode. Vincent: It's been a long time since I checked that. format may have changed, so I must udpate
  10. GrimPixel: Facebook videos are invalid now. Vincent: Ok, I'll correct
  11. GrimPixel: Title of video can be fetched and filled automatically. There are many videos which are not nameded properly, such as "english".



  1. GrimPixel: Sentences of "corrected version" should be selectable if there are more than one correction of a sentence.
  2. GrimPixel: "Original version" and "corrected version" can be placed side by side.
  3. GrimPixel: Sentences are not separated in Chinese and Japanese, because they are using fullwidth punctuation. This includes period, question mark and exclamation mark. Also in Devanagari and some other scripts.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_stop#Full_stops_in_other_scripts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Question_mark#In_other_languages_and_scripts https://polyglotclub.com/wiki/Language/English/Grammar/Punctuation-of-many-languages


  1. In user’s profiles, there is an “Add friend” button, which is better to be shown as text “You are already friends!” if so. Vincent: yes, you are right.
  2. And list of friends in profile should be placed under the main content, in case there are a lot of friends and it makes a large blank in the page.
  3. Side division can follow scrolling.
  4. In “My Friends”, order of the list should be last logged in. Users should be marked “inactive” if not log in for 30 days, so it will be easy to know by others. Vincent: yes, ok. GrimPixel: And there can be a function to hide them.
  5. The two icons indicating user's gender are difficult to distinguish. Vincent: OK
  6. GrimPixel: "Send message" and "Add friend" can be put into "Actions" in profile

Find friends

  1. GrimPixel: Language they teach" and "Language they learn" can stand side by side. Vincent: with the new language list, we need more space so we cannot display side by side.
  2. There can be a button "reverse", to reverse the condition, to find the ones with same "learning languages" and "teaching languages". Vincent: not very useful GrimPixel: This means learning other languages together with speakers of a same native language. Vincent: ok, yes why not
  3. GrimPixel: After clicking the close icon in "languages they teach + levels", see what happen. I also don't know what those numbers in "languages they learn + levels" mean. Vincent: if you put your mouse over the [?], you'll see the meaning of numbers see picture below:
    GrimPixel: Ehh, I think there being five or six checkboxes is better. But do users really care about this? Will there be a user who only wants to select "1" and "5", and so on? Vincent: Maybe there should be only one checkbox : NATIVE or NOT GrimPixel: This is good, because of its simplicity. GrimPixel: But what if a user want both native and non-native? I think there is no need to specify too much, just let users select the languages. That's enough. Vincent: many people want only native speakers. so the checkbox must be [ ] Only natives? if it is checked, only natives will appear, else natives and non natives, any levels
  4. GrimPixel: "delete" button should be placed after each item. Vincent: Yes
  5. GrimPixel: What about there being languages with checkboxes "they teach" and "they learn", and two "select/deselect all" checkboxes, and a "reverse" button? Vincent: it sounds complicated or manybe I do not understand. Screen copy maybe GrimPixel: As you have Only natives? There is no need for those "they teach" and "they learn" checkboxes. "Reverse" can be applied as Find friends 2 above. I thin it can be like this - default languages are listed according to users' "teach" and "learn", and after each item, there are two checkboxes - "they teach" and "they learn", and a "reverse" button at the bottom. "Natives" can be replaced with 5 star. If people live aboard for long time, they may have native-level skill for foreign languages, and foreign-level skill for the native languages
  6. GrimPixel: In advanced search, there is a "sort", which contains "country", "region, "city", but what does they mean?
  7. GrimPixel: Age can be typed instead of selected, because people may be older than 100 or younger than 5.
  8. GrimPixel: Since the 2nd page, "languages they teach" and "language they learn" are exchanged.
  9. GrimPixel: The default "country" is Zimbabwe sometimes, which can be changed to "all countries".
  10. GrimPixel: The Text/Video chat is covering the rightmost language.

Chat softwares

“Chat softwares” in profiles should be updated. Not many people use AIM and ICQ now, there are new products in fashion, not only “chat software” but also “social media” now. There should be a list of them to select from. And, “software” is an uncountable noun.

Vincent: I think only chat softwares should be in that list and only the top 5. Maybe add another part 'social networks' with the top 5: facebook, twitter... Google+ is not among the top ones.

GrimPixel: If so, some famous ones such as Skype and VKontakte will be excluded. In fact, "social network" includes "chat software". I think there can be a list of them, just as countries. After selecting an item, a text box will appear for inputing account name. "Other" shows two boxes, the other is name of the media. Vincent: OK GrimPixel: I think that can be like creating wiki page - there are titles to choose, but users can creat their own ones. It should be able to choose the customized one when there are still candidates to select. After choosing or typing a name of the social network, users fill in a box with the account name.

GrimPixel: Well, this changes often. I think it can be sorted by popularity of Polyglot Club users.

social media
Sina Weibo
Baidu Tieba

The list is based on https://www.statista.com/statistics/272014/global-social-networks-ranked-by-number-of-users/ and should be changed with new versions in the site. Google+ doesn't publish its number of active users, it is estimated to be 540 million. Discord is not mentioned, but it can be gloriously listed because of its fast-growing popularity and advantages for learning languages.


That "remember me" should be "remember user name and password" instead of giving a sense of automatic log in. Vincent: I think automatic login is good. Facebook use it. GrimPixel: So, if it only works with Facebook log in, it should appear under that. Vincent: no I was meaning, Facebook.com website uses an automatic login so why polyglotclub could not do automatic login. the remember me checkbox mean 'automatic login' GrimPixel: I haven't enjoyed automatic login. It's a problem. Every time I click "log in", then click "log in". I'm using Firefox. Vincent: I don't understand the problem. Sometimes a few pictures is better than text. You can add screen copies here. GrimPixel: No automatic login.Vincent: Ok, now I understand that you check the box and the next time you reach the page, there's no automatic login. I'll check

GrimPixel: It is certain that automatic login doesn't work well on Firefox. It goes offline automatically if be inactive for a while.

GrimPixel: "Register" on the upper-right corner is redundant and can be removed. Vincent: I think both the Register and login buttons are needed because if only login, pleople will not see easily the Register button. Besides, all websites have "sign in" (log in) and "sign up" (register) buttons


  1. In register page, "OK" button is actually useless unless to choose France. Vincent : if there is a default language in the list, the button is useful. GrimPixel: I think the default option can be a blank, so I can't go ahead if I select the blank. Vincent: the default country should be China. It must be corrected. So leaving blank is not good. GrimPixel: I think that means no blank option and it generates the default option according to IP address. Vincent: yes that's it.
  2. Security check seems to be still unavaliable in China. Italki has a solution of providing a special one for Chinese. Vincent: ok i'll check GrimPixel: There can be an alternative way: send a randomly generated password to the e-mail address. If that is not secure, it should be explained that it's reCAPTCHA.

GrimPixel: I think it's better to have those four steps integrated to one step.

Top menu

  • In fact I haven’t found many cases of listing so many items on top bar. These two are doing so, but there are no icons.



It can be icons and when the cursor moves there, a tooltip appears and show the name.

  • [COMPLETED] On top menu icons, if I click right mouse button and select "Open link in a new tab" on Firefox (I haven't tried other ones), in the new page, the top menu will disappear and a "close" icon will appear, whlch has no function. Vincent: yes I know, I should disable if possible the 'open in a new link' because that's the way the site works for new pages. Navigation is easy that way, for many internal links on the site, you do not have to hit the back buttons and load the page again, you just click the close icon to go to previous page. It's corrected: you can now open in a new tab, the top menu does not disappear. GrimPixel: After clicking on the mail icon on the top bar, it should display the mails right away, not after clicking on another mail icon. Maybe it can be as Italki's - separate icons of mail and notification on the menu bar.


GrimPixel: Some events doesn't show "THERE ARE {1} PLACES LEFT!", such as https://polyglotclub.com/france/ile-de-france/paris/event/1627 Vincnet: Yes it's normal, some events do not limit the number of places, the event creator decides weither to limit number of places.

GrimPixel: There should be a number of remaining places of an event near the "join" button. Vincent: yes, ok


There will be tags for each wiki lesson and quiz, including language names, country names, people names, and some other.


  • In Corrections and Videos, after selecting a language, there is also a “select a language” in the new page, and more languages can be selected there. People may ask what it means to have a restriction firstly. I think it’s to be convenient.
  • In Corrections and Questions, words below “Please respect our submission rules”, “How to ask a good question” are too small. It can be not comfortable for old people.
  • [COMPLETED] There are so many explanations written capitalized, but as far as I know, some people are not accustomed to this if their mother tongues are not in Latin Script.
  • Some texts in translated pages are not suitable for the common format, such as "remember me" has covered a big part of "login" in Japanese.
  • One language should not be selected more than once in "language you want to learn", "language you can teach" and Find Friends. GrimPixel: You have noticed that. Vincent: Yes, that's easy to correct.
  • When changing photo, the preview on the upper-left corner hinders dragging from there. Vincent: OK
  • GrimPixel: There is no link to https://polyglotclub.com/language/ on index page. Vincent: do you think it's useful? I did not put that link because there was already a link to corrections, questions, videos GrimPixel: It's just similar with the index. It doesn't have so many functions, and languages are not the users' learning or teaching ones. It can be considered as the prototype of current index. I think there is no use of it now.
  • GrimPixel: Do you consider broadcasting live events in Paris on Twitch or Youtube? Vincent: Event is a big function of the site but they are actually really working in Paris and Aix, where I live. So a big improvement must be done and promotion too... so I really have to look into that.
  • [COMPLETED] GrimPixel: The icons of "They talk about us!" are shown incompletely. Vincent: Screen copy here please. Vincent: Now I understand :) I have never see this. Vincent: I'm glad it's completed because I did not change anything for that
  • [COMPLETED]GrimPixel: Are there good ways to improve page loading speed? It needs to be done according to Alexa. Vincent: yes, Google analytics tells me also the loading time has increased. It something I must work on. There are many ways to improve loading spead. We've recently changed our database engine (from MySql to MarianaDb), I think that's why, parameters must be changed.
  • GrimPixel: I think images used in Features can be classified. Vincent: what do you mean "classified" you mean appear in the Google index? Yes anybody can access all images. GrimPixel: So there is a risk of leak. Maybe I am too concerned.
  • GrimPixel: Do you consider achievements? This thing has been proved to be attractive in video games. Duolingo has applied it. Vincent: I haven't thought of it. Please write example. GrimPixel: Such as badges for event hosts, then people will trust them, and the hosts will be more active. Vincent: OK
  • GrimPixel: What if there are more than 8 languages to teach or learn? As technology is developing quickly, it's becoming easier and easier to learn a language. Vincent: How many do you think? GrimPixel: I have no idea. Italki has a limit of 8, too. GrimPixel: Well, I see there are no limitations on HiNative and Tatoeba. I just wonder what problems will there be if no limit here. Vincent: For technical reasons, there must be a limit here. Yes we can have more languages like 20 maybe GrimPixel: I don't know what makes the technical problem happen - the total number of languages selected by all users, or an exceeding number of an individual user. If it is the former, then I think that there would be very few users who can actually type 20 languages they know, so we can give them a limit of 20, then it actually won't cause problems technically (I guess). It is just like a high ceiling, there is a comfortable surplus, so users won't feel constriction about the limit. If it is the latter, I think it may should be fewer than 20. Now I think it is determined by webpage design in the future. Vincent: there will be some problems with performance when doing requests in the database. it might slow down the whole site when lots of requests on the search member page
  • GrimPixel: How about a dark mode of the page? White is not comfortable in dark environment, and it costs more energy. Vincent: white background is much more attractive, all social networks use it.
  • GrimPixel: There are various users, and their demands of making friends are various. So I think there can be some important questions - "Why do you learn languages?", "How long do you learn languages each time?", "How often do you learn languages?" - in profile, and users can give, or select from given answers. Then other users will know more about this one. Vincent: Good ideas :)
  • GrimPixel: I think there can be a simple program on the site - a user input its mother tongue, how often and how long each time and which language it learns, then the program tells it how long it will need to get the hang of the language. This will help users to consider learning languages seriously, and make the learning regularly. But I don't know how to get reliable data now. Vincent: Good ideas :)
  • GrimPixel: After submitting profile update, there should be a message to tell if it is successful or not. Vincent: Yes
  • GrimPixel: I think there can be more than one native language, because I have met some this kind of people on Discord. And I have seen on HiNative that natives may be not good at teaching, so "native" doesn't mean 5 stars of "language you can teach". Vincent: it's interesting, but having more than one native language, will need to do many updates on the site
  • GrimPixel: When clicking a user's avatar, there should not be a scroll bar when viewing information, that is to say, make that little window larger. Vincent: Ok
  • [COMPLETED] GrimPixel: I have encountered a problem on my Firefox, there is no response of latest news and many other buttons, including "more", "latest news", the button of my avatar. You can see the image.
  • GrimPixel: Events can be online, in Chat Room. This is inspired by Discord sessions. Vincent: Y's, interesting :)
  • GrimPixel: "Bosnia and Herzegovina" is missing letters. Vincent: Ok
  • GrimPixel: "Standard Estonian" and "Korean" still don't have autonyms on the current list of the upper-right corner icon. Vincent: COMPLETED
  • GrimPixel: There should be a number of online users. That "Text/Video Chat" is not showing the true number, and it gives a sense that the site is not popular. I see there are more people in chat room. Vincent: Yes, I understand. I can display : there are xx matching members out of xx total members on the site, but not much space to display all that text or simply 12 matching members / total 120
  • GrimPixel: Some information in "Ads" is old, such as "Your ad here". Vincent: Ok
  • GrimPixel: Some features can't be seen on mobile from top menu, such as "My points". Vincent: yes, I know but we cannot display all information on mobile, because not a lot of space, so I had to only diplay the most important stuff on mobile
  • GrimPixel: I think there can be some points for login: 100 points if 5 days in a row, according to local time or UTC with explanation. Vincent: good idea. I had the idea to display on each member profile wheither the member is active or not, based on number of login, last logins, if the person open emails etc...
  • GrimPixel: After clicking on an avatar, the window should appear immediately while loading the content. Vincent: for me it appears imediately maybe your connection is slower...
  • GrimPixel: The flag following the avatar may be changed to the country, to avoid confusion. There are many more English speakers outside Britain, they should be better appearing with their own countries' flags, so to other languages.
  • GrimPixel: The default orders of threads are not the same: in Corrections and Articles, it is date of creation; in Videos, it is number of likes; in Questions, it is the last reply. I think their date of last reply, with date of creation and likes, should be shown together, and their default orders should be last reply. Vincent: Ok I'll check
  • GrimPixel: Having no mobile app is the biggest disadvantage. Is there any plan of developing? Vincent: Yes I am more and more thinking about it, it's a lot of work, but now it's becoming easier to develop apps for iOs Androids etc...
  • GrimPixel: The order of thread comments is weird. My latest comment appears between two other comments.

https://polyglotclub.com/language/mandarin-chinese/question/24460 Vincent: there seem to be a bug here... I'll check

  • GrimPixel: Users should be able to reply a reply in a thread. Vincent: I see what you mean...
  • GrimPixel: Fonts are too thin in some places, with Opera Browser. Vincent: OK
  • GrimPixel: Stars of the teaching and learning languages should be placed before the flag icon, because language names can be long and short, so it is not convenient to see it if it is after the language name. Vincent: good point
  • GrimPixel: In "latest news", there is an country icon, but I can receive only news about my province. Vincent: Ok, but I needed an icon, there is no icon for a province
  • GrimPixel: The pages of wiki, questions, etc, have only five pages on the bottom to click, giving a sense of only five pages. It's better to add an ellipsis and number of the last page there. Also there can be a textbox to input number. Vincent: good idea
  • GrimPixel: In "latest news", sometimes the information is not correct.
  • GrimPixel: Content of "latest questions" on the index page is not updated. Vincent: it's updated only if LANGUAGE question and NOT ANSWERED questions
  • GrimPixel: When I visit https://polyglotclub.com/ , the page is already loaded, but it still only displays the three dots, until I click "refresh the page". Vincent: I don't understand, screen copy please :)
  • GrimPixel: I think there are too many elements on https://polyglotclub.com/ page. Vincent: index page once logged in or once logged out ?
  • GrimPixel: The number of events is still 3,159. It should be updated. Vincent: good point
  • GrimPixel: There should be fresh content periodically to keep users being active. I think embedding "word of the day" can help. There can be a division on the home page them in small size, and a page to list them in large size. http://www.innovativelanguage.com/word-of-the-day/ Vincent: a "word of the day" feature is a good idea, so to always have interesting and new content when user log in
  • GrimPixel: The new index page with networks looks nice. I think it doesn't need to be folded by default. Vincent:it is static content, always the same, so this should be hidden, priority must be given to dynamic content (new content every day)
  • GrimPixel: Userscripts for the customization of the website. New functions can be created in the form of userscript, then users can select what they want. Users need specific browsers though. Vincent: I don't understand this
  • GrimPixel: Maybe we can seek help from open-source translation platforms like https://translatewiki.net/. Vincent: interesting, I'll check

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